25 homeless after Timehri blaze

– residents blame poor response by fire tenders

By Bhisham Mohamed


The gutted building

Seven families are now homeless after a fire of unknown origin completely gutted a range house containing seven apartments at Lot 334 Timehri Hill, East Bank Demerara.

The fire reportedly started at 20:15h in the middle apartment and quickly engulfed the entire building leaving no time for the occupants to salvage any of their personal belongings.

The area was out of electricity due to a power failure earlier in the day, and it is speculated that a candle may have been the cause of the fire. Guyana Times International was at the scene and based on information received, no one was seriously injured but two dogs that were in their kennels at the time perished in the blaze. A bus was also destroyed, along with more than 150 meat birds.

At the scene, which is about half a mile from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, people converged in their numbers to get a glimpse of the raging inferno.

Fire fighters were seen battling to put out the blaze but due to the lack of water sources in the area, the fire tenders were quickly out of water. This forced them to leave the scene in search of water but by the time they returned, the building which measures about 140 feet in length, was completely burnt to ashes.

Speaking with this publication, Techesia Bernard, who had been occupying one of the apartments for the past eight years with her children and parents, said she heard screams of fire and upon looking out, she saw the middle of the building on fire and immediately tried to salvage some things for her baby since she knew it would be impossible to salvage furniture and other household items.

“First thing, the fire engine tek more than 45 minutes to come to the scene when they are just three minutes away. When I see the fire, I call the fire station and hustle to pick up meh children and some baby pampers and some clothes and run out. When the fire tender arrived, they had enough time to save my apartment but they start to tackle the blaze instead,” the distraught woman noted. She said that her lifelong earnings have been destroyed in the fire, and is not certain of her next move.

Lydel Mc Lean, who has been living in the building for the past six years, disclosed that it was difficult to see everything that she has worked for to make her family happy go up in flames. She said that she was checking around her apartment to see if she left out anything before she retired to bed but during the routine check, she saw flames emanating from one of the apartments.

Another occupant of the building, Deonarine Indar said that his minibus and about 150 meat birds were damaged in the fire. At the scene, he was seen trying in vain to put out the fire. He said that his minibus came out of the spray painting shop less than a week ago, and it was not easy to see it go up in flames. He also estimated his loses to be in the millions. He explained that his wife had recently invested a sum of money in rearing the meat birds, but noted “it all gone”. He also said that he lost two refrigerators along with computers and other appliances. He pointed out that it will be hard to start over life afresh anytime soon.

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