24-hour pharmacy opens in Georgetown

Since the opening of the Smart Aid Pharmacy at 207 Barr Street, Kitty, Assistant Pharmacist Sandeep Ramsarran said the facility has been receiving a fair response from nearby residents. The pharmacy was opened on Wednesday and Ramsarran said the influx of customers is seen mostly in the afternoons after working hours.
“We’re only like four days old so people are now finding out about the business. We had flyers going around the area so we had a lot of people come in and check what we have, saying they would come back to support us,” Ramsarran said.

From left to right: Rebecca Baksh, Sandeep Ramsarran, proprietor Sandeep Singh, Agriculture Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy and  Atiq Samad (stooping) at the launching of Smart Aid Pharmacy
From left to right: Rebecca Baksh, Sandeep Ramsarran, proprietor Sandeep Singh, Agriculture Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy and Atiq Samad (stooping) at the launching of Smart Aid Pharmacy

He noted that when customers ask for items that are not in stock, they would seek to make provisions for them.
The new pharmacy was commissioned by former Health Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy, who used the opportunity to emphasise the importance of checking for expiry dates when purchasing goods, especially pharmaceutical drugs.
During the small opening ceremony, he also urged citizens to purchase medical drugs from licensed facilities.
“Only licensed facilities, licensed pharmaceutical facilities could sell prescription medicine and you could have over-the-counter that doesn’t need a pharmacy licence. But anything to do with prescription will have to have a licence,” he pointed out.
Dr Ramsammy, who is the current agriculture minister, urged Guyanese to support the Health Ministry in ensuring expired goods are not sold for consumption, urging them to inspect items properly before making purchase.
He noted that the establishment of the medical facility signals a step in the right direction with citizens recognising the importance to cater to the health needs and well-being of others. The opening of the pharmacy saw patrons benefiting from free blood pressure, HIV and glucose testing.
The Health Ministry’s Blood Bank was also on hand to conduct a blood drive, in which the first 50 donors received a free bottle of Ferrovite, compliments of the NEW GPC and Smart Aid. Meanwhile, the first 50 customers benefited from free bottles of Listerine and Protox Insect Spray, while there was free sampling of Geddes Grant Limited products.

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