21-year-old charged for death of mechanic

A young man was last Thursday granted bail by acting Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry for causing the death of a mechanic during an accident. Gavin Barckoy, a customs broker of Lot 342 Cummings Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown, made an appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts to answer to the charge of causing death by dangerous driving.

The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charge, which stated that on October 9 at North Road and Cummings Street, Georgetown, he drove motor vehicle PKK 216 in a manner dangerous to the public, thereby causing the death of motor cyclist Romalo Roach, 23, of Lot 52 Robb Street, Georgetown.

Prosecutor Stephen Telford stated that on the day in question, the defendant was driving his motor car along Cummings Street; as he approached North Road, he failed to stop at the intersection, and collided with Roach who was proceeding along North Road. As a result of the collision, the cyclist fell to the road and suffered head injuries.

The man was admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries on October 14 without regaining consciousness.

The accident was reported, and investigations led to the defendant’s arrest. He was later charged.

Barckoy was represented by Attorney Adrian Thompson who made an application for reasonable bail, stating that his client was placed on Gy$20,000 station bail.

He added that his client poses no flight risk as he was reporting to the police station. The attorney added that the accident may have been the deceased’s fault.

The magistrate granted the defendant bail in the sum of Gy$ 300,000 and transferred the matter to Court Three for the same day.

In Court Three, the defendant was told to return to court on January 18.

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