Voting in the next elections in Guyana

Last week, we wrote about voting patterns in Guyana and what we may expect on March 2, next year. By 1992, the left-right ideological divide had disappeared and it surprised some when in the elections of that year after the PNC had brought the country to its knees, it yet received 42.3% of the votes cast – even surpassing their 40.5% garnered in 1964 – the last free and fair elections. The WPA, which some thought had broken the back of “racial voting proclivities” because of the multiracial crowds they…

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Top Tullow officials resign after company suffers oil production setbacks

A series of production setbacks from Tullow’s oil blocks in West Africa and Guyana have resulted in two top executives of the British oil company resigning with immediate effect; even as the company’s shares tumbled by more than 60 per cent on the stock market. Chief Executive Officer, Paul McDade, and Exploration Director, Angus McCoss, both resigned after being stalwarts at the company for over a decade. The duo had presided over discoveries from West Africa to Guyana, but also encountered a slew of operational setbacks. “Whilst financial performance has…

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Jordan defends decision to deposit Guyana’s oil funds offshore

Emphasising that Guyana’s oil money will be safe and better able to earn interest in the hands of the United States Federal Reserve, both Finance Minister Winston Jordan and Central Bank Governor, Dr Gobind Ganga defended the move on Wednesday. The two officials met on Wednesday at the Finance Ministry to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that laid the groundwork for the operationalisation and management of the Natural Resource Fund (NRF). When asked about the decision to bank the oil revenue at the Federal Reserve, Ganga noted that Guyana…

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“Not a day goes by that we don’t talk about my son”

By Utamu Belle Although two years have passed since her son was killed after being struck down while riding his motorcycle along the Amelia’s Ward Public Road in Linden, Paulette Sydney and her family still remember it like it was just yesterday. They are more so reminded with the recent fatal road accidents occurring almost daily across the country. Wilbert Sydney, a former Linden ambulance driver attached to the Linden Hospital Complex (LHC), was only 28 years old when he was killed while riding his motorcycle back in June 2017.…

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Brazilian teen jailed for narco-trafficking

A Brazilian teen who admitted to trafficking cannabis was sentenced to three months in jail on Monday when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. Nathan De Almeiba appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan and admitted to the charge which stated that on November 30, at Karasabai Village, South Pakaraimas, Rupununi, Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo), he had in his possession 66.2 grams of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking. Police Prosecutor Gordon Mansfield told the court that on November 30, at about 08:05h, the 19-year-old was arrested by the…

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Cops destroy 5-acre ganja cultivation in Region 10

A five-acre ganja cultivation with close to 10,000 plants was destroyed by ranks of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) in close proximity to 18 Miles, Ituni, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice), in the wee hours of Saturday morning. Reports are that between 11:30h on Friday night and 12:00h on Saturday morning, policemen, who were acting on information, conducted a “drugs eradication exercise”. About four miles off of the road, the cannabis cultivation was discovered along with a ‘makeshift’ camp that had five (5) kgs of dry cannabis. According to the police,…

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Community Based Tourism – Enjoy the Indigenous way of life

Enjoy incredible grass-root experiences and fall in love with Guyana. The country’s true ethos can be felt in the many community-based tourism initiatives, where villages have pooled their resources and come together to invest in tourism as one of their main sources of income. Guyana is a leading pioneer in community driven, owned and led tourism in the Caribbean and South American Regions. Stay in villages eco-lodges, have meaningful interactions during hikes and river trips, and learn about the rhythm of life of the indigenous Peoples of Guyana. Your experiences…

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Granger has disregarded the Constitution yet Caricom remains silent

Dear Editor, It is a body or organisation that is supposed to represent the “Caribbean Community,” that is, every last member in its jurisdiction, however, to date, this organisation has remained the most partisan and racially biased in the Caribbean. I make those bold remarks after reviewing their actions as it regards the political situation in Guyana. Up until this time, Caricom has been reticent on matters of urgent attention and maybe intervention, but they remain deaf and undisturbed to the goings-on in Guyana. Their reaction in the present circumstances…

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‘Short Boss’ awaits sentencing after pleading guilty to rape, armed robbery

Twenty-four-year-old Travis Evans also known as “Short Boss” is expected to be sentenced on December 18, 2019, after he pleaded guilty to armed robbery and rape when he made his first High Court appearance on Monday. “Short Boss” pleaded guilty to the charges when they were read to him by Justice Simone Ramlall. The first indictment stated that on October 30, 2010, in the county of Demerara, whilst being armed with a dangerous weapon – a knife – he robbed Marlyn Kisson of G$650,500. The second charge read that during…

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National Security…

…at UN? Even diplomats have to defend themselves from the PNC’s brutish displays of power. And so the facts behind the night of the long knives in our Ministry of Foreign Affairs are inevitably oozing out – albeit anonymously, because even in self-defence, diplomats will be diplomats! As your Eyewitness mentioned cryptically yesterday, the shakeup arises from the ambitions of our Permanent Representative to the UN, who wants to become Chair of G-77 or Group of 77. So the questions arise: Who’s this Rep? What’s G-77? And what’s in the…

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