Long knives

…at Foreign Affairs A decade ago, who would have thought that Guyana would be getting top billing in the media of every developed country in the world? The massive oil finds by Exxon did the job, and while we rightfully scrutinise Raphael Trotman’s role in the giving away of the store on the “negotiations”, we have to admit we’re getting some really good publicity as the world now beats a path to our door. But just as we’re becoming known in the world for something other than Jonestown and its…

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Weak governments create instability, and are a big obstacle to progress

By Donald Ramotar Political parties are mushrooming in Guyana these days. We have far more political parties than any other country in the Caribbean, and one of the highest numbers of such parties in the Commonwealth. The last count showed that Guyana has some 20 political parties. Why is it that so many parties are emerging on our political scene? No doubt, some would interpret this as a testimony of our “democratic” society. Some outsiders, unfamiliar with our political history and today’s realities, would think that democracy is flourishing in…

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Canada says it’s now easier for Caribbean nationals to apply for resident status

OTTAWA, Canada (CMC) — Building on a government commitment made earlier this year, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) says it is now easier for foreign nationals, including Caribbean immigrants to apply for temporary and permanent resident status within Canada. On Tuesday, the immigration agency said foreign nationals applying from within Canada for temporary or permanent residence, or to extend or renew their visitor visa or work or study permit, will need to have their fingerprints and photo taken and can do so at any of the 58 designated Service…

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Man charged for assaulting ex-lover

A man who allegedly assaulted his ex-lower who went to his house to collect her bed, was on Monday charged and appeared before the Providence Magistrates’ Courts. Andrew Cumberbatch denied the charge, which stated that on November 26, 2019, at Herstelling, East Bank Demerara, he unlawfully assaulted Shaneza Europe, so as to cause her actual bodily harm. He appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman. Police Prosecutor, Shawn Gonsalves informed the court that the Virtual Complaint went to the 28-year-old man’s home to collect her bed but an argument ensued and the…

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HIV/AIDS in Guyana

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) targets the immune system and weakens the defence systems against infections and some types of cancer. As the virus destroys and impairs the function of immune system cells, infected individuals gradually become immunodeficient. Immune function is typically measured by CD4 cell count. HIV continues to be a major global public health issue, having claimed more than 32 million lives so far. By the end of 2018 there were 37.9 million people living with HIV. Due to gaps in HIV services, 770 000 people died from HIV-related…

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Berbice man gets 4 years jail, fined G$27.6M for trafficking over 100lbs ganja

Jairam Lallman of Fort Ordnance Housing Scheme, East Canje Berbice, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) was sentenced to four years imprisonment and slapped with a G$27.6M fine for trafficking of 102 pounds of cannabis when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan on Thursday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. Lallman, 35, admitted that on December 2, 2019, at Mandela Avenue, Georgetown, he had 46.59 kilograms of cannabis in his possession for the purpose of trafficking. In a plea of mitigation, Lallman apologised for his actions and begged the court for leniency.…

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The PPP Manifesto

The PPP launched what they described as their “mini-manifesto” last Friday. Some may be wondering why the Opposition party would “show its hand so early in the game”, since elections are three months away and the governing PNC-led coalition might be able to “counter” their proposals. But what the PPP has done is to demonstrate very clearly that they do not consider the future of Guyana as a “game” that should be subjected to political one-upmanship. They are a party that was in power for 23 years, during which the…

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Guyana’s sugar workers down tools over increase in wages

Led by their unions, thousands of sugar workers attached to the Albion, Blairmont and Uitvlugt Sugar Estates downed tools on Tuesday demanding an increase in their wages. While some remained at their various posts, some picketed the Ministry of Presidency reiterating their calls as they demand that President David Granger intervenes. Speaking at the protest line, President of the Guyana Agriculture and General Workers Union (GAWU), Komal Chand, stated that the Government ought not to ignore the plight of the workers who are employed by a State-owned enterprise— the Guyana…

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Berbice teen charged for killing ‘drinking buddy’ over raw gold

An 18-year-old was on Wednesday remanded to prison when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts to face a murder charge. Nelson Cambridge, a miner of Number 40 Village, West Coast Berbice, appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan. The charge stated that between November 29 and November 30, 2019 at George Creek, Region Eight (Potaro-Siparuni), he murdered Romel Roberts. Police Prosecutor Neville Jeffers stated that on November 29, 2019, the two men were “washing down” the production of the dredge when they found 4.5 pennyweight of raw gold, which they…

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From on high…

…into politics When a big storm is brewing, you can tell ahead of time by the cockroaches streaming out of the ground. With what some have dubbed “the mother of all elections” scheduled in three months, the intensity of the coming political storm can be judged by the number of political players coming out of the woodwork. They can’t be called “political parties”, since none of them has shown that they’ve got ANY following on the ground. All we see are “leaders” gathered in air-conditioned rooms in G/town pontificating on…

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