“I have grown to love teaching,”

By Lakhram Bhagirat Some people are just a natural at what they do and they have the ability to leave a long-lasting impression on everyone they come into contact with. It is not as though they are trying to leave that indelible mark, rather they are just being their authentic self and making a difference in the lives of those they encounter. When Angela Bennett-Persaud is in front of a classroom she is at her best. You can see the passion in her eyes as she imparts knowledge to the…

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“Guyana is grateful for your service” – Minister Hastings-Williams tells US Army New Horizons team

Minister of State, Dawn Hastings-Williams on Sunday extended gratitude on behalf of the Government and people of Guyana to the United States Air Force New Horizons team, which has built three community centres, one women’s shelter and provided health services to 13, 346 persons during their exercise in Guyana from May to August 2019. Speaking at a simple thanksgiving ceremony held by the Gonsalves family at their Republic Gardens, East Bank Demerara home, Minister Hastings-Williams said that the team has done well and has the gratitude of a nation. “The…

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In the air…

…elections? With all the “outreaches” the Cabinet that’s not a “Cabinet” (we’re assured!) has been making to all parts of our far-flung land, you’d have to be Forrest Gump not to know election’s in the air!! As far back as February, the PNC Government – let’s not beat around the bush about names, all right? – had announced its “Ministerial outreaches” where they’d “bring government to the people”. Yeah, right!! G$300 million was budgeted for these “outreaches”. It was on one of these that Finance Minister Jordan declared “war break!!”…

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How long is President Granger prepared to hold out on calling elections?

Dear Editor Now that the Chief Justice has given her ruling on August 14th, 2019, democratic and progressive-minded Guyanese have been vindicated on several counts once again by a judicial authority:- – Elections were due three months after the passage of the no confidence motion on December 21, 2018 in accordance with article 106 which was immediately engaged; the date was not extended by a 2/3 majority of members of the National Assembly; – Whilst the House to House registration by and of itself is not unlawful or unconstitutional, the…

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100 core homes, 2000 home subsidies for Sophia residents

The Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) under its Adequate Housing and Urban Accessibility Programme will facilitate a major upgrade in Sophia, Greater Georgetown by constructing core houses and roads among other infrastructure. On Friday last, officials of the CH&PA gave members of the media a tour of B Field Sophia where works were currently ongoing. Its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Leon Saul listed the works to be completed. “We would be spending approximately US$7.5 million here in (the) Sophia area and basically what we are doing, we would be…

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Caribbean Voice to take domestic violence campaign countrywide

The Caribbean Voice (TCV) is seeking to mitigate the growing rate of domestic violence with campaigns throughout each administrative region in Guyana while providing community counsellors for long-term assistance. This was shared on Wednesday by Managing Director Bibi Ahamad as she highlighted the many activities that are lined up to spread awareness on domestic violence and suicide prevention. On September 10 the organisation will host its annual candlelight vigil. “Over the years, the Caribbean Voice along with a number of NGOs and faith-based organisations have been doing awareness on suicide…

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Govt seems to be dodging from elections

Dear Editor, The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), by law, is supposed to be in readiness to hold elections at any time and the House-to-House activities run contrary to the mandate of the constitutional agency and the rulings of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), which recently addressed pertinent judicial hearings to which the organisation is bound. Keith Lowenfield, as the CEO of the GECOM Secretariat, does not have the functional responsibility to hire staff for GECOM. Neither is the Secretariat authorised to do House-to-House Registration on its own. It is…

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The tale…

…of the neglected spouses With elections coming before year end – according to what Granger evidently told his Minister Cummings – the Caretaker Coalition’s mini-parties hanging onto the PNC’s skirt have begun to scramble for a return engagement. A political coalition’s like a marriage with a prenup – but one where the agreement on the terms of the prenup has to be redone before each election! Things change!! At such times there can even be a divorce – so matters can get pretty messy – think PNC/UF!! They can get…

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Relatives call for probe after baby dies 2 days post-delivery

The life of a mother is never the same after she loses a child. There is a certain level of darkness that envelops her existence as she mourns the death of that precious tiny being that she carried and nurtured inside of her for nine months. She loses a piece of her heart and quite often loses part of her existence. Feeling that sense of loss is Devi Balram, a young mother who recently lost her child after delivery at a popular private city hospital. This loss has led the…

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11 GDF ranks get 5-year scholarships to study in China

President David Granger, on Wednesday, at the Ministry of the Presidency, met eleven scholarship awardees of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) who will soon travel to the People’s Republic of China to take up their five-year scholarships. The scholarship awardees are Kevon Blount, Romain Wilson, Shaka Williams, Floyd Phillips, Jamaal Leitch, Sevon Ferreira, Shane Blair, Neon Fiedtkou, Shivanand Persaud, Seabra Manbode and Jehu West. The 11 Second Lieutenants will be pursuing studies in the fields of Industrial, Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Industrial, Electronic Information Engineering,…

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