Granger says Coalition Govt hoping to complete full term in office

…despite no-confidence motion With the possibility of general elections drawing nearer, President David Granger has signalled that his Administration is still hoping to complete their full term in office. In 2015, the coalition Administration took office, indicating that elections would be hosted in 2020. However, in December 21, 2019, a No-confidence Motion was tabled and passed in the National Assembly, tumbling the Government. Since then, the Government moved to the courts to challenge the validity of the motion, saying a 34 majority is needed for it to be successfully passed.…

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113 Jamaica farm workers leave for Canada

KINGSTON, Jamaica — A new batch of 113 farm workers will take up employment opportunities in Canada under the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Programme (SAWP). Of the total, 102 workers are returnees and will be deployed mainly to farms in the Ontario region of Canada. They will depart the island tomorrow (May 22). The workers will be employed in greenhouse crop production, food processing, tobacco planting, vegetable farming and fruit tree cultivation. The SAWP, which is part of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security’s Overseas Employment Programme, involves contractual agricultural…

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Toddler found dead in tub

…as 15-year-old mother sleeps The baby’s 18-year-old father lives a few villages away and broke down in tears when he received the news that his child had died. Police are investigating the matter. A nine-month-old baby was found death in a wash tub at Looknaut Street, D’Edward Village, West Coast Berbice, after he was left unattended as his teen mother slept. Dead is Trevor Albert of Lot 14 Looknaut Street, D’Edward Village. Reports are the toddler reportedly crept to the bathroom which is situated outside the house and fell into…

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Granger’s quartet at GECOM have become an international laughing stock

Dear Editor, The negative misguided statements that consistently emerge from key players in the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) have created a fed up environment amongst citizens. It is time President Granger’s quartet recognise that they have become a local and international laughing stock and they must desist from trying to fool this nation. They have been interchangeably using the terms Official List of Voters (OLV) and Official List of Electors (OLE) in statements of convenience in advancing the interest of the APNU/AFC cabal. The proven purpose is an effort to…

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AG Williams yet to respond to claims of misconduct – President

Attorney General Basil Williams has been silent since allegations of misconduct surfaced some weeks ago and President David Granger on Wednesday told the media that he has instructed the Attorney General to respond to the issue. However, this has not been done. “I’ve asked the Attorney General to respond to me. He hasn’t done so in writing but I have seen a copy of it,” he said. The allegations were compiled in a letter and were addressed to members of the Government. The letter revealed that 19 lawyers resigned from…

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British Envoy says awaiting completion of investigation at SOCU

…before decision is made on further collaboration The British Government is currently awaiting the outcome of the recent probe conducted into allegations of fraud at the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) before determining the way forward in terms of collaborating with the agency. This is according to British High Commissioner to Guyana, Greg Quinn, who told reporters on the sidelines of an event on Tuesday that while they are reviewing relations with SOCU internally, his Government is still willing to continue its relations with the Unit. “We’ve been assisting SOCU…

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Failed promise on addressing crime

When the PNC-led coalition assumed power in 2015, much of the credit was due to the incumbency factor that worked against the PPP Government after 23 years in office. But there were also the strident claims of the coalition parties during the campaign: that their slate, which was dominated by high level ex-personnel from the Police and Army, would be able to do a better job at curbing crime. Under “Programme of Action”, their manifesto promised: “Within the first 100 days of the formation of a Government of National Unity,…

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Female prisoners charged for assaulting each other

Georgetown Magistrate Faith McGusty on Tuesday, remanded two female prisoners for assaulting and wounding each other during an altercation at the East La Penitence Police Station Holding Centre. Savita Persaud, who is on remand for two counts of trafficking-in-person and Revelana Smith, who is also on remand on a charge of attempted murder, both denied assaulting each other. The charged against Persaud stated on April 23 at East La Penitence Police Station Holding Centre she unlawfully assaulted Smith, while Smith is accused of unlawfully wounding Persaud on the same day…

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Independence and politics

During their rule over the empire on which “the sun never sets”, the British insisted that, unlike the “settler colonies” such as Australia and Canada, the ones populated by non-European “natives” had to undergo a period of “tutelage” before they would be ready for independence. This policy was greatly resented by the new leaders of the latter colonies, including then British Guiana, who insisted they were in no way inferior to the British in matters political. In fact, they revelled in one account that described them as politically “precocious”. However,…

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