The APNU/AFC Govt has failed in every aspect of governance

Dear Editor, Four years after entering office with a slim but controversial victory at the May 11, 2015 polls, the APNU/AFC coalition Government has reversed the direction of Guyana into a failed state. The coalition Government’s failure to address numerous scandals is the reality, which is that this coalition Government is considered to be the most corrupt Government ever in the history of Guyana. The APNU/AFC coalition Government has failed in every aspect of governance in order to realise the good life for all Guyanese. In just four years of…

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TIP, illegal immigrants among major concerns in Region 10

Concerns have recently been raised by officials over the issues of human trafficking and illegal immigrants entering Guyana via the Kurupukari settlement on the Upper Essequibo River in Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) from neighbouring Brazil. The issues were brought to the fore during a consultation between officials of design consultancy company Beston/SRKN’gineering and the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) which was hosted in Linden. These among other security issues were highlighted by the region’s officials during the engagement with the company which has been contracted by the Public Infrastructure Ministry to…

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GECOM unmoved by criticisms from CCJ

…Commissioner Trotman maintains elections cannot be held before Nov. 2019 Lack of finances and advice given by the Finance Ministry’s Finance Secretary that it could not transfer existing finances, are being cited by a Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Commissioner against criticisms of the entity’s delaying tactics when it comes to election preparation. Commissioner Desmond Trotman, who was interviewed by the media after a statutory meeting on Tuesday, was asked about criticism from the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) regarding the perceived sloth of GECOM, despite the passage of a No-confidence…

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Ramjattan says criminal charges likely in SOCU fraud probe

The recent revelations of fraud at the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU), the orgainsation that is supposed to be investigating fraud, has prompted the legal advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) being sought by the police, with Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan revealing that criminal charges may be filed against officers. The minister made the revelations while speaking on the sidelines of the National Assembly on Wednesday. According to Ramjattan, the audit into SOCU made some damning allegations and legal advice will be needed on how to proceed.…

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‘I need justice’

…Mother expresses frustration in slothfulness of Cops in solving son’s murder almost 1 year ago By Kizzy Coleman The mother of 15-year-old Ricardo Singh, who was found lying in a gutter with a stab wound to his body at Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara (EBD), on July 9, 2018, has renewed her call for justice to be served almost one year after the incident. Singh, called “Cardo” of Diamond, EBD, a former student of the Diamond Secondary School was reportedly arrested by members of a Community Policing Group (CPG) after he…

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The hearings at the CCJ

The arguments made by the Government’s lawyers and others to the CCJ, seeking to deny that the no-confidence motion was validly passed by our National Assembly on December 21, 2018, forced one participant to observe that the Government is suffering from the misapprehension that it is ruling Guyana as a monarchy, rather than as a Republic. And it is this misapprehension that has brought us to the pass where even the august Justices had to wonder wistfully why the case had to be brought in front of them, and not…

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High staff turnover rate at Legal Affairs Ministry since 2015

With the resignations of 19 lawyers from the Legal Affairs Ministry/Attorney General’s Chambers since this Government took over in 2015, calls are being made for an investigation into the Ministry’s high turnover rate. According to staff who reached out to Guyana Times International, lawyers in the AG’s Chambers have to contend with a difficult and even toxic and abusive working environment. Pointing to the large proportion of cases being lost by the Chambers in the courts, the employees recommended an investigation into claims of mismanagement and bad legal advice being…

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Mothers Day – a Historic Perspective

Mother’s Day is a holiday honoring motherhood that is observed in different forms throughout the world, and Mother’s Day 2019 occurs on Sunday, May 12. The American incarnation of Mother’s Day was created by Anna Jarvis in 1908 and became an official U.S. holiday in 1914. Jarvis would later denounce the holiday’s commercialisation and spent the latter part of her life trying to remove it from the calendar. While dates and celebrations vary, Mother’s Day traditionally involves presenting moms with flowers, cards and other gifts. History of mother’s day Celebrations…

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Verna Hercules is a SUPER MOM

By Lakhram Bhagirat When life thought it had knocked Verna Hercules down, it was in for a surprise when like a phoenix she rose from the proverbial ashes and began soaring – not because she wanted to, but because she had no other choice since she is both mother and father to her four children. Verna was born and raised in the riverine community of Ibini, Berbice River, but after she got married and had her four children, she moved upriver to the village of Kwakwani so that her children…

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Everyone must be entitled to equal treatment, justice

– US Ambassador tells LGBT community United States Ambassador to Guyana, Sarah-Ann Lynch on Wednesday reminded that persons from the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) community are subjected to equal treatment, while mentioning that justice and protection must be for all. She shared these words during the celebration of International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOTB) at the Pegasus Hotel, in the company of Government and Opposition members and other officials from the diplomatic corp. IDAHOTB is celebrated on May 17 and is seen as the day to raise…

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