Zaila Sugrim endured years of abuse

…husband to face murder charge following discovery of body in shallow grave The husband of 37-year-old Zaila Sugrim, whose body was discovered on Tuesday in a shallow grave at Crane, West Coast Demerara (WCD), has confessed that he shot his wife to the head and then set her body on fire before burying it. In his confession to Police on Tuesday, the businessman detailed how he killed his estranged wife. Sugrim’s body was found on a property near her husband’s home after she was reported missing on Saturday last. He…

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Growing up without a mother

“WHENEVER I THINK OF HER, I CRY” By Lakhram Bhagirat A mother is quite often compared to the likeliness of God because she, and only she, has the ability to carry her child in her for nine months. She goes through immense pain to bring that child into this world and spends her entire life nurturing that child, preparing that child for the challenges ahead. For many of us, we cannot begin to fathom the thought of growing up without a mother, much less having to live the reality of…

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Excitement building as world’s top T20 players enter CPL 2019 draft

The final list of players who have made themselves available for the 2019 Hero Caribbean Premier League has been sent to teams ahead of the draft which will take place in London on 22 May 2019. The number of players that have put their names forward for the draft has increased yet again in 2019, as has the number of countries from which the overseas players are from. A record 536 players from 20 overseas countries and the West Indies are available to be picked by the six Hero CPL…

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Elderly man jailed for sexually assaulting differently-abled child

A 61-year-old man was sentenced to four years in prison for engaging in sexual activity with a differently abled child. Octavius Williams stood before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan, who handed down the sentence at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on Wednesday. The prosecution’s case stated that the man engaged in sexual activity with the 13-year-old girl on January 31, 2019, at the child’s East Ruimveldt, Georgetown residence. According to the prosecution’s case, the elderly man was seen entering the child’s bedroom by a neighbour. After hearing a strange sound, the neighbour…

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The coalition has committed numerous atrocities against the Guyanese public to warrant this ‘divorce’

Dear Editor, Our Constitution, like that of any other country, is the supreme law and it not only provides the main governing laws in broad terms, which all other laws must be in consistency with, but it also provides vital checks and balances for those who are in authority to govern our country. In addition, the Constitution safeguards our principle and important rights and entitlements as citizens from each other and from our Government. Therefore, it is this Constitution which gives us the power through our elected representatives in the…

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Economist questions whether ordinary Guyanese will benefit from oil and gas industry

An economist, trained in macro-financial planning believes that Guyana’s oil and gas industry is shaping up to be one that will see only the elite, rather than the working class and the poor, benefitting from the oil wealth. This view was expressed by economist Sase Singh, who on Monday noted that Government has so far failed to produce plans that meaningfully cater to include the majority of Guyanese and their interests into the benefits of the sector. “The current modus operandi in the incoming Guyanese oil industry will affect how…

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EBD man to stand trial for murder of co-worker

Rajesh Roopnarine called “Popo”, a logger of Timehri, East Bank Demerara, on Monday made his appearance at the Demerara High Court facing a murder charge. A 12-member jury was empanelled before Justice Navindra Singh, as Roopnarine’s fate will be determined at the end of the trial. Roopnarine’s trial is set to commence on May 16, 2019, after his attorney requested an extended time to prepare for the trial. However, at Monday’s court session, the accused denied the indictment which detailed that on December 6, 2014, at 14 Miles Mabura, Upper…

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Back to square one…

  …on meaning of “majority” The PNC/AFC Government insisted on playing hop-scotch over our Constitution; so, not surprisingly, we’re back to square one!! To wit, why wasn’t the NCM passed, when the Speaker and the National Assembly affirmed on Dec 21 that it was; and it was then accepted by the President? All was going hunky dory, excepting Amna Ally, the Government’s Chief Whip, who was ruing the day she taunted the PPP by saying, “Bring it on, baby!!” The PPP did bring it on, and before the night was…

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…in the house? It seems that in addition to Charrandas Persaud being a “Judas”, a “bribetaker”, a gold smuggler etc, he’s also a “usurper”. The former appellations were bestowed by the PNC/AFC combine right after the NCM vote, while the latter was uttered in the final appeal as to the validity of that vote in front of the CCJ by the Govt’s lawyer, one Courtenay, a former AG of Belize. If the latter gentleman is representative of Belize’s legal talent, then it’s clear we don’t have to hang our heads…

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