APNU/AFC Govt’s honouring convicted terrorist a global stain to Guyana – Jagdeo

…US, Britain, Canada, EU condemns act Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, says that the passage of the motion to honour convicted international terrorist, Abdul Kadir, in the National Assembly is a stain on Guyana globally. At his weekly press conference on Thursday, Jagdeo stated that the APNU/AFC Coalition government should never have allowed such an “ill conceivable, insensitive” resolution to reach the floor of the Parliament much less be passed in the National Assembly. “We owe the world an apology and that is the only way we will remove this stain…

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Caricom urges US to maintain duty-free market access

Caricom Secretary General Irwin LaRocque has expressed the bloc’s interest in the renewal of legislation for the extension of the Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) waiver beyond December 2019 to allow continued duty-free access to the US market. The Secretary General made the case as he accredited the new US envoy to Caricom, Sarah-Ann Lynch, at the Secretariat’s Headquarters in Georgetown, Guyana on Tuesday. He said the Region also welcomed greater flows of US investments in agriculture, tourism, and transportation. Ambassador LaRocque underscored…

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Dr Karen Cummings named Foreign Affairs Minister

Former Junior Public Health Minister, Dr Karen Cummings has taken up the position of Guyana’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. Dr Cummings will be replacing Carl Greenidge, who had to resign from that position owing to his foreign citizenship, which bars him from being a Member of the National Assembly. She took her oath of office Thursday morning before President David Granger at the Ministry of the Presidency. Foreign Affairs Minister and Second Vice President, Greenidge; Minister of State, Joseph Harmon; Public Service Minister, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, and Business Minister Dominic…

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The father of Trade Unionism in Guyana

Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow is referred to as the father of Trade Unionism in Guyana. His monument stands tall in the compound of the Public Buildings and was unveiled by the then Premier of British Guiana Dr. Cheddi Jagan on 2 December 1964. As a 21 year old dock worker Critchlow founded the British Guiana Labour Union which fought successfully for the rights of dock workers in Georgetown. (Shaconeil Burnette photo)

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  …or campaigning Another week, another “outreach”! That’s the motto of the PNC-led coalition Government since the successful NCM in the National Assembly back on Dec 21, 2018. Ministers who’d never left their air-conditioned offices in Georgetown over the previous three and a half years are suddenly heading out to the “sticks”, to listen to the “needs of the people” straight from the yahoos’ mouth. And not only to listen, but to dole out on-the-spot “solutions” to those needs! What couldn’t be done in the aforementioned three and a half…

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PNC’s calumny…

  …and terrorism Your Eyewitness is still floored by the PNC’s arrogance to officially “big up” their ex-MP Abdul Kadir, who’d been convicted as a TERRORIST by a US Federal Jury for plotting an act that would’ve made the World Trade Center terrorism look like tiddlywinks. NY’s JFK International Airport is one of the busiest in the world, with an internationalised clientele as no other. If Kadir and his co-conspirers had succeeded in exploding the fuel tanks and fuel pipeline under the airport as they had planned, the explosion would’ve…

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26 to receive BIT certification in Early Childhood Development

Twenty-six women on Monday began their training at First Lady, Sandra Granger’s Early Childhood Development Workshop. The participants, upon completion of the three-component workshop, which includes CPR training, will receive certification from the Board of Industrial Training (BIT). Granger said that while the workshop provides official certification, it can also help improve parent-child or caregiver-child relationships. “It’s very important to us as women to be able to stand on our feet economically because it has a bearing on our social and other interactions… That is why I have been… very…

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Guyanese cynical about oil and gas wealth – Dr Hinds

With first oil expected next year, the excitement over the industry appears not to have caught on with the larger populace. According to political analyst, Dr David Hinds, this may have something to do with the perception of scandals plaguing the Government. Dr Hinds made these comments on the Globespan 24/7 live show in New York on Saturday, titled integrity in politics. Hinds noted that citizens have a duty to be watchdogs over Government’s management of national resources, regardless of partisan affiliations. Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo had previously revealed the…

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Harmon appointed Director General of Ministry of the Presidency

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo on Tuesday announced that former Minister of State, Joseph Harmon has been appointed Director General of the Ministry of the Presidency. The announcement was made during the Prime Minister’s address at the National Communications Network (NCN) Linden Complex at the Government outreach to the mining town. Minister Harmon, a dual citizen, resigned as a minister and Member of Parliament (MP) effective April 25. He was replaced as an MP by Mervyn Williams. Vice President and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge; former Minister of Business,…

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Court hears woman tried to smuggle cocaine to help son

Sandra Angela Profit, 55, was on Friday sentenced to four years in prison and fined $9.1M for attempting to smuggle over 7lbs of cocaine at the Eugene F. Correia International Airport at Ogle, East Coast Demerara (ECD). Profit, of John Fernandes Drive, West Ruimveldt, Georgetown, appeared before Magistrate Rushell Liverpool at the Sparendaam Magistrates’ Court where she pleaded guilty to the charge. The woman was busted by ranks of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) with the parcels of cocaine strapped to her thighs on Monday last. She broke down in…

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