Poor governance by the APNU/AFC Coalition over the past 3 years

Dear Editor, In reading Bishop Edghill’s letter pertaining to the Cheddi Jagan International Airport Expansion project I was struck by the sentence “This interconnected group of projects was totally misunderstood and incompetently handled by the APNU/AFC Administration when they came to office in May 2015.” It sums up the 3.6 years of poor governance by the APNU+AFC Administration. While Edghill asks the question of completion dates, I beg to ask of APNU+AFC’s conception dates, that is to say, what new ideas or projects have come forth from the Granger Cabinet…

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By Lakhram Bhagirat They say that art is more than what we see on the surface. It is about who we are, what happened to us, and how it has influenced our lives and for Nigel Butler, that is exactly the course his heart takes. He does not confine himself to just one style of painting, rather he is very versed in everything he does. Nigel is a man of very few words, but his creations are what speak for him. The 24-year-old hails from Surama Village in the Northern…

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A wakeup call to take sexual abuse against children seriously

Across the world, staggering numbers of children – some as young as a few months old – are experiencing violence in varied forms, often by those entrusted to take care of them. While girls are predominantly the victims of sexual abuse, there are several cases of boys being sexually and physically abused as well. The figures in relation to this level of abuse are shocking, and it is quite clear that Governments and international partners need to keep the issue on the front burner, where it is always treated as…

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Rewarding the PNC for jettisoning the rule of law: again

By Ravi Dev Once again, the People’s National Congress (PNC) is refusing to heed the strictures of the Constitution to insist on remaining in power, by any means necessary. In 1964, they insisted on voting be changed from “First Past The Post” to Proportional Representation. They then flagrantly rigged elections in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985 – with the referendum of 1978 thrown in for good measure. In 1992, it took a call from the White House for Desmond Hoyte to demit office after that landmark free and fair election.…

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Last limb

Satiricus was confused. Which, he admitted, wasn’t an unusual state of mind for him. All this jumping around from limb to limb by his old KFC party to stay alive – after they’d been voted out – was making his head spin. He knew what he had to do: get as fast as he could to the Back Street Bar, for his first drink after the New Year excesses. “Ai Sato! Me t’ink like yuh get laas’ or somet’ing!” exclaimed Bungi, as he spied Satiricus approaching the table. “E’ wife…

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Woman accused of killing abusive husband to face High Court trial

Twenty-three-year-old Lisa Hayley, who is accused of killing her allegedly abusive husband in 2017, was on Wednesday committed to stand trial at the High Court by Senior Magistrate Leron Daly. This ruling came after a prima facie case was made out against Hayley. This means that she will have to face a judge and jury to know her fate when the matter is called in the High Court. The mother of two made her first court appearance on August 3, 2017 when she faced a charge stating that she unlawfully…

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“As an artist I add colour to life,” says Halcyon Doris

By Lakhram Bhagirat “I am an artist who adds colour to a story. One who is very influential and of great inspiration to persons who view my art. I paint with a purpose because of the love of art and also the happiness it brings. I’m more of an abstract artist; surrealism and expressionism is what I do best,” Halcyon Doris says. Doris’s personality is larger than life and it transcends to the work she does. Persons around her describe her as bubbly, passionate, fierce and all so important, confident.…

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Trafficking of Venezuelans for prostitution lands woman in jail

Senior Magistrate Leron Daly on Wednesday remanded a 34-year-old Guyanese woman when she appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts to answer to the charge of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. It is alleged that she trafficked four Venezuelans. Fiona Hopkinson denied the charge which stated that between September 1, 2018, and October 31, 2018, at Club Diamond, Georgetown she harboured and transported four Venezuelan women for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Another charge against Hopkinson detailed that she unlawfully withheld an identification card belonging to one of…

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By Lakhram Bhagirat Esther Nankoo is complex, and so is the artwork she puts out there. She is a limitless talent and has not confined herself to just one medium. She is a leader in every sense of the word, because not only is she complex but she is fierce. She is an artist extraordinaire, photographer, and poet. No one can quite describe Esther’s work, it and her journey are like Esther. So here is what Esther has to say about those things. “During the three years I’ve been an…

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2018 Year in Review: Books (part two)

by Petamber Persaud We, lovers of literature, can say goodbye to 2018 with satisfaction, knowing that some of the books published during that year will follow us into 2019 while others will stay, will not leave us, during 2019 and decades beyond, such is this remarkable gift to man. From its inception, the book was treated with respect, even with awe, for man valued the book very highly with regards to its potential as a tool of education and instruction, as a repository for storage and retrieval of information, as…

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