The day of reckoning for the APNU/AFC cabal is coming soon

Dear Editor, The Guyana Election Commission (GECOM) recently indicated its readiness to address competently, the institutional oversight of General and Regional Elections. In the last week of December 2018, sev-eral of our widely circulated newspapers reported the following statement of GECOM’s Public Rela-tions Officer, Ms Yolanda Ward, who in relation to the passing of the No-Confidence motion, affirmed that GECOM would uphold its constitutional mandate. She said: “For us at GECOM, it’s our constitu-tional mandate to conduct General and Regional Elections as well as Local Government Elections. If that is…

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Govt to account for D’Urban Park by month end

As is customary with any audit, the Audit Office of Guyana has dispatched an interim report from its audit into the controversial D’Urban Park Project to the Public Infrastructure Ministry, with a response to the report’s various findings expected by month end. This is according to Auditor General Deodat Sharma during a recent interview with Guyana Times International. In fact, Sharma noted that the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Kenneth Jordan requested more time beyond December 2018. “I did send off my initial report to the PS (Permanent Secretary) of the Ministry…

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Probe launched into mysterious death of Essequibo Coast man while in Police lock-ups

An investigation has been launched into the mysterious death of an Essequibo Coast resident, who was in the lockups at the Anna Regina Police Station on Sunday evening. Dead is 46-year-old Om Singh, of Lot 35 Danielstown, Essequibo Coast, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam). Reports are the now dead carpenter was arrested on Sunday evening about 21:45h by ranks of the Anti-Crime Patrol Unit after they responded to a report of domestic abuse. It is alleged that Singh and his wife were engaged in a heated argument and the neighbours contacted the…

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‘An old PNC trick’

…analyst says attempt to redo voters’ list is another delay tactic and must not be tolerated Political commentator Ramon Gaskin said he has taken note of the coalition Government’s posture as it relates to the holding of elections, and based on his analysis of the situation, it will try to do everything within its power to delay one being held in March this year. Gaskin told Guyana Times International, in an interview on Wednesday, that there was no question whether there should be an election, but the issue has to…

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PPP/C presidential candidate begins national outreach

Days after being elected as the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) presidential candidate, Irfaan Ali travelled to Berbice, on Tuesday, where he was given a resounding welcome as he commenced a national outreach programme with the intention of meeting with the electorate. The presidential hopeful, who was accompanied by several party stalwarts, visited a number of villages on the West Coast of Berbice where he had the opportunity of meeting with youths and business owners among other stakeholders. During his interactions, Ali listened to the painful stories of many persons, including…

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PPP Linden supporters rally behind Ali as presidential candidate

People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) supporters in Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Upper Berbice) have thrown their support behind presidential candidate Irfaan Ali as the Party continues its campaign in preparation for the upcoming General and Regional Elections. On Wednesday, Ali continued his countrywide outreach – just mere days after being elected the Party’s presidential candidate. This time, he met and interacted with PPP/C supporters in the mining town, during which they discussed issues facing them such as unemployment while he outlined his plans to take Guyana forward, including his plans for…

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Taxi driver charged with sexually assaulting teenager

A taxi driver was on Tuesday hauled before the courts for sexually assaulting a schoolgirl. Nowrang Samaroo, called “Fenton” of Canefield, East Canje, Berbice appeared before Magistrate Peter Hugh charged with sexual assault. It is alleged that on January 8, 2019, at Vryheid Road, New Amsterdam, Samaroo sexually assaulted the teenager while she was a passenger in his motor car. Samaroo, who was unrepresented, pleaded not guilty to the charge. Police Prosecutor Inspector Bernard Brown had no objections to the accused being granted bail. He was placed on G$75,000 bail…

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AFC unsure of Nagamootoo’s return as PM candidate

As political parties kick into campaign mode, the Alliance For Change (AFC) is unsure whether Executive Member Moses Nagamootoo will return as its prime ministerial candidate for the upcoming General and Regional Elections, constitutionally due in March. This is according to AFC’s Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan, at a press conference on Wednesday, when he told reporters that the party would be discussing this, among other issues, at its National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting this weekend. “We’re not there at this stage in relation to that. All of that will have to…

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Actions of GECOM Chair unreasonable and unfair

Dear Editor, The GECOM Chairman, Mr James Patterson initially made headlines when President Granger triggered widespread criticism by trampling standard democratic practices to appoint him to such a sensitive and demanding position. The public not only complained about the immorality surrounding such an appointment, but they also griped over the fact that Mr Patterson is way too advanced in age to effectively serve. Mr Patterson is almost 90 years old and realistically, it would be difficult for him to be up to speed to serve in such a capacity. The…

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From imbalanced hormones, to PCOS, to cervical caner

…Karen tells her story Karen Mohammed-Dias is a survivor. Although she questions the word and its meaning in her situation, she is nevertheless a survivor. She was diagnosed with Stage 1B1 Cervical Cancer in 2018 and because of its early detection, she was able to have surgery and successfully remove her cancerous cervix. To this day, five months after her surgery, she is still grappling with the fact that she may never see a child of her own and if she had asked more questions, then maybe it could have…

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