Ramjattan holds firm on decision to shut down beachfront parties

Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan said he stands by the recent move to bar the hosting of social events at the Marriott beachfront, Kingston. He explained to reporters on Wednesday that this decision was taken because of the negative effect activities hosted on the beachfront have on nearby businesses. “You cannot… do activities that will hurt other people and that is what happens there… They injured them with the noise level so high and they don’t even want, although I told them, get some decibel meters because the range is…

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Serious efforts being made to crush drug network in Guyana

– Ambassador Halloway While positing that a lot more work needs to be done, former United States Ambassador to Guyana, Perry Holloway, has lauded efforts by drug enforcement agencies, both local and foreign, towards trying to put a dent in the illegal narcotics trade in Guyana. Being positioned on the South American continent with strong ties to the Caribbean region, Guyana has long been identified as a transshipment point for major drug trafficking activities. It was against this backdrop that the US established an office of its Drug Enforcement Agency…

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Tempers flare as Irfaan Ali takes David Patterson to task over ‘lies’ about infrastructural projects

Day three of the 2019 Budget Debate ended in an uproar as the parliamentary Opposition took Government to task over what was described as “lies” spoken about infrastructural projects under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) regime. During his contributions to the debates, Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson outlined a list of projects, which he claimed the previous Administration went ahead to undertake without conducting any feasibility study. Among those the Minister mentioned was the East Bank (Diamond) to East Coast (Ogle) Road Link Project. “The former President, [Donald] Ramotar, went…

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Former presidential advisor says oil wealth will transform Guyana

…but underlines need for shift in mindset of citizens Oil may increase Guyana’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which will result in economic growth and the potential for improved services and infrastructure, but it will not change the culture of mistrust and ethnic tension that plagues our politics and our people. This is according to former Social Policy Advisor to the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration, Dr Kwame Gilbert. He said, “We are thankful to God for the oil and the possible blessings it brings. But there are some things oil…

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NY Governor announces US$15M to support Pre-K programmes Statewide

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has announced US$15 million has been awarded to 32 high-need school districts to increase access to high-quality pre-kindergarten for over 2,000 three- and four-year-old children across New York. According to a release from the Governor’s Office, this funding will support the expansion of pre-kindergarten to high-need or underserved districts as part of the state’s ongoing efforts to promote early education and improve the academic future for all students. “New York is committed to ensuring every child gets a fair shot at a high-quality education,” Governor Cuomo…

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Under pressure; Lawrence apologises for offensive remarks

Public Health Minister and People’s National Congress Chairwoman, Volda Lawrence, has apologised for the recent offensive statements she made about hiring only People’s National Congress (PNC) supporters. The minister’s apology came after days of widespread criticism and condemnation by Guyanese over the comments. Lawrence was quoted by local news website Demerara Waves as saying, among other things, that her party would place more focus on providing jobs for supporters of the Peoples National Congress (PNC). After the comments, much controversy erupted, with members of the public citing discrimination with hiring…

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Harmon assures businesses of Govt’s continued support

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon on Saturday evening assured the Private Sector that the Government would continue its efforts to create an enabling environment for businesses to grow and thrive. Speaking at Gaico Construction and General Services Incorporated’s Annual Christmas Dinner and Staff Award ceremony, held at the Pegasus Hotel, Minister Harmon said when businesses grow and thrive, the Guyanese citizenry benefits. “I have leaned on Gaico heavily to provide employment and they have risen to the challenge. Mr Komal Singh has big plans for his company and as a…

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With such a cabal of corrupt officials can the new Mayor make a difference?

Dear Editor, I was looking at the new Mayor of Georgetown for the year 2019, Mr Ubraj Narine, and immediately my reaction to the news was a long, deep sigh. The reason for my lamentation is the fact that the new mayor was flanked by two known characters; current Mayor, Patricia Chase Greene and Mr Oscar Clarke. Green and Clarke are already ex-officio members of the new finance committee of the Council whose stewardships so far have been utterly tainted by corruption. With such a cabal of corrupt officials on…

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298 persons granted citizenship status in Guyana

979 foreigners allowed to stay on extensions, work permits – Felix It was another afternoon of heckling as the 2019 Budget debates continued on Tuesday when Opposition Members of Parliament called on Citizenship Minister Winston Felix to provide numbers on the amount of foreign nationals allowed to remain legally in Guyana. In his presentation to the National Assembly, Felix told members that 298 foreign nationals were registered by the Citizenship Department and granted citizenship, which suggested that more non-nationals are securing the path to attain equal rights as Guyanese. The…

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Woman critical after being beaten with hammer by partner

Food vendor Kilowatie Persaud is now in critical condition after she was hammered to the head by her reputed husband during an argument at their Lot 53 Houston, Greater Georgetown home on Saturday evening. The 54-year-old suspect remains on the run. According to information received, the 44-year-old Persaud and the suspect have been living together for the past 25 years, during which they would habitually engage in heated arguments, which would lead to the suspect physically assaulting Persaud. These assaults reportedly happened mostly while the suspect is in a drunken…

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