Dodging the race question

In his column “Cheddi Jagan on the WI Federation: CLR James on Cheddi Jagan” (SN4-25-18), former long-term PPP executive Ralph Ramkarran wrote: “Divided societies like Guyana suffer from a phenomenon whereby historic events which, when they occurred, gave rise to allegations of ethnic bias, never seem to go away. The West Indies Federation, which lasted from 1958 to 1962, is one such. It is an historic event which is hardly relevant to contemporary Guyana today. Yet the debate on Jagan’a attitude to the Federation rages, as if the event occurred…

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Opposition to boycott parliamentary visit to CJIA expansion project

…says will not be part of charade The Opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has refused to participate in a parliamentary tour of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion project, saying that it will not be part of any charade put up by the coalition Government to show any semblance of transparency. This comes on the heels of an invitation, under the signature of the Clerk of the National Assembly, being directed by the Speaker at the behest of the Public Infrastructure Minister, to a tour of the CJIA expansion…

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WBD man murders lover, commits suicide

The West Bank Demerara (WBD) village of Good Intent was plunged into a state of shock Wednesday morning when it woke to news that a resident allegedly murdered his lover before attempting suicide by slitting his throat. Dead is Diane Hernandez, a 48-year-old housewife of Recht-Door-Zee, WBD. She reportedly shared a visiting relationship with the suspect, Nigel Glasgow, 40, of Guyana Times understands that the duo arrived at Glasgow’s house late Tuesday night, but just about 02:30h on Wednesday morning, screams and shouts were heard emanating from the house. According…

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Regional procurement breaches linked to corruption, nepotism- PPP MP

Opposition Member of Parliament, Juan Edghill has decried the constant breaches in the Procurement Act of Guyana, which he argued was as a result of corruption and nepotism although he admitted that these kinds of breaches were not peculiar to Guyana as they occurred in other parts of the world. Edghill further argued that while Central Government was guilty of some of the most egregious breaches, several regional administrations throughout the country were also culpable, especially those where a majority of the officials were closely associated with the coalition Government.…

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Guyana improves ranking on World Press Freedom Index

…Press Association points to existing hurdles Guyana has been elevated five places on the Reporters With Borders (RSF) 2018 World Press Freedom Index, which the Guyana Press Association (GPA) said comes amidst “significant hurdles” yet to be overcome. From among 180 countries, Index of Press Freedom ranking worldwide puts Guyana at 55 compared to 60 in 2017. The country was given zero under the category of “abuse score”; and 26.25 for “underlying situation score”. Guyana’s position has placed it below its neighbour Suriname which was in spot 21, but above…

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As the country’s economy sinks deeper into decline, risk profile elevated – Jagdeo

Amidst concerns that Guyana is still experiencing difficulties when it comes to foreign money transactions, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo said that this situation could worsen as many international banks would not want to do business with Guyana for several new reasons. While de-risking has been one of the major challenges, Jagdeo said that Guyana’s financial risk profile would be further elevated because of two recent occurrences locally. One has to do with the United States Government in its drug report for 2018 now identifying Government corruption as a primary source…

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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Guyanese Context

In Guyana, when the common person hears the term autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) then they are almost immediately puzzled as to what the disease really is or whom it affects. This is so because, as a Guyanese society, we are hesitant to broach the conversation on a commonly misdiagnosed or undiagnosed disorder that affects so many people around us. The fact remains that the Public Health Ministry, and by extension Government, is doing a poor job at educating the populace about ASD and the only time the conversation…

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Proposal for ban on plastic items for Cabinet – Harmon

A proposed plan that could result in a ban on the use of plastic items will be presented to Cabinet for its consideration; a move that is supported by the Department of Environment. Minister of State, Joseph Harmon made the disclosure while addressing the Ministry of the Presidency’s Department of Environment’s Earth Day celebrations at State House. “We would have introduced to Cabinet a memorandum prepared by the Department of the Environment, which Cabinet will consider seriously. It’s a very solid piece of document, a very solid memorandum,” Harmon is…

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Ministers Norton, Lawrence face “misconduct in public office” charges

– Opposition Leader assures charges not a case of “tit for tat” Former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall on behalf of People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Members of Parliament (MPs), Bishop Juan Edgehill and Vickram Bharrat, yesterday morning filed a case at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court against Former Minister of Health, Dr George Norton and current Minister of Health, Volda Lawrence. The two Ministers are being accused of “misconduct in public office; Contrary to the common law”- the same offence in which former Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh and former Chief Executive…

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Jagdeo says walk against corruption mere “smokescreen” to detract from violations

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has declined an invitation extended to him by Head of the State Assets Recovery Agency (SARA), Dr Clive Thomas to participate in a “symbolic” walk against corruption, to be held this Friday. In declining the invitation, the Opposition Leader said that he viewed the walk as it is – a mere “smokescreen” to detract from the grossest violations of the constitutional and statutory provisions regarding financial probity, transparency, and accountability ever witnessed since independence. Furthermore, he added that he would not participate in such a walk…

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