
Breaking… …Venezuelan eye-pass Well, as old people say, “boat gone a wata…cyaan turn back!” on the eye-pass the Venezuelans have been taking on us for fifty-six years after they claimed two-thirds of Guyana. It was Feb 1962 when they told the UN that the 1899 Arbitral Award that fixed our border, was “null and void”. So its poetic justice that the UN Secretary General decided to send the controversy to the ICJ for a decision. But not surprisingly, Maduro immediately announced Venezuela won’t be accepting the ICJ’s decision. Meaning, of…

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Vanda Designs

Years of experience in the clothing design business have not tempered Vanda-Allicock- Calistro’s creativity, in fact, the local designer continues to grow from strength to strength. During an interview with the Guyana Times Sunday Magazine, Ms. Calistro revealed that by harnessing her creativity, she was able to transform the lives of her family after the tragic passing of her sister. She explained, “After my sister died, her son started at Borrowes [School of Art] and we were financially challenged, so I started designing on shirts.” Her father, she added was…

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ICT hub opens in Linden

Residents of Block 22 in Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) will now have access to free Internet services with the recent opening of an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) hub. Eight Internet-ready computers are now available for use to residents of the community following the official opening of yet another ICT Hub. Situated in the Block 22 Multipurpose building, the hub was officially opened with the ceremonial cutting of the ribbon and a simple ceremony. Director, Community Development and Social Management of the National Data Management Authority (NDMA), Phillip Walcott…

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Security Minister throws support behind ranks in Kingston Seawall shooting

Following the shooting to death of three suspected bandits at the Georgetown seawalls, Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan on Wednesday threw his support behind the Guyana Police Force. On March 15, 2018, undercover ranks shot and killed Dextroy Cordis, Kwame Assanah and Errol Adams, on the Kingston seawalls after they allegedly attempted to rob a customer whom they had reportedly trailed from a city bank. Speaking on the sidelines of a Regional Seminar for National Drug Observatories, Minister Ramjattan expressed confidence in the work of Police ranks. “I am going…

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Eldorado Offshore trains twenty for Guyana’s Oil and Gas industry

In an effort to boost the capacity of Guyanese in the Oil and Gas sector, Eldorado Offshore offered yet another training course for persons interested in becoming employed in offshore rigging. The Marine Rigors training will cover the topic of health and safety along with rigging. The exercise is being conducted by Edison Chouest Offshore, an offshore support company whose objective is to educate and train marine rigging individuals. Quality Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Coordinator, Eldon Thompson explained that “it’s a basic reading course to work on board our…

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Protected Areas Commission to develop Biodiversity Garden

The Protected Areas Commission (PAC), over the years, has been raising awareness on the conservation and proper care of the environment; as such, the organisation has begun efforts towards developing a Biodiversity Garden on the eastern section of the Botanical Gardens in Georgetown. PAC Deputy Commissioner Odacy Davis highlighted these plans. “For most persons who would frequent this location or even drive around, it may appear as if it’s just bush, but it’s an actual representation of different types of forests. So, what we’re envisioning is for schools, students, institutions,…

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All parties should state unequivocally their position on parking meters in Georgetown

Dear Editor, There is no dispute – the Parking Meter Contract is opposed by a vast majority of the citizens of Georgetown and of Guyana as a whole. The A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) is responsible for this fiasco. While it is City Hall in Georgetown which is implementing this horrendous contract, APNU/AFC is making it possible. I suspect Guyanese citizens will come out in force to protest and reject the parking meters. It is an obligation of the political parties and their leaders to state unequivocally…

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Time for ‘trials and errors’ at GuySuCo be brought to an end

Dear Editor, The trial and error approach to the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) continues with the Special Purpose Unit (SPU) and the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) at the helm; more SPU than NICIL. The Agriculture Minister has now made it pellucid that GuySuCo no longer falls under the Agriculture Ministry but the Finance Ministry. His happiness with this new ‘trial’ is understandable since he and his Ministry have made several ‘trials and errors’ from 2015 to 2018 resulting in the dissipation of G$32 billion with nothing to…

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Return of parking meters in Georgetown inevitable

…as Council approves amended By-laws The Mayor and City Council of the City of Georgetown, on Wednesday at an Extraordinary Statutory Meeting, voted to adopt the amended By-laws for the controversial parking meter project, hence signalling its return despite strong objections from some Councillors. Prior to the vote, Councillors were afforded the opportunity to debate the proposed amendments to the By-laws. However, Mayor Patricia Chase Green restricted them from discussing, among other things, the contract and concessionaire. “We would have dealt with the contract on many occasions and we would…

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Let opinions flourish

Heeding the UN’s call for this year to be observed as the “International Year for People of African Descent”, in Jan 2011, the then PPPC government launched what promised to be a year-long series of events. From the reaction of some domestic African groups to the Government’s programme, however, it signalled it was going to be a year-long war of sniping and attrition. These groups, which surprisingly included the erstwhile “multiracial” opposition Peoples National Congress”, accused the Government of excluding them from the planning process. The painstakingly detailed riposte of…

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