Guyana will move ahead in setting up its own law school – AG Williams

A law school will be established in Guyana, Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Basil Williams, has said. The Guyana Government plans to go ahead with its plans in this regard, despite several concerns having been raised relative to the process of establishing this law school. Government is now in the process of finalising a shareholders’ agreement in pursuance of this objective. Government had, in January 2017, announced it would start a project to establish the JOF Haynes Law School of the Americas through a public-private partnership entered into between…

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Guyana Police Force seeking to establish inter-agency database

As the Guyana Police Force (GPF) continues in its quest to improve its service to society, quite a number of advances are being made to ensure that the necessary background information of criminals is readily available to members of the Force countrywide. One such initiative being undertaken by the GPF includes the development of a current up-to-date digital database system, which would enable a rank in any part of the country to access the criminal history of a person. Crime Chief Paul Williams on Wednesday told Guyana Times International that…

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…for slavery CariCom will be writing Britain and the other European countries that conducted and benefited from the African Slave Trade and plantation slavery, to remind them about the claims for reparations it made against them back in 2013. It’s a shame they’ve had to do this at a time when the UN’s pushing its entire collection of 196 countries to “do something” about the dread status of Africans in this “International Decade of People of African Descent” (IDPAD). Since it would be racist that this is due to just…

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Writing college application essays

In everything we do, there’s a certain amount of risk. Some things have more risk than others: for example crossing the road without looking versus trying a new type of cheese. We, of course will evaluate the pros and cons of taking each risk and then decide if we want to proceed.The biggest risk I have taken in a while is the way I chose to answer some of my essay questions. I chose to take the risk of answering my questions unconventionally because I felt as though I needed…

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UK envoy calls for tough action against corruption in security agencies

A two-week training exercise intended to assist investigators in the fight against bribery and corruption has been launched by the Public Security Ministry under the auspices of the United Kingdom High Commission. UK High Commissioner Gregory Quinn stressed the need for persons to be held accountable for bribery and corruption. He made it clear thus: “There is no place for corruption within security agencies in Guyana. If officials or individuals cannot work with honesty and integrity, then they should be…prosecuted and imprisoned as necessary,” Quinn stated. “If people don’t like…

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Promoting local Businesses on the Essequibo Coast

With the aim of promoting local businesses, attracting new investments and harnessing new technologies and skills, the Essequibo Chamber is preparing to host the second annual Agro Fair in the Region. According to the Public Relation Officer Mr. Ravi D. Mohan, the Region has the potential to be self-sustainable and has the capacity to feed the Nation with surplus to export. “It’s like a sleeping giant, all we need to do is to wake him up,” he asserted. The two day event will be held on the 20th and 21st…

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Aranaputa Processors Peanut Butter Factory

The Aranaputa Processors Friendly Society (APFS) is located in the North Rupununi ; the Aranaputa Processors Peanut Butter Factory makes the best all natural peanut butter in Guyana. The factory buys the raw peanuts from the local farmers and roasting, shelling and processing are all done at the factory. Those at the factory are very enthusiastic to share with tourists the process and allow them to participate. Fresh peanut butter on cassava bread is served daily to the school children in Aranaputa and across the North Rupununi as a snack.…

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APNU/AFC corruption chants have suddenly died

Dear Editor, Our Constitution makes it unambiguously clear that supreme power, or sovereignty, or authority to make decisions which affect their lives, belongs to the people, and the elected representatives exist to give effect to the will of the people. As an RDC councillor, when I took the oath, I swore to discharge my duties without fear or favour, affection or ill-will. I intended to do just that. In addition, at every RDC meeting, the prayer is read by the Clerk of Council, who exhorts everyone to invoke ‘divine guidance’…

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Record-breaking passenger movement at CJIA for first quarter of 2018

The first quarter of 2018 saw the highest ever recorded passenger movement through Cheddi Jagan International Airport Corporation (CJIAC). According to a release from the CJIAC, for the month of March 2018, 52,729 passengers were pro-cessed as compared to 43,733 in March 2017. Passenger movement for the period January to March 2018 recorded 142,781 passengers being processed as compared to 126,340 for the same period in 2017. Minster of Public Infrastructure David Patterson, attributed these marked increases to “Government’s sound economic policies and its unwavering advocacy for an enabling environment…

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Who speaks for whom?

By Ravi Dev Recently, Tacuma Ogunseye of ACDA and the WPA made a rather startling claim in his letter, “I concentrate on the African community, so it can develop progressive politics based on power-sharing” (SN 4-4-2018): “I recall in the run-up to the historic 1992 General and Regional Elections with the arrival of Ravi Dev and his ROAR party, Dev introduced the doctrine (sic) that Africans cannot speak for Indians and that the WPA was promoting political deception by making the claim that it is a multi-racial party… The 1992…

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