Harmon says partnership between Mellon Bank, USA and Citizens Bank a sign of investors’ confidence

The recent move by the Mellon National Bank in the United States of America (USA) to partner with the indigenous Citizens Bank is described by State Minister, Joseph Harmon as a sure sign of the confidence reposed in Guyana’s investment climate. Minister Harmon speaking at the official opening of the Banks DIH new vehicle workshop, noted that this is happening at a time when the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) are taking steps aimed at curbing and reducing relations between international banks…

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25-yr-old mom to spend 98 years behind bars for poisoning children

…Judge ignores her pleas for “second chance to make things right” Twenty-five-year-old Hofoswana Awena Rutherford, who was recently found guilty of killing her two children by poisoning them with carbon tablets, was on Monday sentenced by Justice Navindra Singh to 98 years’ imprisonment on two counts of manslaughter. On the first count, killing of four-year-old Hodascia Codogan, Rutherford was sentenced to 45 years’ jail; while on the second count, killing of one-year-old Jabari Codogan, she was ordered to serve 53 years’ jail time. Rutherford had crashed to the floor when…

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Guyana among several countries listed as “major money laundering jurisdiction” – US report

The US Department of State’s International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR) Volume Two of March 2018 has listed Guyana, among many other countries, as “major money laundering jurisdictions in 2017”. The report declared that there was a lack of strong interagency cooperation among anti-money laundering (AML) and drug-fighting agencies, adding that these departments did not have adequate human resources and the necessary training for complete effectiveness. The report called for more training, education, and resources to improve the fight against money laundering. In its 2018 overview of Guyana, the INCSR…

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Lawrence calls for more cooperation

…to ensure regional excesses are addressed Public Health Minister Volda Lawrence used her seat on the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to call for collaboration to effect reform of the regional administrations as she noted that these matters were of national importance. She made this call during Monday’s PAC sitting. At the time, the question on the floor was the staffing strength of regional administrations and how allocations for employment were being determined. Lawrence, a former Chairperson of the PAC, urged that both sides collaborate and focus on the issues. According…

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Mental health issues should be taken seriously before further damage

Dear Editor, The Caribbean Voice (TCV) has been in the forefront of calling for mental health training for all Police Officers which would not only make them better prepared to handle cases involving mental health issues such as child abuse, domestic violence and suicide, but will also make them more aware of mental health issues affecting their colleagues. This issue was also raised in a recent meeting with the personal assistant to Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan. Also, TCV recalls being contacted by the GDF, a few years ago, to…

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New Pakistan, Thailand diplomats accredited

As Guyana continues to forge ahead with its Green State initiative, it is looking to capitalise on the strengthened diplomatic relations to tap into strategies adopted by its Asian counterparts, aimed at fighting the effects of climate change. This was revealed by President David Granger on Wednesday morning as he accredited new diplomats from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Kingdom of Thailand, with the acceptance of their Letters of Credence at State House. The new Pakistani High Commissioner, Najm Us Saqib, said his country is looking to deepening…

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Our political system is aligned along racial lines

Dear Editor, We have made a fateful and depressive decision to align our political system along racial lines, and we have seen its destruction unravel us like a tsunami from the beginning to now. I have always wondered why we must be in a situation like this and why is it we cannot separate politics and the development of Guyana from who we are as different races. After learning more about our beloved brother Walter Rodney, I understood that race and politics have always been a tool of manipulation to…

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Guyana’s private sector vows to resist parking meter project

…until in-depth analysis is done Implementation of the much planned parking meter project is imminent, but the private sector and civil society have indicated they would employ measures to resist the initiative. This was on Sunday confirmed by recently elected President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Deodat Indar, who told Guyana Times International there must be in-depth analysis before such a project could be accepted. “We are saying that the contract of this parking meter was not awarded properly. There were no studies done, no impact…

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Jagdeo roasts Govt over ‘failed approach to national economic management’

Borrowing from multi-national partners has been a way of strategic economic development in Guyana for quite some time. But previous loans pale in comparison to recent plans to borrow approximately US$900 million and observers are worried. Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo on Saturday expressed much concern over the development. The trained economist and former President referred to the plan as a failed approach to national economic management and pointed out that the sum is almost equivalent to Guyana’s total external debt of G$236 billion by 2015. “The shocking revelation… is serious…

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Engendering trust

It is not hard to discern that trust is a commodity that is in very short supply among our people, after almost three years under the PNC-led APNU/AFC coalition. While one could not speak of a “groundswell”, there was certainly enough trust engendered to have squeaked past the PPPC, even though the long incumbency of the latter might have been the overriding factor. However, since then, the trust has evaporated like fine mist exposed to sunshine, after a series of unfortunate actions, ranging from their immediate 50 per cent raise…

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