Georgetown woman further remanded for attempting to kill cousin

A 26-year-old woman, who is no stranger to the court, was on Friday further remanded to prison by Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus on an attempted murder charge. Lisa Bobb of Royal Drive, Campbellville, Georgetown, is expected to return to the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on April 4. Bobb was charged for wounding Christel Bobb with intent to commit murder. The court heard that the Virtual Complainant, Christel Bobb, and Lisa Bobb are cousins who reportedly have had several misunderstandings in the past. On February 14, 2018, at Royal Drive, Campbellville, Christel had…

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India has contributed significantly to Guyana’s culture -First Lady at India Namaste exhibition

Guyana’s First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, on Sunday, joined the Indian High Commission for their Sari Draping Exhibition, ‘Namaste India’ at the Pegasus Hotel. Delivering the feature address, the First Lady spoke of the rich contribution India’s culture has made to Guyanese culture through food, dance, tradition and fashion. “Here in Guyana, we have benefitted from the contributions of Indians to our culture… The Indian contribution has blended with contributions of other ethnic groups. So, for instance, there is, therefore, neither surprise nor confusion when you are invited to a…

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Guyana, France discuss possibility of student exchange programmes

With the aim of strengthening bilateral relations through the education sector, Guyana and France have discussed the possibility of exchange programmes for students and teachers between the two countries in addition to an increased offering of the French language in local schools. These proposals were among a number of matters addressed during dialogue between Education Minister Nicolette Henry and French Ambassador to Guyana, Antoine Joly on Monday. “We could have Guyanese teachers go to France to teach while improving their knowledge of French, especially since Haiti is a member of…

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…of Integrity More than anything else, the opposition PNC/APNU/AFC combined, after 2011, made “corruption” their major plank against the PPP government. They certainly couldn’t do anything about the PPP’s highest growth rate in the region!! Supported by a vicious spit-press, they got some mud to stick; and along the 23-year “incumbency factor”, was probably the reason for the PPP losing the 2015 elections by a whisker. In their manifesto, the combined promised to eradicate corruption by Government officials through a “Code of Conduct” that would be enacted in the first…

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Corentyne gang members remanded to prison

            Three men who turned themselves into Police two days ago were remanded after appearing in two courts to answer to a total of 17 charges. The charges included 15 for robberies committed on Corentyne residents recently. Only three of the four were in court on Wednesday to answer to the charges. The fourth accused gang member – Premchan Ramsohai, 22, also known as “Akash”, of Ankerville, Port Mourant appeared on Tuesday in two courts to answer similar charges and was remanded at the Whim…

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Senior WPA members call on President Granger to deliver on promises made

…say will not stand by and let country slip into dictatorship-styled Government Longtime Working People’s Alliance (WPA) activist, former Member of Parliament Desmond Trotman, revealed that it was a senior Alliance for Change (AFC) Minister who contacted the Guyana Chronicle’s Editor in Chief and related Cabinet’s dissatisfaction with the writings of columnists David Hinds and Lincoln Lewis. Senior members of the WPA have since explicitly stated they would not stand up and let Guyana slip into a dictatorship-styled Government, because they, along with others, would have fought against that. They…

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Jagdeo says talk about “return to local democracy” pure rhetoric

With the Local Government Commission complaining about continued control being exerted over its operations by Central Government, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is of the view that Government has shown it is not serious about local government. This assertion was made during a recent press conference, when the Opposition Leader cited recent complaints from Commission Chair Mortimer Mingo. According to Jagdeo, Mingo’s difficulties are reminiscent of the fight it took to even get the Government to set up the commission. “How disappointing! Well, I shouldn’t say disappointing, knowing all along that…

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Defence Attorneys argue for US extradition case to be heard in Guyana’s High Court

Attorneys Nigel Hughes, Darren Wade and Bernard DaSilva, representing fugitive Troy Thomas, stated at Monday’s extradition proceedings that their client could not be extradited. Thomas explained to the Magistrate’s Court that it had no jurisdiction to hear the case and there were violations of his client’s rights to be protected as a Guyanese citizen. Additionally, the string of lawyers requested that the matter be called at the High Court, where it could be well-addressed. The oral submissions continued as Attorney Wade disputed that the extradition treaty between the United States…

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‘A burden for future generations’

…Opposition says of G$30B bond secured for GuySuCo Close to one month after announcing plans to seek a syndicated bond worth G$30 billion to assist with the revitalisation of the cash-strapped Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), it has been announced that Government was successful in acquiring this loan from several commercial banks. Head of the Special Purpose Unit (SPU) of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), Colvin Heath-London told sections of the media on Wednesday that the bond was secured at good rates with several banks, including Trinidad-owned Republic…

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Search on for Guyana’s next Top Cop

– selection process has commenced, says Harmon By Shemuel Fanfair One month after former Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud retired from the Guyana Police Force, his replacement will soon be determined as measures are afoot to facilitate the process. In an interview with Guyana Times International on Wednesday, Minister of State Joseph Harmon confirmed that the process to find a substantive replacement has begun. “For the question of appointing a Commissioner of Police… I will say yes the process has been kick-started and that work is going on in that regard,”…

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