Doctor’s son remanded over fatal beating of ECD businessman

The son of an Ogle, East Coast Demerara (ECD) doctor was remanded to prison on Tuesday morning over the fatal beating of one of his father’s patients. Neilson Sinclair, 29, of Lot 8 Temple Street, Ogle, appeared before Magistrate Alisha George at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court and was not required to plead to the indictable murder charge, which states that he killed Hazrat Shaffie. The accused will make his next court appearance on March 23, 2018 for report. Shaffie, 46, of Lot 114 Fifth Street, Industry, ECD, was last Friday…

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Economic analyst believes huge loan required by GuySuCo could trigger financial crisis in Guyana

Plans to borrow US$15 billion to pay off the liabilities of two sugar factories belonging to the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) will trigger a local financial crisis the likes of which have never been seen domestically. This is the view of economic advisor to the Opposition, Peter Ramsaroop, who advised that Government not get this loan, as it would be a huge debt to repay. Ramsaroop said this decision could lead to the treasury swelling tenfold or more in the near future. The economic advisor said this large debt could…

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Carjacking ‘mastermind’ granted G$1M bail

As the carjacking probe deepens, ex-policeman Jason Harry was on Tuesday again brought before city Magistrate Judy Latchman, this time to answer five additional charges of allegedly receiving stolen cars. These fresh charges come three weeks after Harry had allegedly been found with suspected stolen vehicles and parts in his possession. A resident of Monument Hill, at Kuru, Kururu on the Linden/Soesdyke Highway, Harry was granted G$200,000 bail on each allegation of feloniously or unlawfully obtaining five Toyota motorcars. When he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts, Harry denied multiple…

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New Demerara River crossing not in keeping with 21st Century infrastructure – Chinese Ambassador

After delivering the University of Guyana’s Vice Chancellor’s seventh Renaissance Lecture, Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, Cui Jianchun, said that his country has no interest in the current design of the new Demerara Bridge, adding that it was far from a 21st Century design. He made the statement while responding to questions after delivering the Renaissance Lecture on the topic “A new era for China and China-Guyana Relations.” He noted that infrastructure was a critical part of any country’s development, adding that the Chinese Government was committed to investing in the…

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APNU/AFC Govt hardly concerned about the welfare of Guyanese

Dear Editor, The officials of the German penal system have acknowledged that the reason for allowing murderers and other extreme anti-social criminals to live quite normal lives which include access to television, books etc, is that they recognise that man’s behaviour is to a very large extent influenced by his environment. As such, the crimes committed by these offenders were a result of societal conditioning and influence, versus an overt, deliberate attempt by these persons to commit a crime, or do ‘evil’. I could credit them with influencing my own…

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Guyana not equipped to deal with the socio-economic consequences due to closure of sugar industry

Dear Editor, In view of our economic challenges, it is clear that Guyana cannot finance sugar production forever. The industry was floundering with the loss of the EU preferential market price extended to us. This was compounded by the fact that we have no authority to set prices, as producers of sugar and agricultural products. This is totally unfair, but the stark reality is that developed countries that buy our products have the bargaining power to dictate what they will pay. Despite this, closing the factories, especially without viable replacements,…

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Guyana’s Health Minister announces improvement in TB treatment

The recently-concluded Andean Group of countries forum held in Lima, Peru heard that Guyana was currently winning the war against tuberculosis (TB). This announcement was made by Minister within the Public Health Ministry, Dr Karen Cummings. The forum heard that in spite of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) causing a spike in the number of TB cases dealt with last year, the National Tuberculosis Control Programme (NTP) and the National AIDS Programme Secretariat (NAPS) were working round the clock to heighten the Isoniazid Preventative Therapy in citizens living with the…

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The Hindu community is being joined by most of the rest of the country to celebrate the festival of Holi, or Phagwah. Holi, as we all know, is celebrated very boisterously, with gaiety and abandon as revellers douse each other first with water, then, in the afternoon, with powders of all hues, the scarlet liquid “abeer,” and FINALLY, a sharing of sweets. But we should know, too, the reason for the celebration; because while each Hindu festival generally emphasises the theme of “good overcoming evil,” they are grounded in narratives…

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Jagdeo challenges Granger to give ‘real reason’ for Trotman’s ‘demotion’

A decision taken by the Government to strip Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman of his responsibility for the oil and gas sector has raised many eyebrows, but Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo believes that there might be a specific reason why such a move was taken. Jagdeo told Guyana Times International on Wednesday that President David Granger should “come clean” and state what exactly caused him to make such a decision to have the responsibility for the oil and gas sector placed under the Ministry of the Presidency instead, which is…

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Broken promises!

…Agriculture Minister dodges questions on promised diversification plans for Wales Estate Some two years ago, Agriculture Minister Noel Holder made several announcements about wide-ranging diversification plans for the Wales Sugar Estate, signalling that many workers from that entity could be retained under the new venture. However, the initiatives never materialised – so much so that land that was to be converted into rice cultivation has been overtaken by weeds and bushes. On Monday, the Agriculture Minister was questioned by Guyana Times International on the status of the conversion plans, but…

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