“B” Division Commander denies blocking of Corriverton flag-raising ceremony

The event was organised by the Corriverton Town Council with the blessings of the Region Democratic Council and the National Events Committee. On the night of the event, Police officers seized the public address system, the drummers were instructed not to perform, and the children who had prepared their cultural presentations were prevented from stepping onto the stage. The Police reportedly instructed the organising committee to proceed with the event with only prayers, the recital of the National Pledge, and the hoisting of the Golden Arrowhead. In an attempt to…

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Guyana Govt seeking G$30B to keep GuySuCo alive

…despite firing thousands, downsizing It has emerged that the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited’s (NICIL) Special Purpose Unit (SPU) is seeking some G$30 billion in loans and investments to support its new ward – the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo). It is understood that this funding will cover a four-year period and will provide capital, support infrastructure maintenance and upgrades at Albion, Blairmont and Uitvlugt. The funds are also expected to go towards developing new cogeneration capacity for the estate operations and the national electric grid. GuySuCo has a history…

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Witness Protection Law takes effect in Guyana

Following passage in the National Assembly last month, the Witness Protection Act is now in full effect after being assented to by President David Granger. This legislation is geared to safeguard persons – who have information on and/or are witnesses to criminal activity – from violent retaliation or persecution from the offending party. According to information reaching Guyana Times International, the Head of State assented to the legislation on February 12, some three weeks after it was passed. One of the key provisions under the Act is for the establishment…

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Probe launched into sexual assault allegations at juvenile facility

Following a report appearing in Sunday’s edition of the Guyana Times, highlighting a cover-up of sexual activities between staffers and female inmates at the New Opportunity Corps, the Social Protection Ministry (MSP) has launched an investigation to determine the veracity of the accusations. According to MSP Deputy Director of Social Services, Abike Benjamin-Samuels, a letter has been written to the Permanent Secretary recommending an investigative team be assembled and dispatched to the NOC. “I saw it yesterday (Sunday) online, so we will be starting an investigation into the matter. It…

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Guyana Govt begins stakeholder consultations on code of conduct for miners

By Jarryl Bryan The Government has begun consultations with key stakeholders in the mining industry, even as it prepares to officially publish an extensive code of conduct aimed at holding miners accountable for unsafe operations and destruction of the environment. On Tuesday, the Natural Resources Ministry-hosted consultations began at the Marriott Hotel. In her address to attendees, Minister within the Natural Resources Ministry, Simona Broomes informed them that Government was toughening its stance against delinquent miners. Claiming that the mining sector had been run like the “Wild West”, she urged…

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President instructs Army to brief parliamentary committee on border security

President David Granger, ahead of his visit to Baramita, Region One (Barima-Waini) has announced that he has instructed the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) to brief the parliamentary committee on security on the steps that were being taken to secure communities located along the 800-kilometre border with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela as a result of the unstable situation in that country, as well as the ongoing border controversy. The Head of State also indicated that he expected that even as Government continued to work at the central and regional levels…

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Exxon strikes more oil offshore Guyana

…President’s office to take over oil portfolio from Trotman ExxonMobil has discovered oil in a new well offshore Guyana. This announcement was made during Cabinet’s discussions on Tuesday when it was also disclosed that Government planned to strip away the responsibility for the oil sector from Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman. Immediately following the conclusion of Cabinet discussions, Trotman informed the media that he would, in the coming months, no longer have responsibility for the oil sector, a role he has faced much criticism about. Instead, he revealed that based…

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Cotonou Agreement, regional transportation among concerns for Guyana at CARICOM meeting

Foreign Affairs Minister, Carl Greenidge said there are several issues of interest to Guyana, during the 29th Inter-sessional Heads of Government Meeting, which it will pursue. This annual meeting of the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) leaders is being held in Port-au-Prince, Haiti from February 26-27. Minister Greenridge spoke to the Department of Public Information (DPI) following the opening ceremony at the Marriott Hotel today. The minister, who is leading Guyana’s delegation, noted that the impact of ‘blacklisting’, an agenda item, is of special interest to this country. Last December the European…

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The end nears for King

…debate on no-confidence motion set for next statutory meeting At Monday’s statutory meeting of the Georgetown City Council, Alliance For Change (AFC) Councillor Sherod Duncan submitted a motion of no-confidence against Town Clerk Royston King, following several instances of him attempting to usurp the power of the Mayor and City Council (M&CC). In his motion, submitted to the office of the Town Clerk, Duncan cited provisions in the Municipal and District Councils Act, Chap 28:01 that placed the responsibility and duty of ensuring that the Municipality is managed in a…

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Guyana’s millers still to be paid for rice exported to Panama two years ago

Over two years have passed and the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) is yet to deliver on its obligation to pay rice millers and operators for rice exported to Panama since 2015. There also seems to be no clear indication as to whether any concrete move would be made to ensure that the millers and operators were given their payments any time soon. Guyana Times spoke with GRDB General Manager Nizam Hassan last week and was told to call back, but several calls went unanswered. On Tuesday, another call was…

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