
…climate reality Well now that Irma tore up the West Indian “Greater Antilles” – especially some outcroppings like Barbuda – are we finally going to get some serious rethinking about the connection between these intensified storms, global warming and our carbon pollution? The short answer is NO!! And why is your usually non-committal Eyewitness being so adamant in his answer? Well just that the real Irma didn’t really hit Florida – just a tired, exhausted version! Now don’t think your Eyewitness WANTED Irma to do more damage… but if it…

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Staff shortage plagues West Dem Hospital

…Public Service Ministry yet to confirm several positions   As a staff shortage continues to affect health-care delivery at the West Demerara Regional Hospital and other medical institutions in Region Three (Essequibo Islands- West Demerara), doctors and other medical staff have relayed their frustration over the delay in confirmation of several positions. Guyana Times International was told that a list of suitable persons to fill various vacant positions was sent to the Public Service Ministry several months, but hospital officials were still awaiting approval. During last week’s top-level meeting at…

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World Suicide Prevention Day 2017 : ‘A day to celebrate life, resilience and hope’

Today we observe World Suicide Prevention Day under the theme, “Take a minute, change a life”. As members of communities, it is our responsibility to look out for those who may be struggling, check in with them, and encourage them to tell their story in their own way and at their own pace. Offering a gentle word of support and listening in a non-judgemental way can make all the difference. World Suicide Prevention Day was first recognised in 2003, as an initiative of the International Association for Suicide Prevention and…

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Authorities in Guyana intensify hunt for prison riot mastermind

As Police intensify operations to capture the alleged mastermind of the July 9 Camp Street jailbreak and prison fire, Assistant Commissioner of Police Clifton Hicken has disclosed that investigators were not ruling out the possibility that the fugitive could still be in or around Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice). Two months ago, in an escape bid, prisoners set the penitentiary on fire, resulting in it eventually being flattened and prison officer Odinga Wickham being killed. The alleged mastermind, Mark Royden Durant, called “Smallie”, and his surviving accomplice, Cobena Stephens, called…

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Gov’t unit flouts court order to demand exorbitant broadcast fees

The local media fraternity, through its broadcasters, and the Coalition Administration, through the Minister of Information, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, are at loggerheads over the payment of fees; and broadcasters are disputing official statements emanating from the Government’s Department of Public Information to the effect that all is well in the media landscape. The matter has since attracted the attention of the Guyana Media Association (GMA), which has since condemned demands made for payment in violation of a court decision handed down by then Chief Justice Ian Chang in May…

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Fifth Nereid’s yacht rally to be hosted in Guyana

Some 12 yacht will soon begin arriving in Guyana sailing from Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago and French Guiana for the fifth international Nereid’s rally. The rally will be hosted at an official luncheon and welcome by Business Minister with responsibility for Tourism, Dominic Gaskin. The cruisers, who will be spending some 10 days in Guyana offshore at the Hurakabra River Resort, will be sailing from the USA, Canada and Europe. Regional Chairman of Bartica, Gordon Bradford, will be hosting the crew members to a day visit to explore the Baracara…

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Getting it right…

…on our history As you, Dear Reader, would know by now, your diligent Eyewitness reads all the dailies. It’s part of his job description. But he takes special care to read the Chronic – since it’s supported by his tax dollars. Well, not TOTALLY…but you know!! And he expects the rag to do the right thing by all of us. So he was more than a bit taken aback when he read its editorial yesterday. (Yes…your Eyewitness has to read even editorials!) The editorial says we should know our history…Now…

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John Peter Bennett (1914-2011)

By Petamber Persaud Though blind, John Peter Bennett continued to work on his typewriter to produce seminal work on the indigenous Arawak people. Bennett was a man who loved books, reading and writing; a man who rewarded good work with more work. Bennett was a teacher, priest, educator, linguist, translator, writer and more. He was the first indigenous person to be ordained as an Anglican priest in Guyana; the first indigenous person to be canonised in the Anglican Church of Guyana; and the first indigenous person to write and publish…

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Sugar union contemplating next ‘serious’ move over impending closure of estates

The Guyana Agriculture and General Workers Union (GAWU) is still working with people in the sugar belt to get their support to protest the impending action to close more sugar estates in Guyana. The union is actively engaged in discussions that look at ways in which they could help to inspire more workers to protest what they have described as an unconscionable decision. President of GAWU, Komal Chand, told Guyana Times International on Sunday that sugar workers are still fired up and will do whatever it takes to have the…

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Gov’t to review gold processing fees

Following a high-level meeting with a number of mining organisations and syndicates, the Government has decided to take steps to review not only an unpopular hike in the gold processing fee, but the mining regulations as well. The meeting, which saw Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman in attendance, was held on Friday at Cara Lodge. Present at the meeting were members of the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners’ Association (GGDMA), the Guyana Women Miners’ Organisation (GMWO) and representatives from various mining syndicates. It is understood that a number of concerns…

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