One shot dead as gunmen invade mining camp at Cuyuni

A Brazilian national working in a Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) mining camp was brutally slaughtered by cross-border bandits armed with rifles and handguns, in a brazen attack in the early hours of Wednesday morning. The robbery saw the gunmen carting off a quantity of raw gold. Dead is 36-year-old dredge owner Antonio Da Silva, whose body was found at a mining camp in Akaiwanna, Cuyuni, Region Seven with several wounds suspected to be gunshots. According to preliminary reports, the brazen incident lasted for some eight hours – from 17:45h Tuesday and…

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Cocaine laced hammocks: Woman turns self in to Police

Tiffini Collison of Lot F 21 Samaan Street, Guyhoc Park Georgetown, who was wanted for posting cocaine laced hammocks to the USA has surrendered to the Custom Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU). The drug enforcement body issued a wanted bulletin for the mother of one on Monday and on Tuesday evening she turned up at CANU in the company of her lawyer. It was reported that the 26-year-old used an international Courier Service to ship the hammocks sometime last week. However, on Thursday last, the package was intercepted by ranks of the…

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New Demerara Bridge: Houston residents not told of Govt’s plan

…with eviction only months away Residents in the vicinity of the site for the new Demerara Harbour Bridge (DHB) at Houston, East Bank Demerara (EBD) have indicated that they were in the dark over the Public Infrastructure Ministry’s plans regarding the removal of several homes to facilitate construction of the crossing. It is expected that construction of the Houston-Versailles bridge across the Demerara River will commence in the new year. The relocation of several buildings was deemed necessary to facilitate the construction of road overpasses that would lead to the…

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The Guyana Hemophilia Society

Hemophilia is a rare disorder in which your blood does not clot normally because it lacks sufficient blood-clotting proteins (clotting factors). Consequently, there is continuous bleeding, even from the smallest injury. To sensitise the public on this blood disorder, a team of amazing people formed the Guyana Hemophilia Society (GHS). Establishing a worthy cause The Guyana Hemophilia Society was founded by Laurence and Lloyd Bakhsh – two hemophiliac brothers – along with a family member, Freda Figueira, on March 6, 2014. The Society acquired registration as an official Society under…

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…or biased in Agri The head of the Agri research unit (NAREI) assured us recently that we shouldn’t worry about going the way of Nigeria, Venezuela and all the other oil producers that allowed their agricultural sector to wither on the vine (pardon the pun!). They then lost “cost and husk” (couldn’t help it!) when the bottom fell out of oil (barrel). The fella seems quite well-meaning, but really, he just exemplifies the truism that the “road to hell is paved with good intentions”. Even the British, by the fag…

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Interesting Facts about British Guiana

Homestretch Avenue was built on the ‘homestretch’ of the former D’Urban Park Race Course, named after Governor Benjamin D’Urban. Benjamin D’Urban’s tomb can be found in Pointe Claire’s Field of Honour, Canada. The Papineau cemetery, where his remains were originally buried, was in the way of building a new access ramp to a bridge. D’Urban’s remains, along with those of other Canadian soldiers who have served internationally since the 18th century, were transferred in 1944 to Last Post Fund’s National Field of Honour in Pointe Claire, Montreal, Canada. Durban, in…

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‘Live2Lead’: A Leader Development Experience in Guyana

Live2Lead is a leader development experience designed to equip individuals with new perspectives, practical tools and key takeaways. You’ll breathe new life into your leadership during this information-packed event, which will be happening in Guyana soon. Presented in Guyana on October 6, 2017, Live2Lead is a worldwide leadership simulcast event hosted by the John Maxwell team in Guyana, comprising of Vishnu Doerga, Sonia Noel and Rawle Dundas. Speakers at the Live2Lead event in Guyana include Dr John C. Maxwell, leadership expert and #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach and…

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Guyana Space Stamps

While collecting stamps from around the world is a popular facet of this hobby, collecting stamps related to a subject or a concept is also common. Topics can be almost anything, from stamps on stamps, birds, trains, cars, music, to famous people, events, astronomy or space. There are estimated to be as many galaxies visible in the universe as there are stars in the Milky Way – over 100,000 million. So, it is surprising that not many of them are featured on stamps. As space exploration grew, so did ‘Astrophilately’…

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Eagerly looking forward to the past

By Petamber Persaud Very often, and too often with immense gratification, I get the urge to put aside the reading of current books in preference to delving into those published a while back, especially reprinted rare and out-of-print material. This browsing is not too difficult for me for I am accustomed to ‘marking up’ my own books, highlighting words, phrases and extracts of interest. For instance, while flicking through “Beacons of Excellence: The Edgar Mittelholzer Memorial Lectures – Volume 3, 1986 – 2013”, I stumbled on the following passage: One…

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Silencing the Indian

By Ravi Dev Mr Eric Phillips responded to my article that asked the question, “Can the Indian Guyanese speak for Justice?” and claimed, “This shows the malicious degree of deception used by Indian leadership in Guyana”. He then went on to name a number of media entities owned by Indian Guyanese and several individuals of Indian descent who write and comment in Guyana to “prove” his point. First of all, apart from Ms Ryhaan Shah, I doubt the others who were named would take kindly to the notion that they…

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