
Satiricus was still smiling after looking at the Tridents vs Patriots game. He still hadn’t gotten used to seeing Gayle on a team other than the Tallawahs, but this was Franchise cricket, he’d reminded himself. Before the game he’d known his Warriors were practically a shoo in to get into the playoffs, but that “practically” grated on his nerves. Now that the Tridents had been dented beyond recognition, his heroes were on their way to go all the way!! “Hey! That was some shellacking that kid Evans unleashed on the…

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SOCU wrapping up Gold Board probe

Months after senior staff members of the Guyana Gold Board (GGB) were sent on leave to facilitate a probe of alleged links to an embattled gold dealer, investigators are expected to conclude their work in the coming days and seek legal advice on the way forward. This was indicated by Head of the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU), Sydney James who hinted on Monday that the next step of the case involving the GGB staffers could soon be determined, as SOCU is wrapping up investigations into the matter. “Investigations [are]…

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Illegal aircraft in North Rupununi: Brazilian, Colombian IDs, passports found

Documents found in the Beechcraft King Air 350 aircraft that was found in the Upper Takutu region last month may have links to Guyana’s South American neighbours Brazil and Colombia. This was revealed by acting Top Cop David Ramnarine, who told reporters on Monday morning that the identification documents found aboard the illegal aircraft belonged to nationals from the two South American countries. “The two passports that were found relate to two persons because their IDs were also found there and they corresponded with what was in the passport… One…

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CH&PA hauls Baishanlin boss to court over Providence lands

…as former Housing Minister slams KN over misrepresentation of facts Sunset Lakes Inc, a company owned by controversial Chinese businessman, Chu Hongbo, has been hauled before the court by the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) in order to repossess the 100 acres of land it had secured, as well as to rescind the Agreement of Sale. News of the court action comes just days after a court appointed Receiver/Manager was appointed to sell off the lands in order to secure monies owed by Chu to a local bank. Chu…

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Causing death driver granted G$300,000 bail

A driver accused of causing the death of a carpenter was on Tuesday released on G$300,000 bail when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan. Ryan Seecharran was charged for causing the death of Kalicharran Goordial, a carpenter of Creekdam, Herstelling, East Bank Demerara (EBD). The 48-year-old man died on June 24, 2017 at Third Street, Herstelling when Seecharran allegedly drove motor vehicle PVV 4911 in a manner dangerous to the public. Seecharran, 24, of Lot 361 Herstelling, was also charged for failing to stop his vehicle to lend assistance…

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IDB flags Audit Office capacity ahead of oil money

…says transparency and accountability are required now more than ever The independence and capacity of the Auditor General’s Office is one of the priority areas to be addressed by Guyana, in order to ensure there is Transparency and Accountability with regards the oversight of the nation’s revenue and expenditure of public resources, especially in light of the imminent influx of monies into the economy as a result of Oil and Gas production. This was disclosed by Resident Representative of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Sophie Makonnen, as she brought the…

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President will “respect” High Court ruling on GECOM Chairmanship- Harmon

Government’s chief spokesman Joseph Harmon on Thursday said that President David Granger will respect the ruling of the High Court and will not step outside the boundaries established by acting Chief Justice Roxanne George-Wiltshire. Addressing the media at his weekly post-cabinet press briefing, the Minister of State said that the President’s position has not changed and he believes that the position of chairman of GECOM is a very important constitutional office. Harmon confirmed that President David Granger’s selection of GECOM’s next chairman will be guided by the court ruling, which…

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NY East Canje Reunion honours top NGSA students

The NY East Canje Reunion of the USA recently honoured the top performers of the six primary schools in the East Canje area. The ten-year-old organisation, for the sixth time, is providing financial support for the top students. This year the group went one step further by recognising the top four students from each school as against the top three as was done in previous years. At a simple, but significant ceremony held recently at the Rose Hall Estate Training Building, cash incentives totaling US$2,925 was distributed among the twenty…

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Mother of 2 gets G$150,000 bail for dousing ex-lover with acid

A mother of two was on Wednesday made to stand before the Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan after she allegedly doused her ex-lover with acid when she found him in bed with another woman. Lisa Fraser of Lot 241 West Ruimveldt, Georgetown, made her appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts and was not allowed to plea to the indictable charge of attempted murder. The charge stated that on September 2, 2017, at Ruimveldt, Georgetown, she unlawfully and maliciously wounded Kellon Hinds with intent to murder him. Police Prosecutor Arvin Moore told…

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Congratulations to West Indies

Congratulations to the West Indies cricket team for a magnificent win over England at Edgbaston. According to some renowned cricket analysts when all the circumstances were taken into considerations the success can be classified as the greatest-ever comeback victory. As we jubiliate, we must remember that all was not well with the performance of our team. In England’s second innings, we dropped seven catches; We allowed their tail to wag like a ferocious English bulldog on the loose, while over the years our tail appears to start from deep in…

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