A Rainforest Farm

By Kendra Seignoret One of the interesting things about being able to stay a long time in one place is that you get to be a part of people’s everyday lives. And in doing so, it is more likely you will see parts of those lives that a ‘lightning strike’ tourist won’t. While volunteering in Guyana, my group and I met a woman who had a little shop in Pakuri, a Lokono village, also known as St. Cuthbert’s Mission. She had a farm, located in the surrounding rainforest. About two…

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Guyana Police Force continues efforts to reform operations

As the Guyana Police Force (GPF) continues with efforts to reform its operations, the capacity building department of the Force’s Strategic Planning Unit was commissioned on Monday and Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan called on the hierarchy of the law enforcement agency to build on its leadership and professionalism. The Minister gave this encouragement at the police officers’ training centre in Eve Leary, Georgetown, where he said that under the United Kingdom’s Security Sector Reform Programme (SSRP), the GPF would be able to implement the reforms. “Our Police Force needs…

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Linden/Georgetown hire car drivers protest relocation

Several hire car drivers plying the Linden/ Georgetown route have on Monday staged protest action outside the office of the Linden Mayor and Town Council (LM&TC) to register their opposition to a decision by the Council to relocate them from being stationed along the Co-op Crescent roadway to the Linden/Georgetown minibus park. The decision went into effect on September 1st but the dissatisfied drivers are up in arms, hoisting placards and voicing their concerns over the move, citing issues such as safety and what they described as the “ill- prepared…

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Heritage Village 2017: St Cuthbert’s Mission

Every year, during the Indigenous Heritage Month celebrations, a “heritage village” is identified, where many would converge to celebrate indigenous culture. This year we celebrate St Cuthbert’s Mission, also known as Pakuri Village, located on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway. St Cuthbert’s Mission is one of the most easily accessible indigenous villages along the East Bank. The site of this quaint village emerges after about a half-hour travel through a scenic sandy trail. On entering the village, one will quickly notice how serene it is. No noise nuisance or traffic, just village…

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Culture preservation vital in consolidating national identity

– Social Cohesion Minister Culture preservation is vital in consolidating national identity, therefore, it is imperative that we as Guyanese continue to practise the culture of our foreparents as opposed to embracing the culture of foreign countries which undoubtedly would lead down the path to identity erosion. This sentiment was expressed by Social Cohesion Minister, Dr George Norton, during the inaugural Harmony Festival on Sunday, hosted under the theme, “Inter-Denominational Unity for a Cohesive Guyana”. The event was hosted by the Social Cohesion Ministry in partnership with the Harmony Group,…

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Accomplice in botched Liliendaal robbery remanded

A 23-year-old convict who was implicated in a recent botched robbery on the Railway Embankment at Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown, was on Monday arraigned at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court. Mark Griffith of 31 Sheet Anchor, Canje, Berbice, appeared before Magistrate Seepaul-Ally and was not required to plead to the indictable charge which stated that on the day in question – August 29, 2017 – he attempted to rob a businesswoman at the said location. The court also heard that earlier this year, Griffith was sentenced to two years in abstentia for…

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Remembering Stephanie Correia (1930 – 2000)

By Petamber Persaud It will never be known how many arrows were left in the quiver of Stephanie Correia when she died in 2000. But those she utilised, Correia fired with unwavering accuracy, acquiring many trophies. In whatever field of human endeavour – teaching, pottery, poetry, painting or motherhood – she participated with distinction. “Arrows from the Bow” was Correia’s first and only book of poems. Published in 1988, some 500 years after Columbus, this collection of poems may be the first of such book written in English by an…

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Indigenous Heritage Month 2017 : ‘Guyana’s First Peoples: Sustaining a Rich Cultural Environment’

Guyana is a nation that has a colourful history, and is home to several cultures. For this reason, it is critical to preserve our heritage and the month of September has been designated to do just that. Declared by the late President Cheddi Jagan, Indigenous Heritage Month has been celebrated grandly with activities throughout the month, since 1995. Throughout this month, various indigenous villages will engage in activities, such as sports, traditional dancing, exhibitions of art, crafts and food, as part of the customary festivities in recognition of our indigenous…

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No gov’t policy in place to ban night work by female security guards, says Harmon

Following the barrage of criticisms levied on Government over Junior Social Protection Minister Keith Scott’s plan to bar single mothers from working the night shift for private security firms, State Minister State Joseph Harmon is now saying that there is no ban on the employment of women working at nights. The Minister made the comment at his Ministry of the Presidency Office on Thursday 7th September 2017. Harmon said that in relation to the question about a night work ban for women working in private security companies, the Minister of…

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Wedding cacophony

Satiricus was exhausted. He shuffled into the Back Street Bar as if in a daze, as his buddies watched him anxiously. As he plunked down into his seat, they waved frantically to the waitress to bring a cold beer in the hope it could revive the clearly “out of it” Satiricus. “Ah wha’ wrang, Budday?” asked Bungi solicitously. “Yuh look like yuh bin a wuk a backdam fuh wan week!” “Worse!” groaned Satiricus, as he downed the beer in one swig and signalled the waitress to bring another. “So what…

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