Roraima Airways seeks stronger Guyana-Cuba relations

Roraima Airways is seeking to increase air lift capacity to accommodate passenger and cargo flow to Cuba through the services of Dynamic International Airways; this is the ultimate aim as Roraima Airways participates in the Havana International Trade Exhibition. This exhibition comes at an opportune time as Easy Sky, Roraima’s newest travel partner, began its shopping tourism flights into Guyana on October 5 which has seen positive results. This is according to Roraima’s CEO, Captain Gerry Gouveia. The trade show is schedule to run from October 31 to November 4.…

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The shoe is now on the other foot

Dear Editor, The fresh outburst by the Mayor of Georgetown at the recent Statutory Meeting of Council where she criticised the Audit Office of Guyana and the Ministry of Communities, fundamentally says two things: First, that she is not happy, comfortable or welcoming to any type of audit being carried out at City Hall, which she knows can and will reveal corruption, fraud, and improprieties which will make all other institutions in Guyana look like a kindergarten class compared to City Hall’s University of Sleaze, something that every citizen of…

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Guyana Govt downplaying crime situation

Dear Editor, Crime is at an all-time high in Guyana. Since the Coalition Government took office last May this scourge has taken a meteoric rise reaching epidemic proportions. However the government is downplaying this epidemic with lots of talk that this is not the case; they have even provided us with statistics to support their point but all right thinking individuals – even if you have half a brain – can testify to the fact that Guyana is reeling from this crippling effect of crime. Hardly a day passes that…

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The Govt’s new policy and doctors’ dilemma

Dear Editor, When the PPP/C took Office in 1992, there were just over 150 doctors practicing in Guyana. Most of them were operating out of Georgetown and the other urban centres. An overwhelming number of them were in private practice, with some moonlighting in the public healthcare system. The cumulative result was a devastating paucity of medical personnel in the country as a whole, more particularly, in the public healthcare system and worst yet in the rural communities. By the time we left office in 2015, the situation was transformed.…

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The Public Security Minister should come up with an effective crime-fighting strategy

Dear Editor, I was appalled to see the recent headlines that stated that the Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan, was lobbying for more plastic and less cash transactions to stem crime. Editor, I dare say that this is one very revealing confession by our goodly Public Security Minister. He is basically throwing his hands up in the air and telling the citizens of our country not to carry so much cash, because there is nothing that can be done about the criminal elements that hound their lives on a daily…

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Ali labels CH&PA G$50B revamped housing programme ‘backward, nonsensical’

Following the announcement by the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) that there will be the construction of close to 10,000 housing units under a revamped low-income housing drive with apartment and duplex housing units, former Housing Minister Irfaan Ali has deemed this move as “backward and nonsensical”. The Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) recently told this publication that the decision was conceptualised without the requisite analysis. “You can’t move into an apartment concept without expert analysis and understanding the housing market, without an understanding on the needs of the…

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Caricom States to address “tax haven” label

Following what was deemed an “unfair and unfortunate” labelling of the Caribbean as a tax haven, a recent Conference of the Caribbean Community (Caricom) has posited that such labelling is grounded more in perception than reality. Senior representatives of international financial institutions, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, regulatory bodies, the European Union Commission, the OECD Global Forum, commercial banks, central banks, governments, Caricom Secretariat and the Caribbean Development Bank met in Antigua and Barbuda last week under the Chairmanship of the country’s Prime Minister Gaston…

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Presidential sweepstakes: Homestretch

With less than one week to go for the US elections scheduled for November 8, that horse race is now in the homestretch. Even before the primaries were over, this newspaper went out on a limb and suggested that the rank outsider Donald Trump might go all the way. He went on to win the Republican nomination quite handily and then raised his poll ratings to almost equal those of his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, who has been the very definition of a “Washington insider” that was supposed to “play”…

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Corentyne woman chopped to death by abusive neighbour

A man is in custody after almost decapitating his neighbour at Belvedere, Corentyne. Dead is Bhumattie Delall, 53, of 351 Fifth Street, South Belvedere. Reports are that Delall was in her yard, when her neighbour, a cane harvester, armed with a cutlass, went into the yard and dealt her several chops to her neck, almost severing it. He then calmly walked out of the yard and crossed the street into his yard where he was later arrested. The suspect’s name has been given as Jainarine Balgobin, called “Boyo”. Balgobin had…

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Essequibo bus driver on bail for resisting arrest

A minibus driver from Anna Regina Housing Scheme on the Essequibo Coast was on Wednesday granted bail after he appeared before the court for resisting Police arrest. Ally (only name given) made his first appearance before Magistrate Sunil Scarce at the Anna Regina Magistrate’s Court. It is alleged that on August 24, 2016, he resisted Police arrest at Charity public road. He plead guilty but based on his explanation, a not guilty plea was recorded. Ally told the court that he did not touch any Police Officer and that he…

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