Colombian fined G$30,000 for overstaying in Guyana

A Colombian woman was on Wednesday brought before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts for overstaying her time in Guyana. Karen Rosario Mona, 29, of Colombia, South America, pleaded guilty to the offence when it was read to her. The court heard that on May 12, 2016 and July 11, 2016, she failed to comply with the conditions of a permit to stay in Guyana, which stated that she was permitted to stay in the country from March 11, 2016 to May 11 2016. The Prosecution’s case…

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Ash Deonarine still being sought by Police

Local investigators are still pursuing the extradition of former Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) of the Guyana Power and Light Inc, Ash Deonarine, to answer to the two multimillion-dollar fraud charges. In August last year, Deonarine was sent on administrative leave after he allegedly transferred some G$27.8 million to his personal account without the approval of the Board of Directors. He is also being accused of paying former board member Carvil Duncan, a sum of G$948,000 that was not authorised. Following months of investigations, the two former GPL Executives were…

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Guyana nominates two judges for Network of Hague Judges

Guyana’s Chief Justice (ag) and another senior judge were nominated by Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, Basil Williams last evening to become Guyana’s representatives on the International Network of Hague Judges. At the opening ceremony of the Hague Convention Conference at the Pegasus Hotel last evening, Minister  Williams nominated Chief Justice (ag), Madame Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards and Madame Justice, Roxanne George as Hague Network Judges as part of Guyana’s commitment to joining the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH). Williams said he has no doubt that the…

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Enmore man hangs self

…relatives claim he had domestic problems By Kristen Macklingam The body of 48-year-old Mohanlall Udairaj was found hanging inside of his bedroom early this morning by his sister-in-law and nephew who had visited the home following concerns raised by the dead man’s neighbours. Tuladai Raj told this publication that she and her son made the shocking discovery around 07:30h today at the man’s lot 143 Hope West Enmore, East Coast Demerara (ECD) residence. She explained that her husband, the brother of the deceased, had arrived at Udairaj’s home earlier Thursday morning…

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Citizens must champion cause of nation in border dispute, says Belize’s Foreign Minister

Guyana’s citizenry must support the cause of the nation as it continues to seek resolution to Venezuela’s claim to Guyana’s territory. More importantly, the local media must ensure that each citizen understands the importance of the issue. These were the sentiments expressed by Belizean Foreign Minister, Wilfred Elrington whose country’s border, like Guyana’s, is being claimed by its neighbour. The border dispute between Belize and Guatemala is also unresolved. As small countries, the support of citizens is critical since border disputes become an “existential issue” for Guyana and Belize, both…

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Ironic that the Govt would accuse old age citizens of ‘double dipping’

Dear Editor, It is ironic that the Government would salaciously announce that it’s going after those old folks that collect US$90 per month from the Guyana Government and live oversees. This a myopic view of the present government because the leaders don’t see the thousands of US dollars in potential healthcare costs if these old folks that a majority suffers from comorbidities were to live for two years minimum in Guyana. For this reason, paying them a US$1000 per annum to stay away is a bargain. I am pleased that…

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City Hall should have trusted, competent, fair minded persons

Dear Editor, The report contained in Sunday’s edition of another section of the media, which reveals the deplorable working conditions at the Solid Waste Department of the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Georgetown is an appalling reminder of the indecency, tactlessness, and the insensitivity of the administration at City Hall. If they can subject their own workers whom they claim to value and appreciate to such unpleasant and harsh working conditions, then one can only imagine what they would do to the citizens of Georgetown whom they hardly…

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There is need for a review of the operations of the CCJ

Dear Editor, During the last ten years, the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) has been trying to find takers among the Caricom members. T&T has been resisting ascension to the CCJ and succeeding governments are reluctant to put it to a referendum fearing atonal rejection. There is no referendum whereby the people in any territory have been allowed to say whether they wish CCJ to replace the Privy Council where the judges of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom hear appeals from the Caribbean nations. The only countries that…

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The rice industry could ill-afford this GRDB-induced disaster!

Dear Editor, Despite serious concerns ventilated by the Guyana Rice Exporters and Millers Association (GREMA) and numerous huge rice exporters, the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) through its General Manager, Mr Nizam Hassan was adamant that the contract signed on March 1 this year with two Jamaican companies will not limit the export of rice to Jamaica and that the contractual arrangement will be ‘a plus for Guyana’s rice industry’ resulting in an increase in price per tonne of rice. He had claimed that rice exporters will receive US$400 per…

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Authorities working to remove vagrants from Parliament Building environs – Ramjattan

The Ministry of Public Security is seeking technical advice on the permanent removal of vagrants who continue to squat around Parliament building. Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan said to effectively remove these persons poses “a huge problem” to the Guyana Police Force. Ramjattan pointed out that while on some occasions police have had to place some of the vagrants in holding cells, they would always return to the area once they are released.  “We have a huge problem there…when you start taking them and putting them in the lock-ups because…

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