Dr Walter Rodney was very concerned about the development of African people

Dear Editor, I recently attended the screening of a documentary film titled W.A.R. Walter Anthony Rodney produced by Clairmont Chung. The film was screened as part of the Kwame Ture Memorial Lecture Series during the Emancipation Day celebrations in Port of Spain, in August this year. After viewing the film, I became more convinced that the academic and politician, Walter Rodney, was very concerned about African people in the Caribbean and Africa as well as in his own African culture and identity. He must be highly commended for embracing his…

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Jagdeo’s lecture in Miami was well presented and received

Dear Editor, “We black people…” These words were uttered by someone whom countless Guyanese would be shocked that these words came from his mouth. But yes, Guyana’s former president and current leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, on Friday evening in delivering the 18th annual Eric Williams Memorial Lecture in Miami, did say “we black people” and “we are black people” as he spoke of the people of the Caribbean. He also identified one of the reasons for US presidential candidate Donald Trump’s popularity, the failure of the status quo…

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Govt summons Chinese company to meeting over US$150M airport expansion project

… says project “woefully” behind schedule The Public Infrastructure Ministry is unhappy with the progress being made by China Harbour Engineering Ltd (CHEC) on the US$150 million Cheddi Jagan International Airport Extension Project and has since decided to haul in the contractor for a meeting to address the unsatisfactory issues. According to a statement issued by the Ministry on Wednesday, among the concerns to be addressed is the fact that CHEC is still to submit the final construction drawings of the new arrival terminal building. This complaint has been a…

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The need for a more ‘consensual’ form of democracy

October 5 passed without much fanfare even though it was the 24th anniversary of “free and fair” elections being returned to Guyana. Starting in 1968, the PNC under Forbes Burnham had rigged elections to thwart the democratic will of the Guyanese people and keep his party in power. In the post-WWII period, there had been great expectations raised in the minds of the populace that independence from colonial Britain via democratic elections would augur a life of prosperity and dignity for all Guyanese. It was self-evident to the populace that…

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Agriculture in Guyana

If this is October, then it must be “Agriculture Month”. And so it is, with the Ministry of Agriculture taking out full page ads in all the dailies to announce the “theme” for this month – “Exploring new production frontiers: in pursuit of climate resilience”. There was also the obligatory month-long series of activities designed to “not only focus on the resuscitation of the agricultural sector to increase efficiency, but will target the advancement of small and medium scale farmers across the ten administrative regions.” But what does this really…

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‘25 scandals in 16 months’: Opposition alleges widespread corruption in Govt

The A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government, led by President DavidGranger was elected to office just over 16 months now and the political Opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has concluded that the coalition Government has already been embroiled in more questionable practices than the PPP/C which ruled Guyana for 23 years. The Office of the Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, on Wednesday said it has been diligently monitoring the APNU/AFC Government’s use of public funds and the levels of transparency and accountability; issuing an eight-page ‘dossier’…

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A Banquet of Books

by Petamber Persaud (Extract of an interview with Ric Couchman, Georgetown, Guyana, September, 2016. Mr Couchman is an outdoorsman who would be launching four books of poetry on Friday Oc. 21, 2016 at the International Learning Institute, Queenstown) PP Whenever I introduce a book, I’d usually describe it as a treat – a literary treat, a literary delight. But to be introducing four books – I’d say this is a banquet. I noticed that in one of these books, you advised the reader against rushing through the poems. In other…

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‘Irresponsible and dangerous’

…Guyana complains to UN over reports of illegal mapping of Essequibo by Venezuela The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) has begun investigations into whether Venezuela has in recent days beenconducting illegal flights over Guyana’s Essequibo territory to which it has resuscitated claims, with a view to creating maps for that country which will include two-thirds of Guyana’s territory. This is according to Foreign Affairs Minister, Vice President Carl Greenidge, who on Wednesday during an interaction with media operatives at the Georgetown Club, called the action “irresponsible and dangerous” on the part…

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‘Creating a better tomorrow’

Guided by its motto, “Utilising Education Forces, Promoting Green Resources”, the young, energetic members of the Eco Trust Society are focused on the sustainability of their environment. In an interview with Sunday Times Magazine, Madhavi Indarjeet, one member of Eco Trust, spoke of her experiences working with the organisation and how it helped her become a guardian of her environment. “As a member of Eco Trust Society for the past two years, the experience has left me with a wider appreciation for the environment. It has impacted my lifestyle by…

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GMR&SC President gives thumbs up to successful drag racing season

– shifts focus to CMRC meet Last Sunday’s “Drag Warz 2” brought the curtains down on what the Guyana Motor Racing &Sports Club (GMR&SC) President Raj Boodhoo hails as a successful drag racing season and now the focus for the club will be the hosting of the final leg of the Caribbean Motor Racing Championships (CMRC) on November 13 at the South Dakota Circuit, Timehri. When Guyana Times International Sport spoke to Boodhoo he explained that “Sunday’s drag racing meet was successful, it helped build the hype for the highly…

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