Vreed-en-hoop fatal accident: Senior Officer under close arrest

A Superintendent of Police stationed in D Division (West Coast Demerara) has been arrested following the fatal accident at Vreed-en-Hoop, which claimed the life of a 65-year-old woman. Anmarie Deonarine, of Lot 144 New Road, Vreed-en-Hoop, WCD, was killed sometime around 11:30h on Tuesday by motor vehicle PRR 4446, which was being driven by the Divisional Crime Chief. In a statement issued on Tuesday evening, the Police said that a breathalyser test was conducted on the senior officer by the Traffic Chief himself and no trace of blood alcohol was…

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Dr Insanally appointed Guyana’s Permanent Representative to OAS

Dr Riyad Insanally is Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the Organisation of American States (OAS). He presented his Letters of Credence on September 30 to OAS Secretary General Luis Almargo at the OAS Headquarters in Washington DC, USA. The career diplomat reaffirmed Guyana’s commitment “to upholding the principles established by the OAS Charter fully cognisant of the virtuous circle we’re all seeking to close – that of democracy, human rights, multi-dimensional security and integral development.” DrInsanally was appointed as the Permanent Representative to the OAS earlier this year. He previously served…

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Guyana’s unique “racism”

By Ryhaan Shah Following up on last Sunday’s column on the rise of nativism, Guyana’s rather unique “racism” also bears some investigation. Racism is an ideology of domination based on the idea of biological and cultural superiority of one or more groups which is used to justify the treatment of others as inferior. Whole societies can be structured along racial lines or there can be, as occurred during the Burnham era, institutionalised racism where African-Guyanese were favoured by the very structure of government and society. But Guyana does not conform…

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Contemporary Cuts

Designer Sonia Noel’s newest collection, The Sonia Noel Man, offers cool, casual, trendy tops/shirts in “contemporary cuts” for the stylish man. These fashionable bespoke pieces are made from durable fabric,and are ideal for any guy who wants to “stand out from the crowd”. This collection will be showcased at the Guyana Fashion Week slated for November 6-13 at Pegasus Hotel. For more information, call 226-3099 or visit Guyana Fashion Week on Facebook.

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USAID provides initial US$1.5 million for Caribbean in wake of Hurricane Matthew

CMC The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will be providing an initial US$1.5 million to assist Caribbean countries affected by the passage of Hurricane Matthew. “We have announced US$1.5 million for the region; US$1 million of food aid is just being announced right now,” David Harden, USAID Assistant Administrator for the US Department of State’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance, told a press briefing here on Wednesday. “As of a day or so ago, we had announced US$500,000 for the non-food items, such as shelter, blankets,…

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A tribute to my sister

Affected by personal loss due to cancer, one woman vows to spread awareness of the disease In memory of her sister who lost her battle to cervical cancer, Jacqueline Marshall is resolute in her efforts to educate others on the disease and the benefits of early detection. In April 2016, Jacqueline started The Anciee Shondel Marshall Cancer Awareness Foundation in honour of her loving sister, Anciee Shondel Marshall. “The Foundation is in memory of my (our) beloved sister, daughter, mother, friend who passed away on March 10, 2016 due to…

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New army Chief of Staff sworn in

After 35 years of distinguished military service, Colonel George Lewis was on Monday promoted to Brigadier and then sworn-in as the new Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) at Camp Ayanganna. During an interview with the media after his inauguration, Brigadier Lewis said he has already ignited discussions with the Guyana Defence Board on a number of pertinent issues relative to the army. “Our mandate is to provide border defence. We have some challenges there we definitely have to work on; it may require recapitalisation, acquisition of…

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The Hot and Cold Lake

An ideal getaway The Hot and Cold Lake is the northern section of the Itiribisi Lake, located in Essequibo. It was formed naturally between the sand hills of Mashabo to Onderneeming, and is sourced by many natural springs, and by rainfall. The lake drains into the oceanthrough Riverstown Creek. The name ‘Hot and Cold’ came about when visitors swimming in the water experienced warm water, followed by cold patches all around the swimming area. This is due to an underwater spring close by, spewing cold water into the lake, giving…

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6-month maternity leave commendable, but will put a strain on private sector – Dookhoo

Former Private Sector Commission (PSC) Chairman Ramesh Dookhoo on Monday stated that while the Government’s proposal for six months of maternity leave was commendable, it would put a strain on the Private Sector. Dookhoo said although the proposal was “nice sounding” and creditable on the Government’s end, it would cost both parties money. “I’m already hearing murmurs from the Private Sector that it will be costly for them,” he said. Recently, the Social Protection Ministry, along with the Public Health Ministry, announced a proposed six months’ maternity leave for mothers,…

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Ali slams Govt for ‘abandoning’ PPP/C projects

The coalition A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government is being accused of badly mismanaging and now abandoning major projects left by their predecessors, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) which has led in part to the drastic decline in the nation’s economic performance. People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) point man on the economy, Irfaan Ali, has since called on Government to not abandon projects such as the PPP/C’s 1000 home project, since they hold the potential to turn around the nation’s economic performance. According to the former Government Minister,…

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