A True Passion

Girendra Persaud always wanted to be involved in a field that was exciting, challenging and creative.“I was always fascinated with technology and I love to discover how things work. My parents always had problems with me taking the toys apart in my efforts to see the inside,” he reveals in an interview with Sunday Times Magazine. With a degree in Computer Science and an MBA; owner and founder of web development company GxMedia, university lecturer and hobbyist photographer who has made his hobby into a business,it may be safe to…

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Gunmen terrorise, rob Canje family

Five armed bandits assaulted a young couple after breaking into their East Canje, Berbice home, carting off cash, jewellery and other valuables in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. Navindra Singh, also called ‘Surish’, said it was the third attempt to get into his Bristol Street home over the past four days. Of the five masked men, one was armed with a gun and three with cutlasses. The men gained entry through a window situated in the washroom. At the time Singh, his wife and a baby were at home.…

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Minister Hughes touts tele-medicine and E-learning possibilities for Guyana

In an effort to create a green, smart, information-based Guyana, Public Telecommunications Minister Cathy Hughes is touting tele-medicine and E-learning as possible initiatives that can be embarked upon with the development of an inter-connected digital platform. “Here we are talking about establishing an inter-connected digital platform that can provide Government services systems to citizens in an efficient cost-effective and timely manner. It is about establishing links that can manage both Government and Private Sector data in a safe and secure manner,” Hughes said at a recent press conference. She highlighted…

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UG should address concerns being raised about its online programmes

Dear Editor, Please permit some space in your newspaper to highlight some issues currently faced with the University of Guyana Online programme. Everything happens online these days. A quick search of the internet will deliver thousands of results of universities offering their programmes through an online platform. This has proven very useful for those universities as they can cater for more students without having to cater classroom space for them. However, it is not just the universities which have benefitted but the students as well, they no longer have to…

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The time has come to set up an Afro-Guyanese bank

Dear Editor, A bank is the life blood of a community. Moreover, a bank that caters to its community in ways that cares and respects the indigenousness of that community becomes more than a centre of finance. It is no secret that the afro-Guyanese approach to finance and banking is infused with a sense of upbringing that is ethnically different from the other citizen groups. There is nothing racist about setting up an afro-Guyanese bank to lend more money to small businesses, potential homeowners and others to reinvest back into…

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Will Moses and Khemraj change course in the Coalition Govt and advocate for better treatment of their constituents?

Dear Editor, Guyanese who worked with and know Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, and Charandass Persaud are at a loss to understand why these illustrious sons “would betray their own” – their words. They noted that if anyone had told them a few years back that Moses or Khemraj or Charandass would “sell them out and go into bed with the PNC” for self-perks, they would have hurt that person. So why this turn against Moses, Khemraj, Charandass and other ‘AFCites’? Everywhere I go in Guyana or NY, there is the…

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Traditional customs of childbirth

Part 1 Many of the age-old indigenous postnatal customs are fading due to new technologies and urbanization. However, research done on these customs still make for a good read, and may even encourage youths of today to learn more about their heritage. Phyllis Jordan’s “Amerindians customs after birth”, a chapter in the book “Focus on Amerindians” (May 1980), highlights some of these customs; the following are excerpts from her text. Indigenous postnatal customs include practices by both the mother and the father of the newborn infant. Europeans have labelled these…

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Guarding against Cyber-attacks

A report by US-based Inter-American Development Bank and the Organisation of American States has revealed that Latin America and the Caribbean are highly vulnerable to potentially devastating cyber-attacks. The report said that four out of five countries in Latin America and the Caribbean do not have a strategy to prevent cyber-attacks. The report added that nations such as Mexico, Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, and Chile have an intermediate level of preparedness, but remain far from advanced nations like the United States, Estonia and Israel. When we hear about data breaches…

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Making a business work

Lexton Williams has come a long way from his early crafting years, but he is the first to admit that business isn’t easy and he’s learned a lot over the years Fashion accessory designer and leatherworker Lexton Williams of LW Designs, a local company whose designs and manufacture include wallets and clutch purses,declared in an interview with Sunday Times Magazine, that his major life’s lesson“is that I failed so many times at trying to do business I’ve lost alot, but the real truth is that while I’ve failed, I learned,…

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US elections and American Exceptionalism

Contrary to what most of the political pundits outside US borders thought would be the case by now, Donald Trump is still setting the agenda for the US presidential race against Hillary Clinton. With their elections less than two months away and the polls indicating Trump is trailing Clinton by a whisker, it seems that with the capacity to outspend Clinton in advertisements and commercials during that time, Trump is well on his way to becoming the next president of the United States – as this paper proposed back in…

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