By Rakesh Rampertab, Esq. Imagine owning a house but not being able to sell it because of a boundary-line dispute with a neighbor? Or imagine paying property tax for your entire house lot, but not being able to use all of it, because of the placement of a neighbor’s fence causing a boundary-line dispute? Boundary-line dispute or issue is quite common among owners of properties. When a homeowner discovers that there is a boundary-line dispute or issue, it should be addressed immediately. As expected, some homeowners with boundary-line issues are…

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The 5 R’s of motivation against cigarette smoking

Last week I wrote about the 5 R’s of motivation to deal with alcoholism, this week I’d like to apply them to cigarette smoking. It’s an interesting quirk of history that our part of the world, the West Indies, first became important for producing both rum and tobacco, which are both now conceded to present severe health challenges. As we try to motivate others to quit these two addictive products, we should be aware that the mega corporations that make billions in profits from their sales are spending commensurate sums…

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Satiricus was chortling so heartily, his friend Cappo was worried he’d choke and croak on his beer. Outside the Back Street Bar, the crapauds were doing their own croaking now that it’s gotten dark. “Happy Hour” had become croaking hour! “Wha’ suh funny, Sato?”Cappo asked as he signalled the waitress for another beer. “It’s not “funny” funny,” Satiricus replied. “This news is more confirmation that our country is on the move and I’m just so happy,” “Wha’ news da?” inquired Cappo. “Me prappa need some good news.” “Well, the Government…

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Mout’ open…

…on Govt audits It could be just a matter of serendipity…but more folks would probably say “there is a God!!” Your Eyewitness is referring, of course, to the Muckraker finally accepting (and publishing!!) that the audit from the number one crusader for “transparency” – Chris Ram – was fatally flawed. For what? Lack of transparency!!! And in the same edition the Muckraker carries the umpteenth plea from David Hinds of the WPA – the accusation that the Government is dragging its feet on taking action (read “jailing”) against all the…

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Visit Kykoverall Island – An island full of history

Kijkoveral, meaning “See-over-all” is an island of about 1.5 acres, located in the Mazaruni River close to where it branches off from the Essequibo River and also close to the mouth of the Cuyuni River. There is some doubt that it was the Dutch who arrived in what is now Guyana first – it may be the Spanish –but it is accepted that the Dutch settled on this island in 1616 (some say earlier in 1613). However, by 1624, Essequibo had become the responsibility of the Zeeland Chamber of the…

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Ethno-Global Indian Identity

By Lomarsh Roopnarine I have now arrived at the last of my multipartite analyses of Indian identity which is ethno-global. Before I proceed, I think it is worthwhile to provide a brief discussion on globalisation with regard to culture since this process has significantly shaped Indian ethno-global identity in Guyana. I see globalisation as a worldwide interconnectedness through the movement of resources, goods, services, capital, and information. The main driving force behind globalisation is technology and as far as culture is concerned technology has intensified global relations linking local communities…

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5 Haitians fined, deported for illegal entry

The five Haitians who were nabbed in Linden, Region 10 last Friday for illegal entry were on Tuesday fined G$20,000 each and ordered deported by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan when they appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. Fequiere Emmile, 27; Wilmar Jozly, 45; Pamel Mondasir, 24; Jeane Emmile, 25, and Robinson Thimodore, 19, all pleaded guilty to the charge which stated on September 23, 2016 at Springlands, Corentyne, they entered by sea and disembarked without the consent of an immigration officer. Police Prosecutor Deniro Jones told the court that on…

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Is nativism the new racism?

By Ryhaan Shah Is nativism the new face of racism? This particular discrimination is sweeping through Europe and the United States with the Brexit vote and the rise of Trumpism being good examples of the nativist phenomenon, which is defined as discrimination against immigrants. But this is a narrow or even evasive definition since it is the same mindset of holding one group superior to every other – the textbook definition of racism – that underlies the nativist trend. Many non-whites are unsurprised by the trend and feel that this…

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Claude Stevens’ Art for the People

By Celeste Hamilton Dennis You can find him every day on the corner of the market entrance sandwiched between the currency exchange men. Women are on their way to the market to sell pink flip-flops or to buy freshly butchered chicken. Chutney music blares from dilapidated rum shops. Claude Stevens stands on a crowded and dirty corner looking for the man who said he’d come back on Tuesday to buy his coconut tree painting. Stevens waits in the midst of the raucous hustling and transient bustling—quiet, patient, stolid. You can…

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AYUBE HAMID: A 90th birth anniversary tribute

The man with the golden voice in the golden age of broadcasting In the history of broadcasting in Guyana, few people have made their mark as indelibly as Ayube Hamid Khan. On the occasion of what would have been his 90th birthday on September 20, 2016, we take a look back at the life of this true son of the soil. For 55 years, his mellow and mesmerizing voice made time stand still as he ushered in the country’s favourite programme, “Indian Memory Album” every Monday night at 8.30 p.m. Irrespective…

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