Murdered Guyanese NY cop to be buried in Guyana

– relatives say he died pursuing his dream According to reports in the New York Daily News, the Guyanese born NYPD officer who was gunned down during a chase in Harlem, will be laid to rest in his native Guyana following funeral services in New York. Relatives in Guyana who were shocked when they heard the news of his death say he died pursuing his passion and they are proud of him. An outraged Mayor de Blasio and NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton blasted the court program that freed a one-time…

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5-Stage cycling rebranded Tour of Guyana

– riders have until October 16 to register By Avenash Ramzan Held under the banner “Ride for Life Five-Stage” for the past eight years, Guyana’s premier cycling event, slated for this month-end, has been rebranded Tour of Guyana. This was revealed by national cycling coach and chief organiser Hassan Mohamed on Tuesday, as this publication sought an update on the gruelling four-day event. The ninth annual showpiece will pedal off on October 29 and end on November 1, spanning all three counties of Guyana. “The event will now be known…

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Players’ commitment key criteria for selection, says Griffith

By Rajiv Bisnauth Chairman of the National Selectors and former Guyana fast bowler Rayon Griffith outlined that while the selection panel will be looking at a number of factors before the final Guyana Jaguars squad is selected, “players’ commitment” will be the key criteria for selection. According to Griffith, the squad for the first round of the second edition of the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) Professional Cricket League Regional Four-day franchise tournament, which commences on November 6, will be selected after the two four-day practice games. The first practice…

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A celebration of life

Travell Blackman was admitted to the E R Burrowes School of Art in 2001, as the youngest student due to the excellent portfolio he was able to present to the interview panel, since the age for admission to Burrowes was 18 years at that time. This ambition, displayed at a young age, has been constantly showcased in Blackman’s art. Blackman was a major in Painting and minor in Textiles at Burrowes. He graduated from the art institution in 2004, copping the awards for Best Student in Painting and Best Graduating…

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Silence …

…on border Ralph Ramkarran reminded the new US Ambassador about their role on the border controversy, which Venezuela’s been hanging over our heads like the sword of that Damocles Greek fella. And we know what’s happening to Greece! Ramkarran being Ramkarran, played it safe. He gave a good historical account of the US fin de siècle role back in 1899, when that country was still feeling it’s oats against its old colonial master Britain. Taking the burdens of its Monroe Doctrine seriously (ironically patterned on Britain’s earlier “white man’s burden”…

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A cascading beauty

Located some eight miles from the Maipaima Eco-Lodge in Nappi, the 900 ft. Jordan Falls cascades down a series of steep steps. Getting to the falls requires an arduous five-hour hike, going up and down many hills, crossing slippery rocks and wading through flowing waters. The return journey does not have to be made in one day since a satellite camp has been built at the base; so unless you are incredibly averse to sleeping in hammocks, an overnight next to the falls should not be missed. A more leisurely…

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The Tuma Pot

During the September Amerindian Heritage Month, you may have heard of the “tuma pot”. As explained by Michael Patterson, CEO of Tuma Sàlà Restaurant, described as Guyana’s first ever indigenous restaurant, the tuma pot is not an actual pot, a misconception by many, but a variety of meat in a pot. “The tuma pot refers basically to the meat in the pot, but instead of using cassareep, the cassava water is used. Cassareep is produced after the refining process, where the cassava water is discoloured until dark brown with a…

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Govt Ministers’ pay 11 times higher than average public servant’s

First-time parliamentarian for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP) and Attorney-at-Law Charles Ramson has joined the queue of disappointed Guyanese over the recent confirmation by the new David Granger-led A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) Government of the whopping 50 per cent salary increase for Ministers, an amount that will be 11 times higher than what is being offered to the average public servant. Government on Tuesday confirmed and defended its decision to raise the salaries of all Government Ministers, including three Vice Presidents and Junior Ministers. In…

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Guyana’s six ‘tigers’

By Matt Hallett Part II Guyana is home to six species of wild cat – each with unique natural histories, beautiful physical attributes, and interesting behaviours. Each of the six species plays an important role in the vast forests and savannas of Guyana, a niche that evolved over millions of years. Whether it is as the top predator or feeding on rodents in the tree tops, the astonishing diversity of the landscape allows for all six of these species to share space, find enough food, and pass their genes on…

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