Ramjattan holding firm to Diwali date decision

…Dharmic Sabha insists on celebrating Diwali on Nov 11 Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan is holding firm to his decision that Diwali will be observed on November 10 despite the uproar from a majority of the Hindu community, who are claiming that the official date should be November 11. In another section of the media, Ramjattan stated that he had received a letter of complaint from the Veerat Sabha as it relates to the November 10 date for the festival of Diwali. He had reportedly sent the letter to the…

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Five remanded for trafficking in narcotics

Five persons were on Monday remanded to prison by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan when they appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts charged with trafficking in narcotics. The head of the alleged drug cartel, Gordon Williams, 52, of 12 Perseverance and 25 Section C Street, Barima, Essequibo Coast; Marlyn Scott, 49, a well known businesswoman of 25 Section C Street, Barima; Marlon Scott, 28, a miner of 503 Respect Street, Onderneeming, Essequibo, Damien George, 32, of Second Phase Sandhill, Onderneeming, and Dennis Mohabir, 50, of Lot 68 Shell Road, Kitty appeared…

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DDL opts to sell its BBCI shares to Govt

In attempting to gain majority control of the Berbice Bridge Company Inc (BBCI) to fulfil its campaign promise of implementing toll reductions, Government will buy the 10 per cent shares of common shareholder Demerara Contractors Limited, a subsidiary of Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL). Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo announced during a post-Cabinet press briefing on Wednesday that DDL offered to sell its shares to the Government for some Gy$45 million and Finance Minister Winston Jordan was given permission to make the purchase. He noted that moves were afoot to open discussions…

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City Hall bullying should not be tolerated

Dear Editor, The latest example of high-handedness by Georgetown City Hall, as reported in Stabroek News (17/10/15), is the announcement by City Public Relations Officer Debra Lewis that “persons caught littering are arrested by the officers and taken to City Hall where they are given a lecture by Lewis and charged.” As reported, their pictures will then be taken and circulated to the media as part of a ‘name and shame’ campaign. The Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) is calling on the Government to stop this sort of campaign and…

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When you put self-interest before country – the rice economy

Dear Editor, When the coalition Government openly told rice farmers that they would have to find their own markets, it was the single most reprehensible statement to have been ever made by a government. It was the most callous, cold-hearted thing to date and which clearly shows that they are not interested in country. For an economy that is growing at a rapid rate as ours and about to pass the one million tonne mark this year, this takes the cake. Guyana is doomed. What is even more distressing is…

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Why is there controversy surrounding the date Diwali should be celebrated?

Dear Editor, I fully support the views of Vidyaratha Kissoon that consensus can be achieved when there are different views (‘Diwali date difference has consensus opportunities’ – SN 17/10/2015). However, I cannot help feeling that neither consensus nor unity might have been on the agenda given the haste, it appears, with which the Ministry of Public Security rushed to have the notice published over the weekend dated 14 October 2015 naming Tuesday 10 November 2015 as the National holiday in observance of the Hindu Festival, Diwali. (Should this function still…

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Didn’t the President say the treasury was empty?

Dear Editor, On October 17, 2015 Guyana Times published an article under the caption, “Govt to spend double $B to boost GDF’s strength and capabilities.” The article stated that President Granger intends to increase allocations to the GDF by Gy$20 billion. President Granger’s motive, according to the article is that: “The force must have the capacity to maintain adequate combat-ready units with the correct mix of personnel and equipment.” As part of his plan, he wants to reinstate the People’s Militia. OK, I am confused. Didn’t the President say that…

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PM Nagamootoo attempts to justify mega salary increases

Amid immense public outcry, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo attempted to justify the astronomical salary increases Government has given itself; declaring that it was utterly unfair that the Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Basil Williams was being paid more than the Prime Minister. Nagamootoo appeared to be taking the fall and the blame for a scandal that has done massive damage to the image and integrity ratings of the Government. He admitted that it was for this reason that he requested the super increases in order to develop a “proper”…

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Child labour high in Guyana – Social Protection Ministry

A unit to focus specifically on the issue of child labour is expected to be established by the Social Protection Ministry after a recent survey has revealed an alarming high number of Guyanese children are involved in the worst forms of child labour. The findings of the 2011 National Child Labour Rapid Assessment Survey were released by the Social Protection Ministry on Tuesday. The survey found, among other things, that children and young workers in Guyana are involved in the worst forms of child labour, including prostitution. According to the…

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The wages of Salarygate

The salary scandal precipitated by the Cabinet of the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government’s enormous salary hike for themselves reveals a strong streak of moral cynicism by the members of that Cabinet, who, if the Minister of Governance is to be believed, all participated in the decision to enrich themselves from the public treasury. And this action was done in direct contravention of their policy on salaries as stated in their Manifesto: Under the heading, “Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare”, the coalition criticised the People’s Progressive…

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