Mining consultancy firm opens in Guyana

Members of the local and international mining fraternity are to benefit from the provision of a wide range of technical expertise as renowned Guyanese-Canadian Mining Engineer, Dr Andrew Ramcharan formally commissions AAR Mining Consulting Firm in Guyana. AAR Mine Consulting Inc is a consulting company which offers a wide range of services to both open-pit and underground mining projects. Its services cater to clients in banking; Government; major mining companies; exploration and development firms; law firms; individual investors; international organisations (CIDA, and the United Nations etc); and private equity ventures.…

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Rohee disregards talk about presidential candidacy

People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) General Secretary (GS) Clement Rohee on Tuesday disregarded talks that he and Junior Finance Minister, Bishop Juan Edghill are listed to become the party’s Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates respectively. Talks by analysts indicate that the party might be following the trend where its General Secretaries become the Presidential candidates. In their analysis, they cited former President, the late Janet Jagan and current Head of State President Donald Romotar who had both served in that capacity before taking up the leadership post of President. But Rohee,…

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Achieving ethnic proportionality in security forces a huge challenge

By Vahnu Manikchand Years after adopting the landmark Disciplined Forces Commission Report, law enforcement agencies in Guyana have acknowledged that it has been difficult to achieve ethic balance in the forces despite the clear recommendation for this to be done. The issue of the ethnic imbalance in the security forces had come to the fore during the Constitutional Change hearings during 1999. One of the changes that were approved unanimously in 2000 Constitution was a clause that mandates the President to establish a Commission to investigate and recommend resolving the…

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Aishalton incident might have been a set up – Rohee

People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) General Secretary Clement Rohee said the recent Aishalton incident involving a resident and Presidential Guards might have very well been a plot by the political Opposition to turn residents against Government. At the Party’s weekly press briefing on Tuesday, Rohee said while the PPP/C was not upset by the move purportedly made by the Opposition to prolong the issue, it had a responsibility to protect the name and reputation of President Donald Ramotar , who is also an executive member of the PPP/C. Late last month,…

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GECOM to publish Preliminary List of Electors

Having completed the 7th Cycle of Continuous Registration, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) stated that preparations are underway for the publication of the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE). The GECOM Secretariat is currently conducting a thorough fingerprint cross matching exercise as it analyses the fingerprints of registrants on both the existing National Register of Registrants as well as applications for new registration and new databases to eliminate multiple registrations. When this exercise is completed, the PLE will be produced. Persons are urged to check the extracts of the PLE which…

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Govt to sue Civil Society “leader”

Government has expressed its intention of taking legal action against the Guyana National Council on Public Policy (GNCPP) and its chairman, Dr Phillip Mozart Thomas so as to recover the over Gy$4 million owed for services provided. The announcement was made on Wednesday by Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon. He told reporters that Government has been keeping track of the organisation and Thomas. Last week, the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC) reported that it was owed a total of Gy$4,208,360 for services provided to the organisation for its civil society…

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There is much confidence in the Jagdeo-led Commonwealth team

Dear Editor, Reference is made to former President Bharrat Jagdeo’s appointment to lead the Commonwealth Observer mission in Sri Lanka for the Presidential election. The former President’s invitation and his acceptance have become critical to ensure a free and fair election in Lanka. There is full faith and confidence in the mission and in Jagdeo’s ability to oversee the team. Besides, Jagdeo’s team, there are also several other international and local missions.  The election is being keenly watched to prevent electoral rigging like what happened in Guyana during the PNC…

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The PPP has always embraced a working class ideology

Dear Editor, The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) salutes the entire membership and supporters of the party on the occasion of its 65th anniversary. As is popular knowledge, the PPP was formed on January 1, 1950 with Dr Cheddi Jagan and his wife Janet as founder leaders. This makes the PPP/C not only the oldest but also the largest and most respected political party in the country. The PPP/C is proud of the role it has played in the granting of internal self Government and subsequently in the struggle for political…

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Let’s call a date for elections

Dear Editor, Another eventful year has come to a close in Guyana. The naysayers and doomdayers have been running amok like flies looking for sores. At the same time, they have conveniently ignored all the developments in the country. The mudraker and its reporters with their jaundiced eyes have not seen developments that many other Guyanese have enjoyed. The prorogation of Parliament by the President was a very important decision in the field of politics. This, I strongly feel, is a judicious decision and the best of the options available…

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This is yet another major recognition for the former President

Dear Editor, I was delighted to hear the news that former President Bharat Jagdeo has been appointed Head of the Commonwealth Observer Mission for Sri Lanka’s elections. This is at the invitation of head of the Sri Lanka Elections Commission Mahindra Deshapriya. Mr Jagdeo has never been given his due for the many developments he brought to this country during his tenure as President. He was instrumental in pushing for the University of Guyana campus at Tain; bridging of the Berbice River; consolidating the many infrastructural developments introduced by the…

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