Overturning Obama’s immigration policy could result in more deportations

Dear Editor The Republican-dominated House of Representatives passed a Bill on Thursday defying President Obama’s Executive Order to grant protection to illegal immigrants who have not run afoul of American laws. The President’s directive protects some five million illegal immigrants, including thousands of Guyanese, who came to the US prior to 2012 and have not broken any laws. They would be required to pay a fee and work legally, although they will not be able to travel overseas. The Executive Order could later on be amended to allow for overseas…

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US, UK, Canada welcome poll announcement

– hope for clean electoral process The US, the UK and Canada on Thursday issued a joint release welcoming President Donald Ramotar’s announcement of May 11, 2015 as the poll date and called for improvements to be made to the electoral process including equitable access by all parties to the media. The joint release was a further sign of the continued deep interest of Western countries in Guyana’s elections and follows a flurry of direct statements from its diplomats in Georgetown in recent weeks. Abuse of the state media by…

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Jilted lover remanded for stabbing teen to death

The West Berbice man who stabbed his girlfriend to death on Saturday evening had been remanded to prison. Shazim Kaili of Shieldstown, West Bank Berbice, Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice) appeared before Magistrate Rhondell Weaver at the Blairmont Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday charged with the capital offence of murder. He was not required to plea to the indictable charge which stated that on January 17, at Rosignol, Berbice, he murdered Shazien Mohamed of Edinburgh Housing Scheme, East Bank Berbice, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne). Meanwhile, an autopsy conducted on the body of Mohamed…

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Guyana has enjoyed steady economic growth despite challenges – Finance Minister

Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh pointed out that Guyana, under the People’s Progressive Party Civic/ (PPP/C) Administration, continues to experience economic growth and development despite the challenges encountered in the parliamentary process and the inevitable consequences that these challenges have posed for the political and economic environment. Singh noted that sustaining nine years of consecutive economic growth is not easy and extending it remains high on the PPP/C’s agenda. “We (the PPP/C) take very seriously our responsibility for ensuring that the economic environment in Guyana continues to be attractive,” he…

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Guyana among countries with lowest cost of living

Guyana has been listed as one of the countries with the lowest cost of living, according to a survey done by Numbeo.com. The map shows the difference in living costs around the world using figures from the world’s largest database of user contributed data about cities and countries worldwide. The Consumer Price Index, used to determine the difference in the living costs between countries takes into account the prices of groceries, transportation, restaurants and utilities. The CPI in the infographic is a relative indicator of a country’s living costs compared…

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The time has come

The expected announcement by President Donald Ramotar on Tuesday, setting May 11 as Elections Day, would have no doubt ended weeks of speculations as to when Guyanese would go to the polls following last November’s prorogation of Parliament. Elections in Guyana are always interesting times. Apart from the lively political discourses and banter on the campaign stages – E-days in Guyana are always fraught with lurking danger. Little wonder, President Ramotar urged in his address to the nation, that the elections process be conducted in a spirit of peace and…

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NY-based Guyanese call on political parties to ensure peaceful elections

By Vishnu Bisram New York-based Guyanese are pleased that President Donald Ramotar has announced a date, May 11, 2015, for election in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana. Guyanese living in New York and other areas in the United States feel the announcement of a date for the election will put an end to the idle chatter about the intention of the minority-led PPP government. They have since issued a strong call for a peaceful elections atmosphere. Guyanese in the diaspora were anxiously awaiting a date for the election since…

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To prorogue of dissolve?

The British High Commissioner to Guyana on Monday threatened to have Guyana be sanctioned by the Commonwealth if the President does not end the Prorogation Order he issued last November. This latest explicit threat followed a call a few days ago by the British Foreign Office for the prorogation to be ended “as soon as possible”. It is clear that the British are ratcheting up the pressure on the Guyana Government to end the prorogation. What is also clear is that the British are threatening to impose sanctions unilaterally by…

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Govt calls on Opposition to apologise to Norway, IDB

–over wild accusations about Amaila Falls Project The following is a press statement issued late last Wednesday night by the Office of the President, calling on the Opposition to “immediately apologise” to the government of Norway and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for deigning to suggest that they are involved in a conspiracy to violate the Constitution of Guyana. The following is the full text of the statement: “For several years, the Opposition has revelled in spreading lies and distortions about Guyana’s development initiatives. Their sole objective has been to…

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