Schools Welfare Programme to be strengthened

Amid increasing violence at public schools, Education Minister Priya Manickchand said the Ministry would strengthen its welfare programme in schools across the country. Speaking at a press conference on Friday, Manickchand said more welfare officers would be trained by high-level officials from across the Caribbean, noting that a team of 13 supporting masters are currently in the country undergoing training. Manickchand noted that since the initiative was the first of its kind, they may not be able to pull off everything on time and as expected, but would work towards…

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“We are ready for battle” – PPP/C

By Gomatie Gangadin General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), Clement Rohee on Monday disclosed that the Party has been “oiling its machinery “for elections and is entering full elections mode. This disclosure was made during the party’s weekly press conference at Freedom House. He noted that the party members are getting ready to venture out across the ten administrative regions in coming weeks as its election campaign takes shape. Rohee related that the PPP/C members have been meeting with citizens since before the Christmas season and they are…

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Political parties in agreement for public vetting of E-Day staff

– but GECOM non-committal The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) is yet to agree on a proposal for public vetting of elections day staff, although most of the political parties said they will give support to such an initiative. The idea was first floated by the People’s progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) during a recent meeting with GECOM. However, in a statement on Tuesday the electoral body said at a meeting with the PPP/C on Monday the request was repeated for the commission to publish the names of persons to be employed by…

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Sale of counterfeit products remains a major problem in Guyana

The influx of substandard and counterfeit products in Guyana remains a major problem, as it affects not only consumers but commercial entities that are selling legitimate products. The Private Sector Commission (PSC) is now joining organisations such as the Government Analyst-Food and Drug Department and the World Health Organisation (WHO), in the call to end the sale of these substandard products. In a recent interview with Guyana Times International, PSC President Ramesh Persaud said businesses should guard against the importation of substandard and counterfeit products. He said too that wholesalers…

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Setting of elections date in keeping with the Constitution – Nandlall

President Donald Ramotar has no obligation to dissolve Parliament before announcing a date for General and Regional Elections, Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall said, as he poured cold water on criticisms made by the other political parties and the Guyana Trade Union Congress (GTUC). Hours after President Ramotar announced that elections will be held on May 11, GTUC issued a statement condemning the act, contending that the life of the 10th Parliament should have been dissolved before a date was set for elections. “GTUC condemns the continued…

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Granger calls for new elections date

…cites clash with CSEC, CAPE exams By Jomo Paul Opposition Leader David Granger has called on President Donald Ramotar to rethink the date that has been set for the hosting of General and Regional Elections, pointing out that it coincides with Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) exams and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE). Contacted on the issue, a senior Government official told Guyana Times International that all efforts would be made to ensure a smooth holding of the polls in conjunction with examinations. The President on Tuesday in an address…

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The British High Commissioner believes his country is still a colonial power

Dear Editor, I have seen the reports in the Sunday papers on the reaction of the Guyana Trade Union Congress (GTUC) to the statement by Caricom Ministers criticising the blatant interference and the mis-leading and untruthful remarks made by the British High Commissioner in Guyana in relation to prorogation of the Parliament and democracy. I was immediately reminded of the old saying, “History tends to repeat itself, first as a tragedy and second as a farce”. I also reminded myself that this is the problem with the GTUC. It does…

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Honouring Dr Martin Luther King, Jr

Dear Editor, Americans on each third Monday of January honour the life and achievements of the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr, (1929–1968), the 1964 Nobel Peace Laureate and the individual most associated with the triumphs of the African-American civil rights movement during the 1950s and 1960s. As political organiser, supremely skilled orator and advocate of nonviolent protest, King was pivotal in persuading his fellow Americans to end the legal segregation that prevailed throughout the South and parts of other regions, and in sparking support for the civil rights legislation that…

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Pope’s message of peace relevant in today’s world

Dear Editor, I followed with interest Pope Francis’ recent visit to Asia. I was highly impressed with the message of peace and reconciliation by the Pope which is so relevant in today’s world in which there is so much tension and conflict. His visit to Sri Lanka and the Phillipines generated extraordinary mass appeal and seemed to have resonated with Catholics and people generally, in particular his call for greater concern for underprivileged children and for the poor and needy. According to media reports, over six million people attended papal…

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Freedom of expression is constantly being abused

Dear Editor, Guyana is perhaps one country where freedom of expression is constantly abused despite utterances to the contrary by a bunch of people opposed to the Government. How can we conclude that there is no freedom of expression when Kaieteur News on a daily basis personally attacks the President, Ministers of the Government and other prominent persons through its columnist Freddie Kissoon and Dem Boys Seh column? These people do not need a Freedom of Information Act to spread their bile since their arrogance and disrespect for authority has…

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