Rodney COI: Luncheon says PNC has last chance to testify

The Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry has been extended for a final round, and according to the Government, surviving PNC officials who had served under the Linden Forbes Sampson administration, are being offered a final opportunity to face investigators. Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon on Wednesday informed reporters of government’s decision to extend the life of the commission for a four month duration. This round, which comes to an end on March 31, has been extended to July 31 later this year. This is the fifth extension of the commission…

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Guyanese nabbed with cocaine at JFK

…says thought he was smuggling diamonds According to a report from the New York Daily News, a Guyanese man has been arrested in the United States for allegedly smuggling cocaine inside cans of diced fruit came up with story that’s nuttier than a fruitcake. Colin McKenzie allegedly told investigators that he thought he was smuggling diamonds. McKenzie, 48, and his two suitcases were selected for inspection Friday by Customs and Border Protection officers after he stepped off a Caribbean Airlines flight at Kennedy Airport. Inside the suitcases were three large…

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Political campaign seeks to ignore pre-1992 events in Guyana

Dear Editor I am one of the younger members of society. I grew up in the time of the PPP/C. I have seen many developments in my country. I understand the importance of elections to a modern day society. I also value the informed opinion of the people. Recently, I’ve come across the MoveFoward campaign on Facebook. Their campaign includes posting a picture of themselves, along with their opinion. This campaign is targeted at the youths of Guyana, mostly those born post-1992. The main objective of the campaign is to…

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No reputable literary award accepts self published works as entries

Dear Editor, Because Ruel Johnson and I have had friendly exchanges in the past, I feel that I have been too harsh in my public criticism of him. However, I think he has become grandiose and wholly insufferable, especially over the Guyana Prize which he speaks about with authority as if it is his personal property. But what is the Guyana Prize other than a substandard literary award tailored to Guyana? No reputable literary award accepts self published works as entries. Nor manuscripts – I understand that manuscripts can also…

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Albert Boodhoo supported our struggle for democracy in New York

Dear Editor, It is with sadness that I learned of the passing of New York-based Albert Boodhoo who was a grass roots activist of the PPP/C and a strong trade unionist who served GAWU and the working class with distinction. He greatly admired Dr Cheddi Jagan for his self-less struggle against the exploitation of the working class, and he took a page out of his book to serve the sugar workers. He also fought against the PNC dictatorship for the restoration of democracy. Albert, as we called him in New…

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Granger details Coalition plans if successful at polls

By Gomatie Gangadin The newly formed A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU-AFC) coalition had its official elections campaign launch on Wednesday at the Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, Georgetown. Presidential Candidate, Opposition Leader Brigadier David Granger told the gathering the country was suffering from severe “unhappiness” and this must be addressed since it would lead to social crises. The Presidential hopeful told the crowded room of supporters and media operatives that the state of unhappiness in the country was seen in the number of suicides recorded every year. “The…

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Guyana joins world in observing World Wildlife Day

Amid prevailing challenges, Guyanese must push for tangible results in the area of sustainable wildlife management and conservation, Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud said on Tuesday, as he rallied for support. At the time, Minister Persaud was speaking at a Stakeholders’ Forum to mark World Wildlife Day, which was held under the theme “Wildlife crime is serious; let’s get serious about wildlife crime”. He said the theme should not be taken at face value, as it puts the spotlight on illegal trade and exploitation of wildlife. “As wildlife…

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Facing the Venezuelan threat

The news that the Venezuelan Government, through its Foreign Affairs Minister Delcy Rodríguez, has objected to Esso/Exxon about their oil rig preparing to explore for oil off the coast of Essequibo in a concession granted by the Guyana Government, should be cause for concern for all Guyanese. Informing the United Nations Secretary General; the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR); the Organisation of American States (OAS) and the Commonwealth, the Government of Guyana reacted with alacrity to the provocative action: “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has requested that the Government…

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Exxon begins drilling for oil in Guyana’s Basin

By Alexis Rodney   United States-based oil company ExxonMobil’s oil exploration ship, the Deep Water Champion is in position in the Stabroek Block off Guyana’s Essequibo Coast and will commence its US$200 million exploration project today (Thursday), Country Manager Jeff Simons has said. The company is locked in what could be a possible showdown with Venezuelan authorities who have warned it not to proceed with the drilling, which was sanctioned by the Guyana Government. Venezuela has repeatedly laid claim to the area to be explored, ignoring an 1899 Arbitral Tribunal…

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6000 homes in Guyana’s hinterland to receive solar panels

Despite its massive drive to expand its services, the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Inc may not be able to provide electricity to every Guyanese home. Head of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS) and Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon made the statement on Wednesday during an announcement that some 6000 homes will receive 65-watt solar panels in GPL’s “off grid” areas. Hinterland communities in Regions One (Barima-Waini); Seven (Cuyuni-Mazuni); Eight (Potaro-Siparuni); and Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo) will benefit from the Gy$166 million project which will see homes being powered by the…

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