President Carter might be able to influence Guyanese leaders to work together

Dear Editor, The news that former US President Jimmy Carter will be among the dozens of persons who will monitor the May 11 general elections certainly brings relief to the electorate – especially from the Opposition. The fear of rigging might be minimized. However, it is the Government that invited Carter and his team to ensure that the elections are free. In fact, it was Carter who persuaded Desmond Hoyte to introduce certain measures in the 1992 general elections which was responsible for the demise of the PNC Administration. The…

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Private Sector body furious over political parties’ scuttling of presidential debate

Private Sector Commission (PSC) Chairman Ramesh Persaud has expressed disappointment at the Opposition’s scuttling of a presidential debate it had organised between President Donald Ramotar and his rival for the May 11 elections, David Granger. In fact, he condemned what he called the immature behaviour of the People’s National Congress (PNC)-led A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition and the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) for creating unnecessary ruckus over a simple debate. Persaud recognised with great alarm, the failure of the two major political forces in Guyana…

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The politics of bitterness

It would appear that we have to revisit the concept of ressentiment, to explain the envy, bitterness, hatred and desire for revenge that undergirds the transparent “anonymous” attack of the “legacy” of former President Jagdeo. Born from their belief that they should have occupied his position because of the “heritage”, they lacked the strong qualities that Jagdeo displayed during his tenure, and became frustrated at their impotence to achieve those values. They finally and insidiously transvalued their original desire for strength and decisiveness to propose that their own weakness is…

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Ramotar promises more commercial banks in new Govt

By Gomatie Gangadin President Donald Ramotar on Wednesday promised the business and private sectors in Guyana several major developmental plans should his Government be returned to power on May 11 when General and Regional Elections are held in the country. Among these, he said, will be the issuance of commercial bank licences to reputable banks to operate. Speaking at the Presidential Candidates’ Business Luncheon, which was organised by the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA), the Presidential Candidate for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and current president told the business…

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Jagdeo cautions Ramsaran for “distasteful” remarks

By Devina Samaroo Former President and People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Executive Bharrat Jagdeo joined his Party colleagues in condemning the behaviour of Health Minister, Dr Bheri Ramsaran for his remarks against rights activist Sherlina Nageer. “First of all, personally I think it should have never happened, it was very distasteful, and we should never say anything about anyone, particularly a woman…,” Jagdeo told media operatives during a press conference at Freedom House on Wednesday. Nageer and Dr Ramsaran were on Monday involved in a very heated confrontation outside the Whim…

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NEW GPC responds to “sole sourcing” claims of pharmaceuticals peddled by Opposition and its media arms KN and SN

The NEW GPC INC is once again being falsely accused of benefiting from “sole sourcing” in its supply of pharmaceuticals to the Ministry of Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). This has been repeatedly refuted by several stakeholders – including the Ministry of Health, the Secretary to the Cabinet and indeed, the NEW GPC itself, over the years. The company republishes the information below because it concerns a matter that is life and death to Guyanese – the pharmaceutical supply chain – which should not be made into…

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We must never return to the dark days of PNC rule

…PPP/C speakers tell supporters “You must come out on the 11th of May and make your voices heard by putting your ‘X’ next to the cup and by returning the People’s Progressive Party to a resounding majority, so we can continue to bring progress and development to Guyana…,” Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh told an ecstatic crowd of supporters at the Party’s Albion Rally on Sunday. “Onward with progress; we must never return to the dark days of the PNC [People’s National Congress} rule!” the Minister continued to screams and…

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US-based Guyanese urged to monitor elections on social networking sites

– “Utilise Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to share your views on upcoming polls” Guyanese residing in the United States of America (USA) are strongly being urged by Civil Society to take to social media sites to monitor, and if needs be, participate in the process by sharing their views on issues relating to the upcoming May 11 elections. This call is being made at a time when Guyanese are just a few days away from voting in an election dubbed as “one of the most important in the history of…

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Guyana Marriott opens in grand style

The ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the grand opening of the much anticipated internationally branded Marriott Hotel was on Thursday undertaken by President Donald Ramotar. The President also unveiled the hotel’s plaque as he was joined by several officials of the hotel, government ministers and members of the local private sector. There was much fanfare at the opening which gave invites the red carpet experience. President Ramotar was given a key as were the other guests, with a message from Bill Marriott, first host and General Manager which read, “world-…

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Guyanese amputees in quest to compete in Boston Marathon

– William “The Conqueror” France tries for record of oldest man in marathon Three men stopped traffic on Saturday as they stood in the middle of the roadway in East Coast Demerara, Guyana, clutching their crutches to balance on their three legs. These men were appealing to the public for financial assistance as it is their aim to be part of the 2015 Boston Marathon. This newspaper had the opportunity to speak to these men while they stood on the public road of Montrose to get the attention of commuters.…

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