Surujbally must tender his resignation

Dear Editor, The PPP/C’s calls for nation-wide protest against GECOM is justified on every sane ground. This body must all times do the right things and say the right things. Recently, GECOM has displayed double standards and disrespect through its Chairman to the Guyanese populace. Dr Steve Surujbally, the GECOM Chairman has compromised his integrity and impartiality and exhibited utter biasness in the execution of his duties. This must not be allowed to continue. However, the PPP/C must also share some blame for Surujbally’s relatively long stint as a Chairman.…

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Guyanese will forever be ‘One People’ – Sir Shridath Ramphal

By Vahnu Manikchand As thousands of Guyanese braved the rain on Tuesday to witness the inauguration of Guyana’s eighth Executive President, David Granger, Sir Shridath Ramphal has challenged the newly-elected President and his A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Government to work towards achieving national unity in Guyana, as he called for the end of political division. Sir Shridath was at the time addressing the large gathering at the Guyana National Stadium where the country’s 49th Independence Celebrations and the inauguration were being held. He told…

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Guyana received Gy$53B in foreign investment last year

The flows of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into the Caribbean sub-region shrank 4.7 % in 2014 to total US$6.027 billion dollars, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean said on Wednesday in its annual report Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean 2015. However, Guyana has recorded a 19% growth with figures showing US$255M (GYD 52,836,704,490) last year comparing to US$214M in 2013. The report was presented during a press conference at the organisation’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile. This nearly 5% decline in FDI directed towards…

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Rebuilding national unity

President David Granger came to power in Guyana by campaigning on a promise to deliver positive socio-economic change and a Government of national unity that would heal the country, create higher levels of inclusivity and bring ethnic harmony and cohesiveness. Since his entrance in the PNCR back in 2010 at the primaries, Granger has been talking about the need to make Government and politics people centered. This no doubt motivated him, along with the blessings of the top brass of the PNC/R which was still being controlled by Robert Corbin,…

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DPP recommends cop be charged over MFK murder

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has recommended that a policeman be criminally charged in connection with the murder of well-known businessman Mohamed F Khan while another should face departmental charges for his role in the crime. The Chambers of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) on Wednesday returned the file in the Mohamed Feroze Khan murder case to the Police. Guyana Times reported on Sunday that a former Assistant Police Commissioner and a Sergeant who were implicated in the murder of Khan are expected to face Lennox Wayne also…

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Guyana Goldfields set for June start-up

– gold production pegged at 50,000 ounces this year Canadian based gold firm Guyana Goldfields Inc (GGI) has announced that it is on track of starting up its Aurora, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) gold project next month, and has projected to produce between 30,000 to 50,000 ounces of gold in 2015 and approximately 120,000 to 140,000 ounces in 2016. In a statement, GGI announced that the mill commissioning process has commenced and the Aurora Gold Project remains on track for projected initial gold production in mid-2015. According to the company, overall…

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Supporters call for case against Jagdeo to be thrown out

…say he always advocated for racial unity in Guyana Supporters of former President Bharrat Jagdeo, on Monday, gathered outside of the Whim Magistrate’s Court to show solidarity with him after he was slapped with what is believed to be politically motivated charges, filed by political activist and social commentator Christopher Ram. Armed with placards bearing “Justice for Bharrat Jagdeo”, “The matter for the case against Bharrat Jagdeo should be dismissed”, among others, the supporters showed solidarity with the former Head of State. Speaking with this newspaper, the protestors said that…

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New Govt must focus on inclusive governance – U.S. Embassy

According to an online media outlet, the United States Embassy in Guyana has outlined its expectations of the new APNU+AFC government which it has acknowledged, comes into office with a very slim majority. Chargé d’ Affaires Bryan Hunt was quoted by the online news agency as saying that it would be imperative that the new government’s focus remains on inclusive governance. “As the President and his government move forward they are going to need to consult broadly with Guyanese society, they are going to need to consult with civil society,…

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TT man surrenders after killing Guyanese woman

Hours after a Trinidad and Tobago national allegedly murdered his former employer’s common-law wife, Ashanti “Nicky” Debidin, out of jealousy, he surrendered to law enforcement authorities on Saturday evening last. According to reports coming out of the twin-island republic, the 21-year-old man of Garth Road, Princes Town, contacted CNC3’s “Crime Watch” host who arranged to meet him outside the San Fernando Teaching Hospital. After meeting the host, he was encouraged to surrender and complied. He was then taken to the Homicide Bureau Region Three at the San Fernando Police Station…

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Guyanese in New Jersey celebrate 49th Independence anniversary

Last Tuesday, the Humanitarian Mission of New Jersey Arya Samaj recently collaborated with New Jersey high ranking politicians out of Washington D.C., State and local officials, to observe Guyana’s 49th Independence Anniversary celebration with a Flag raising ceremony at Jersey City, New Jersey. Remembering from whence one comes and maintaining strong ties, are likely to have strong positive impacts on one’s life. Embracing and keeping one‘s heritage alive, lays the foundation for progress. Paying tribute to the country that had given overseas based Guyanese so much, is a laudable act.…

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