Diversion of Specialty Hospital funds

Indian High Commissioner still awaiting new project proposal Some two months after the Government of Guyana was told by the Indian Government that they would have to submit a new proposal for the primary health care improvement project, which will use the funds from the Specialty Hospital Project, the Indian High Commissioner to Guyana Venkatachalam Mahalingham has said he is yet to receive the proposal from Government. Speaking to Guyana Times International on Wednesday, the Indian High Commissioner stated that he has had previous talks with the Government on the…

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Non-cooperation of political parties unfavourable to development

Dear Editor, It is most distressing to anyone who is sincere about the balanced development of our nation that those on both sides of the political spectrum continue to carry on the affairs of our country with the misguided approach that they are right in whatever they are engaged in and the other side is wrong. This means that they try their utmost in word and action to discredit all that the other side is proposing or has implemented and as a result working without the benefit of their contribution.…

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Nurses’ attitude at GPHC leaves much to be desired

Dear Editor, I would like to expose the behaviour of some nurses at the Georgetown Public Hospital, and how some people, especially women, are being treated. On Monday, August 31, I went to the hospital to see a patient who had just given birth. On my way to the maternity ward, I came across a woman who was experiencing labour pain and was looking for the labour ward. It seems as though she had come the wrong way and when she encountered a nurse who upon listening to the woman,…

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Government’s approach is contradictory to achieving SDGs

Dear Editor, President Granger is back on the podium soliciting help for this and that, border here, political cooperation there. For once it’s not Nagamootoo; the last time he begged it was for Chinese help in resolving the Venezuela border controversy. But when Nagamootoo begs, it leaves many indifferent, for how can such a man even presume to be taken seriously given his repeated betrayals and sneakiness committed throughout his political career, to his fellow partisans and now his electorate? When President Granger begs however, one’s ears perk up, due…

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Govt should encourage bilateral talks with Venezuela

Dear Editor, If you want to fight fire with fire, then you better have a bigger flame. In recent days we have seen the Venezuela border controversy slowly beginning to morph into a potential crisis. We all know how it began and we also watched closely how the Government dealt with the issue step by step. I don’t want to sound like an alarmist, but since military activities have become part of the issue, it is safe to say anything is possible. We are currently in a “battle ready” situation.…

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Conflict of interest!

– Mayor Green wants wife’s Gy$10.2M tax payment reimbursed – Glenn Lall, Chris Ram continue to owe millions Sparking chaos and controversy at the level of the City Council, Mayor Hamilton Green appears to be abusing his power in a clear “conflict of interest” manner to influence the Council to reimburse the Gy$10 million in backdated taxes his wife Jennifer Basdeo-Green was mandated by law to pay for her property Jelante Pharmacy on Mandela Avenue and Jamoon Drive. According to the minutes of the Statutory Meeting of the Mayor and…

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Granger calls on UN to help protect interests of small states

BY ALEXIS RODNEY President David Granger on Tuesday took to the podium of the 70th United Nation General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, engaging diplomats and more specifically the United Nation (UN) on its responsibility to defend the rights and sovereignty of small states. Addressing the United Nation’s meeting, President Granger called on the international organisation to fully protect the interests of these micro states that are especially intimidated by much larger territories. His presentation was more inclined to the situation in which Guyana has found itself, where its oil…

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“Waiting to exhale”, on unity

One may choose to question, or not question, President Granger’s noble proposal to engage in “unity” talks with the Opposition. Any such sincere intention can only benefit Guyanese. The Granger-led Government however, sends mixed signals which for some alludes to the contrary, that this Government has absolutely no intention of fostering any type of “unity” whether in ruling the country or among its citizens. But before one could even speculate on this Government’s sincerity, and the possibility of uniting Guyanese, focus should be placed on the crumbling foundation of this…

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Guyanese teen who went missing in NY found alive

According to reports coming out of New York, the 16-year-old Guyanese boy who went missing from his Brooklyn, New York home on August 28 has been found alive and well. Relatives are breathing a sigh of relief after Ryan Matthews was found earlier this week in New York. Matthews who moved to New York from Guyana just a year ago, went missing after heading out of his home for his usual afternoon jog. The New York Police Department and several relatives started a massive search for the young man and…

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APNU/AFC scaring away investors

… President and Ministers ‘singing from a different hymn book’ – PPP The A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Administration was lambasted on Monday for sending mixed signals to the public with respect to its position on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs or P3). People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) General Secretary Clement Rohee, on Monday at a press conference, stated that such signals emanating from the David Granger-led Administration were casting a negative impression on local and foreign investors, causing most to be reluctant towards investing in Guyana. Rohee stated that…

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