Guyana has been denied a world-class sports complex

Dear Editor, The political opposition through it main mouthpiece, a local newspaper, have succeeded in denying Guyana’s aspiring sportsmen, women and all Guyanese a world-class sports complex in the heart of Georgetown. This leaves me to wonder, with what face they are now going to talk about youths and sport, youth empowerment, youth violence, drug and alcohol abuse, and other issues affecting youths. I guess it is with their usual straight and expressionless faces! This latest action by the opposition through that newspaper also means that the opposition now have…

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Let us show some respect for all religious people!

Dear Editor, In another section of the press, Freddie Kissoon has bemoaned Guyanese Muslims (and Hindus) for not supporting a militant anti-People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) movement in Guyana aimed at toppling the legitimately elected government. As Freddie rightly pointed out, the then leaders of the Christian establishment opposed the Dr Cheddi Jagan government during the 1950s and 1960s because of the socialist views he espoused. During the People’s National Congress (PNC) ethnic dictatorship, all the religious groups supported the anti-dictatorial movement because they were all persecuted. Since 1992, Guyana has…

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Preparatory work for Specialty Hospital to resume soon

Health Minister, Dr Bheri Ramsaran said preparatory work for the construction of the multimillion-dollar Specialty Hospital is expected to resume soon. The health minister told Guyana Times International that the Ramotar administration is very passionate about having the hospital constructed and will work hard to ensure that this vision is fulfilled. Some Gy$34.4 million was approved by the National Assembly recently for the Specialty Hospital. “The ministry is in the process of getting other things done, like proper site preparation. ‘Surrendra’ company would have won the bid, so they have…

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…the rotten apples The minister of home affairs has obviously had it with the excuses from the police force brass on why the patent abuses by policemen aren’t being reduced but are actually rising. There are no excuses any more. The stations were run down, they’ve been all rebuilt. There was no transportation… there’re now official cars galore – in addition to duty-free cars for a whole lot of medium and top brass. There are new training schools in Berbice and Essequibo. And on top of it, there’ve been increased…

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Guyana gov’t firm on ganja ban

Amid calls for some limited legalisation of marijuana in Guyana, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee on Tuesday reaffirmed the government of Guyana’s zero-tolerance policy on all drugs that are deemed illicit, including marijuana. There has been a global debate regarding the legalisation of marijuana, with even United States President Barack Obama saying ganja was less dangerous than alcohol. Rohee made the comment as he launched the National Drug Report for 2012, compiled by the Task Force on Narcotic Drugs and Illicit Weapons, at his Brickdam Office. The report is produced…

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Soloman is a solo man

Shop people does pack up shelf and put lil tings in one place and big tings in another place. Is de same wid big man and lil bhai. Dem must never be in de same place. Old people seh every ting must got a place and every body must know dem place. Soloman never learn that lesson in life. He ain’t look like he know he place. He tink he is a big man. Soloman also tink he is a tink man. He tink he can tink fuh de whole…

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A mook and a crook all in one

The world got all kinda people. Guyana got all kinda people  too. After all, Guyana is part of de world. But Guyana got de best combination of people in de world. This country got de best all in one mook and crook in de world. If de Guinness Book of World Records and Grammy Awards used to recognise mooks and crooks, Guyana woulda win this every year since 1994. That is when a crook and a mook show up at de same time pun Saffon Street coming from de market…

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Court rules budget cuts unlawful

– Ramjattan says he will appeal Nearly two years after government moved to the courts challenging the opposition cuts to the National Budget, acting Chief Justice Ian Chang on Wednesday delivered a final ruling, declaring that the National Assembly has no right to cut the national estimates presented by the finance minister and can only approve or disapprove the budget in its entirety or sections within. “The power of the National Assembly to approve (or not to approve) the minister’s estimates simply means that the assembly is conferred with a…

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Gov’t mulling ways to revive hydro power project

With the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) signalling their intention to support the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project, government is analysing possible avenues that can be taken to resuscitate the US$800 million project. Before crumbling in 2013, the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project (AFHEP) was a private sector-led initiative, designed to be financed through the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and China Development Bank (CDB) with equity from Sithe Global Inc and the government of Guyana. The China Railway First Group (CRFG) was identified for…

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Presidential example

The 10th Parliament will go down in our history as the “Chopping” Parliament: nothing like the other specifically named “Long Parliament” of the 17th century. There is no sign of any political geniuses in the opposition benches, which have allowed their control of the National Assembly by a single seat to go to their heads. Rather than performing their constitutionally defined role to scrutinise the operations of the executive, they have embarked on a foolhardy mission to unilaterally extend their powers into the executive domain. They have, for instance, insisted…

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