Guyana becoming more recognised for its export oriented, agro-processing industries

– Minister Ramsammy While agricultural produce of a high quality will go a far way in reinstating Guyana with the coveted title as the “Caribbean’s bread basket”, the development of infrastructure is equally important as it will ensure that the country surmounts the challenges of non-tariff barriers that prevent it from competitively penetrating the export market. Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy said that it is precisely for this reason that the Government invested in the state-of-the-art laboratories at Mon Repos; essentially taking agriculture to another level. A few months…

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Over 80 years of facilitating humanitarian work

When visiting the Dharm Shala, it is difficult to miss the colonial wooden structure on the opposite side of the road.  A quaint Folk Victorian style house, characterised by its two and one-half storeys, shuttered stained glass windows, gothic carpentry details and square symmetrical shape, it is a white and brown residential property that has been standing for more than 80 years. Built in 1932 by humanitarian Pandit Ramsaroop Maraj, the building has been in the family for three generations and counting; it has remained the same with no structural…

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Sugar workers were victimised under PNC Govt

As the sixth session of the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry winds down, evidence continues to surface about the dictatorial leadership in every facet of society under of the People’s National Congress (PNC) Government of former Prime Minister Forbes Burnham. Standing before the three-member Commission on Wednesday was Labour Minister, Dr Nanda Gopaul, who was head of the National Agricultural and Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE) during the 1978-1980 era, the period under investigation by the tribunal tasked with probing the circumstances surrounding Dr Rodney’s death. The team, comprising Barbadian…

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Burnham Govt forced judicial officers to carry out orders against their will

– Justice Ramson tells COI Former Attorney General Charles Ramson said the Forbes Burnham-led People’s National Congress Administration had encroached on the Judiciary, as Judges and Magistrates were manipulated and forced to carry out orders against their will. Failure to comply would incur dire consequences, Ramson told the three-member Commission of Inquiry investigating the killing of Working People’s Alliance Co-Leader, Dr Walter Rodney. Among the objectives of the Inquiry is the examination of the social, political and economic atmosphere during the period 1978 and 1980. Before the panel of investigators,…

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Guyana creating waves at World Travel Market in London

Guyana, South America Undiscovered’, the country’s new destination brand was unveiled at the World Travel Market (WTM) in London during a cocktail reception at the Guyana booth on Monday. The WTM is being held from November 3-6. According to Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) Director Indranauth Haralsingh, the first day was a tremendous success. Haralsingh is heading the delegation to WTM, which also includes Senior Tourism Development Officer Sanchia Persaud and Research and Planning Analyst Tosheika Logan. “Day one was an excellent day for Guyana. Everyone likes the brand and logo,…

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US calls on Guyana Govt to get tough with drug traffickers, money launderers

The United States (US) Embassy is calling on the Government of Guyana to implement measures that will ensure persons who pose security threats are convicted and their assets confiscated in order to prevent the continuation of criminal activities. This call was made by the Embassy’s Charge d’ Affaires Bryan Hunt at a reception held in honour of US Commander Southern Command, General John F Kelly, who is visiting Guyana to strengthen military cooperation between the two countries. Hunt is urging that stricter actions to be taken against drug traffickers and…

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Navin Chandarpal was a popular PPP/C figure

Dear Editor, The Guyanese community in New York who know Navin Chandarpal, friends in Trinidad where he visited frequently and interacted with the large Guyanese community, and myself are saddened by the news of the passing of this remarkable person. Those of us who worked with him during the anti-dictatorial struggle will not forget his role and his contribution to the liberation of Guyana. He was a terrific guy with a broad smile never to hold spite against anyone. He has made sterling contributions to various fields of endeavour in…

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Attorney General should stand strong

Dear Editor, The political Pharisees opposed to the Government of Guyana are dancing in a circle of hypocrisy. Thanks to Guyana’s new political dispensation which has unveiled the mask of those who want to be in control of Guyana’s Governance by trying all sorts of dirty machinations, which have, so far, failed and will continue to miserably fail. And in this regard, the people of Guyana are saying that they will not forget the past which is prior to October 1992, because they do not want poverty, misery and darkness…

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Hypocrisy and double standards of lawyers’ associations in Guyana

Dear Editor, The Guyana Bar Association/Guyana Association of Women Lawyers (GBA/GAWL) never fail to amaze me. True to form, they have called for the resignation of the Attorney General (AG) over an illegal recording of a private conversation which, according to the AG, was manipulated and distorted. However, what I find to be extraordinary is the fact that none of these self-anointed paragons will ever be able to the face the public if some of their private conversations were ever made public without their permission. I am not a lawyer,…

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An evolving UN

The United Nations (UN) was formed as WWII drew to a close, and its declaration emphasised the concerns of the time: “We ,The Peoples Of the United Nations, determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war…to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human persons, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small… and for these ends to practice tolerance…to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security…” The focus on preventing wars was understandable…

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