Republic Day!

A return to first principles in a Republic is sometimes caused by the simple virtues of one man. His good example has such an influence that the good men strive to imitate him, and the wicked are ashamed to lead a life so contrary to his example. – Niccolo Machiavelli By Anu Dev Well, Republic Day is on Sunday and it really is an important day. I certainly wasn’t around way back in 1970, to know personally what it must have been like to live in a country still under…

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GCB woes are like those of many

Dear Editor, As was the case with the Guyana team, so it is with the West Indian one; many are the complaints. I see that members of the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) are quite unhappy with the non-selection of even a single Guyanese on the West Indies Twenty20 team against Ireland. This was expected and I have a few comments in this regard. I go back to the selection of the Guyana NAGICO Super50 tournament. One of the appointed selectors objected to a late comer turning up for the team…

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The AML Bill: The PNC will lose much

Dear Editor: I say People’s National Congress (PNC) in the headline intentionally because it is they that will suffer in the next general elections and not the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), as I believe that APNU will be abandoned, as it should have been long ago. Reasons for this I have expressed to the several leaders in the PNC who meet periodically.  APNU comprises certain non entities as political parties, even non-essentials.  I think the party, the PNC, was extremely charitable to give those others free seats.  None…

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Essequibo rice farmers’ woes continue

Just when farmers from Airy Hall on the Essequibo Coast thought they were in the clear after the December conservancy breach, which flooded the community and destroyed several acres of rice, some are now faced with another major challenge. This time, strange “green looking” worms are responsible for their heartache. The “heart worm” pest, as it is being called, is stunting rice fields, which were replanted following the flood. Farmers are now uncertain as to when they will reap their crop, which is presently 20 days old. Approximately 20 farmers…

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Satiricus was tired. He was tired of this Anti-Money Laundering Bill. It had dominated not only the newspapers but – more the (vexed) point – the daily briefings the Editor had with the news hounds. “I mean, how much can a fella take?” Satiricus had fretted to the boys at the back street dive. They were gathered there in their usual Friday night conclave, solving the world’s problems, while they wet their throats. Cappo, the CaneCutter, pointed to the headline on the MuckrakerKN, “Yuh mean dis?” And he then read…

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De Queen not coming but she sending a baton

De G-Owe-A announce that de Queen baton comin to Guyana, and as soon as Dew Man and Pill Grim mek de announcement, some people start to jump fuh joy, although it still got another two weeks to go before de baton reach de s*ity of Green and garbage. On de other hand, some people start to holler and bawl. Then dem start to cry. At this early stage, no body ain’t sure if dem who happy, happy fuh de Queen or fuh de baton, or both, or happy that de…

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80 persons identified for homeless shelter

Human Services and Social Security Minister Jenifer Webster said some 80 homeless persons have already been identified and evaluated by the ministry to take up residence at the recently-constructed Hugo Chávez Centre for Rehabilitation and Reintegration Centre at Onverwagt, West Coast Berbice. In an invited comment on Monday, Webster told this newspaper that the ministry was in the process of recruiting more than 25 staff members to work at the institution, including a live-in administrator. There are also plans to establish a management oversight board for the centre. The human…

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U.S. governance project aimed at easing tension in parliament –Ambassador Hardt

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) US$ 1.2 million Leadership and Democracy (LEAD) governance project is intended to address the lack of compromise and consensus, which have dogged the work of Parliament since the 2011 elections, the U.S. government has said. In 2012 and 2013, the tripartite talks among the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), the Alliance For Change (AFC) and the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) broke down, resulting in billions of dollars being slashed from the budgets. Additionally, the parties have failed to agree on the…

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Screaming for…

…attention Ever since Christopher Lallbachan-Lalloo “Suspenders” Ram (L.L.S. Ram) was thrown out on his ear by the Stabber News for one of his intemperate outbursts against someone who got in his way, the fella’s been getting shriller and more strident trying to get attention. For people with identity and self-esteem issues, attention is like oxygen – they simply shrivel up and expire if they can’t get enough. And with the issues Lalloo Ram has, he needs a whole lot of oxygen! He probably thought he’d be given a spot on…

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Teacher in alleged rape case should face full force of the law if convicted – Union

The Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) said it is concerned about allegations against a teacher for sexual misconduct. GTU General Secretary Coretta McDonald told Guyana Times International on Wednesday that the union is totally against any form of sexual act perpetrated by teachers on their charges. Her comment comes on the heels of a recent wanted bulletin issued by the Guyana Police Force for a teacher on allegations of rape. “We’ve been saying to our teachers and we will continue to say to them that you are there as a role…

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