Albouystown residents furious over flood situation

Pandemonium broke out last evening among residents of Albouystown, Georgetown when their homes became inundated with water owing to a breakage of the Koker at Sussex Street, Georgetown. The flooding in the Albouystown community comes weeks after a similar situation occurred in Providence on the East Bank of Demerara, which saw residents experiencing major losses. The Albouystown residents, during their boisterous protest, blamed the Public Works Ministry for the mishap. They told Guyana Times International that they are at their wits end at the level of inattention the community is…

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December 1 is deadline for nominations

– Williams says expect “interesting” conference BY JOMO PAUL Alliance For Change (AFC) General Secretary David Patterson on Tuesday confirmed that December 1 has been set as the deadline for nominations for the upcoming AFC biennial conference. At this upcoming congress, the party is expected to elect its Leader, Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary and other functionaries within the party. Patterson had already confirmed that all posts within the party will be up for election. However, the Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates will not be elected since the party would…

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Political parties and civil society have a critical role to play

Dear Editor, On November 20, I met a delegation of the Alliance For Change (AFC) in my office.  This meeting was at my request and follows my earlier letter on the proroguing of Parliament, and subsequent meetings with President Donald Ramotar and Leader of the Opposition David Granger. The AFC was represented by General Secretary David Patterson, MPs Valerie Lowe-Garrido and Kathy Hughes, and Treasurer Dominic Gaskin. Representing the Catholic Church were myself and Mssrs Gino Persaud, Lawrence Lachmansingh and Albert Rodrigues. The AFC outlined the timeline and associated details…

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Can Granger say who are the criminals

Dear Editor, I read an article in another section of the media on November 18 under the headline, “National Unity Gov’t would not include persons guilty of wrongdoing – Granger”. Mr Granger, Leader of the Opposition, said in the article that “if he is elected the next President of Guyana he will not allow suspected criminals associated with the incumbent People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) to be part of his administration”. Firstly, let me inform Granger that he is correct to have used the word “if”, since his People’s National Congress…

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President Obama’s immigration reform initiatives will benefit many Guyanese and Caribbean citizens

Dear Editor, I applaud President Barack Obama for the bold reforms to the nation’s broken immigration system, albeit temporary. Immigration reform does not only impact our Latino brothers and sisters. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Caribbean, South America and Africa now qualify for relief from the threat of deportation and will become eligible for lawful employment. Almost all undocumented immigrants from the Caribbean and Guyana enter the United States lawfully, but overstayed their visas and thus are out of status. A large percent has children and/or spouses who…

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Ten Guyanese women killed by their spouses so far this year

Human Services and Social Security Minister Jenifer Webster on Tuesday called on men to respect and honour women, as she disclosed that 10 women were murdered by their spouses for the year so far. At an interfaith service held in observance of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women at the Human Services and Social Security Ministry’s East and Lamaha Streets location, Webster reiterated that men must recognise the need to treat women with respect and learn to protect them. She added that males should realise that their…

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Sun and Sand Hotel project to commence soon – Govt

President Donald Ramotar on Monday confirmed that the construction of the US$54M Sun and Sand Hotel is expected to commence soon, dismissing misinformation being peddled by Opposition members that the project lacks transparency and is falling through. Back in July, Ramotar had turned the sod along with officials from the Indian owned Sun and Sand Group of Companies for the commencement of work on the hotel. The Hotel, when completed, will include a casino, along with a commercial block and club house. Rooms It will contain 163 rooms and provide…

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Queens immigrants react to Obama’s immigration announcement

The day after President Obama’s announcement on taking Executive action for immigration, over two-dozen immigrants from DRUM – South Asian Organizing Center and other organizations gathered in Jackson Heights to express how pleased and relieved they were. After more than a year and a half since grassroots groups around the country started the #Not1More campaign to move the President to halt deportations, end programs that criminalize immigrants, and expand the relief granted to young people in 2012, DRUM says the sacrifice and courage of its members and immigrants across the…

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Guyanese give thanks in America

By Vishnu Bisram Guyanese and persons from other nationalities now living in the United States of America – their adopted homeland, are celebrating  the traditional Thanksgiving weekend with family and close friends. We would all agree that indeed Guyanese have good reasons to give thanks to America which has been welcoming them for over fifty years.  Since their arrival in the US, many Guyanese have been successful at almost every aspect of life – acquiring their own homes, vehicles, attaining higher education etc. They are also known to be very…

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US illegals in limbo

At the base of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbour, the following verse is inscribed: “Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore./Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:/ I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” Rousing sentiments indeed, and represented the renewed enthusiasm for the ideal of America being “the land of the free” after the abolition of slavery in 1865. The Statue itself was a gift from the French to the Americans just a 100…

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