PM Gonsalves vows to intensify reparations drive next year

St Vincent and the Grenadines’ Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves said he plans to intensify efforts in addressing the issue of reparations for native genocide and slavery when he assumes the chairmanship of the Caribbean Community (Caricom) early in the New Year. “When I take over the chairmanship of Caricom in January, I hope to get letters to Europe,” Gonsalves, told a standing-room-only town hall meeting in Brooklyn late Saturday. “We’re going for reparations because of state-sponsored genocide and state-sponsored slavery,” he added. “Europe, by engaging us in this matter,…

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GPSU maintains call for 25 per cent hike in salaries

The Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) has maintained its call for a 25 per cent increase in wages and salaries for public servants this year. The union also declared that it is prepared to initiate any form of industrial action if the demand is not met, even as it called for unity, militancy, solidarity and strength as it wrapped up a two-day conference last Friday. The 20th biennial conference of the union was held on September 25 to 27 under the theme “Relentlessly Pursuing Good Governance, Decent Work, Social and…

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Police still to establish firm leads, motives into Kitty bar shooting

As investigations continue into the Mambo Bar shooting on Saturday night which left one dead and several injured, the police are still to establish any firm leads or motives for the muder. During the attack, Shelliza Basir-Lall, 33, of Lot 2 Charity, Essequibo Coast, was shot and killed before receiving medical attention, while her husband, Raymond, 36, received injuries, but took self-discharge from the Balwant Singh Hospital on Monday. Also injured in the attack was Parmanand Persaud, 32, of Lot 27 Block B Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara, who sustained…

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“I Believe Campaign” for GuyExpo 2013 launch

As GuyExpo 2013 nears, the Tourism, Industry and Commerce Ministry is launching an “I Believe Campaign”, aimed at energising the population to believe in the potential of Guyana and to build a nationalistic and patriotic environment. According to acting Tourism, Industry and Commerce Minister Irfaan Ali, the “I Believe Campaign” is geared towards promoting and advancing the successes of Guyana’s economy while encouraging all facets of society to believe in the potential that lies ahead. “The ‘I Believe Campaign’ seeks to reach out to every Guyanese beyond political, ethnic and…

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The Westgate terrorists should be condemned by all

Dear Editor, This letter is in reference to your editorial, “Kenya’s Westgate Mall” (Guyana Times, September 29). Such a heinous killing must be condemned, as also the attack on a church in Peshawar, Pakistan, that killed dozens of worshippers. At Westgate, people were singled out and killed. They were separated based on their religion and executed. Scribes described it as a massacre of Kenyans of Indian origin. Our fellow Caribbean Community (Caricom) national Ravindra Ramrattan, a Trinidadian, was cut down in the prime of his life. Ramrattan was in Kenya,…

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An open letter to President Ramotar on the brain drain situation

Dear Mr President, Each year I watch about 70 per cent of our young graduates leaving our shores. It is fast becoming a reality that, when businesses are in need for such brain-power, they are forced to look outside of Guyana. The resulting effect of this brain drain is very damaging to our country. When we are forced to bring in someone to do a job that could have been done by someone locally, we are not only increasing cost to our projects, but most notably, we are exporting our…

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Taking cricket to a higher level

Dear Editor, Growing up in a countryside school was nice, all because of cricket. We played just about anywhere. We never heard about cricketing programmes. Our interest came from listening to the game via radio, and one thing led to another. In this era, things are so different and better. Our aspiring cricketers have the opportunity to explore cricket to the fullest. Now there are all kinds of programmes. The West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) now seems to have a better understanding as to what Guyana is aiming to do…

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Local miners very receptive to mercury-free technology

Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud on Saturday visited the operations of Correia Mining Company (CMC) in Olive Creek, Region Seven, where he was given a firsthand look of gold-washing using an Xtruder 255 Shaking Table, a very viable alternative to mercury usage. This shaking table, which costs US $ 32,000, is considered a gold finishing table and is the final step before smelting. It allows for 98 per cent recovery, is simple to operate, has the capacity of up to 255 pounds per hour and can recover very…

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By Anu Dev We can try to be prepared for every eventuality. We can do our best to try to figure out what’s ahead, but the truth is we’re not in charge of our external environment. We can certainly try to predict how the people around us will act or behave, but we can never be 100 per cent sure. We have to learn to improvise, or at least be open to the concept of having to make the best of what circumstances we’re in. We have to try to…

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GuyExpo provides a unique opportunity for businesses to expand

ANSA McAL Public Relations Officer Darshanie Yusuf said GuyExpo presents businesses an opportunity to enjoy greater recognition, to grow and expand. Speaking at a recent visit at the Sophia Exhibition Complex, Yusuf stated that GuyExpo is a platform which businesses should not miss. “If you want to get your products known and you wish to get it out there, this is the exact place to come. GuyExpo being the biggest trade show in Guyana is a platform the company will not miss, which is why the company is committed to…

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