Well done, Limacol!

Dear Editor, I would like to congratulate the organisers, and the amazing local sponsors Limacol for bringing to Guyana these historic cricket matches. The Limacol Caribbean Premier League (CPL) T20 matches have brought such fun and excitement in the past week to our lives in Guyana that I wish there were more games planned for the Providence Stadium. I went to all four of the matches at the stadium and enjoyed them thoroughly. The events were organised impeccably, except may be for some traffic issues at the stadium. But these…

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Don’t ask…

… don’t tell, in politics To say that the revelation that Nigel Hughes is, and has been, the company secretary for Amaila Falls Hydro Inc (AFHI) since its formation in 2009 is a bombshell would be the understatement of the decade. Or at least, since he became chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC). The leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan confessed that while he knew of some “association” between Hughes and the firm, his chairman hadn’t shared with him the news that the “association” was actually that of company…

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Gov’t ministers condemn Green’s attempt to oust Sooba

The Georgetown Mayor and City Council was the home of another protest on Tuesday, as vendors once again backed City Mayor Hamilton Green who tried to oust Acting Town Clerk Carol Sooba from office. According to the acting town clerk, Mayor Green used his vehicle to block the entrance of City Hall, thereby preventing her from entering the compound. The vehicle was subsequently replaced with a human barricade. Additionally, men who were described as “thugs” prevented employees from gaining access to Sooba’s office. Local Government Minister Ganga Persaud said the…

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Eight Guyanese crash victims serve writs on CAL

Caribbean Airlines Limited in Port-of-Spain has been served with writs from attorneys representing eight Guyanese passengers seeking compensation for injuries, losses and damage they suffered when Flight BW523 crash landed in Guyana two years ago. Several other lawsuits have been filed in the New York courts, two of which were filed over a year ago. The writs were served locally on CAL on July 29, and lawsuits filed in the Guyana courts on July 26. In response to the lawsuits, CAL Corporate Communications Director, Clint Williams, told TT media that,…

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U.S. investors want to make energy drink with coconut water from Guyana – Investors meeting key stakeholders

The introduction of an energy drink with coconut water from Guyana as one of the key ingredients is being conceptualised by American investors who met President Donald Ramotar on Wednesday for talks. The product when manufactured will be sold to the high-end consumers in the United States using a marketing strategy that will promote the country and the business of local small coconut producers. George Papanastasatos and Marim Kinkladze, the two investors met President Ramotar in the company of Allison Butters-Grant President and Chief Executive Officer of Global Connections Consultants…

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Region One to get modern ferry by 2014

A new modern ferry vessel will be acquired for the Region One service next year to reduce time and improve serviceability on the Mabaruma district route. This information was provided by Minister of Public Works, Robeson Benn in response to a question asked by APNU’s Member of Parliament (MP), Annette Ferguson as to why one ferry only provides service to Mabaruma residents once per month. According to Minister Benn, there is currently no consideration to assign another ferry to ply the Mabaruma district; however, the MV Kimbia which has been…

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El Dorado Rum captures author’s attention

Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) award winning El Dorado rums have spiked the interest of well-known bestselling American author Randy White, who has travelled to Guyana to gain insight as to how El Dorado rums are made and to understand the history of various rums produced by the company. He was high in praise of the rum, relating that it captured his interest when he tasted it on one of his travels. “After, I began reading about El Dorado, it’s not just one of the best rums in the Americas; it’s…

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Wakenaam Nite, pageant launched

As part of efforts to promote domestic tourism, the annual Wakenaam Nite was launched at the Tourism Ministry’s boardroom on Wednesday. After two years, the event brings with it the Miss Wakenaam Pageant, which is being resuscitated due to demand by the community. Addressing the launching of the event, Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) Director Indranauth Haralsingh said the event has, over the years, proven to attract investment on the island and organisers are hopeful for a similar response this year. “We’re impressed with the level of organisation and planning of…

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Hydro-electric bill passed without APNU support

The Alliance For Change voted with the government in the wee hours of Thursday morning to pass the Hydro-Electric Power (Amendment) Bill which is necessary to bring the local law into conformity with the environmental standards of possible Amaila Project financier the IDB. The APNU voted against the bill with chief spokesman on financial matters Carl Greenidge saying that there were still a considerable amount of questions about the project unanswered. He also questioned why the people should take the government’s word that Amaila would result in lower electricity rates…

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Hugo Chavez Centre for Rehabilitation and Reintegration set for opening on Saturday

The Hugo Chavez Centre for Rehabilitation and Reintegration located at Onverwagt, West Coast Berbice popularly called the homeless shelter will be opened on Saturday, August 10, by President Donald Ramotar, and Venezuelan Ambassador to Guyana Reina Margarita Arratia Díaz. The centre will accommodate 200 males and 100 females in separate dormitories and will include medical, recreational, kitchen, conference and dining facilities. The US$2M Venezuelan Government funded project which will provide refuge for the homeless in Guyana was constructed on 7.30 acres of land. Accommodation for a resident doctor and nurse…

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