Sleeping truck driver crushes teen

A fourth form student of Manchester Secondary School, Corentyne, Berbice, was on Wednesday struck and killed by a speeding truck while riding on the Manchester Public Road. The accident occurred about 18:30h. Zani Munroe, 15, of Liverpool, Corentyne, Berbice, received severe injuries and reportedly died on her way to the New Amsterdam Hospital. The injured teen was first taken to the Port Mourant Hospital, but due to the severity of the injuries; she was rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital where she succumbed. According to information received, Munroe was riding…

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Caricom rescinds offer to Dr. Naresh Singh

Caricom has confirmed that allegations recently made against Dr Naresh Singh while he was employed with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) were taken seriously enough to repudiate the offer to appoint him deputy secretary general of Caricom. In a statement on Wednesday, the Caricom Secretariat said that “subsequent to the offer and Dr Singh’s acceptance of that offer, information came to light regarding certain allegations against Dr Singh which had been the subject of a confidential investigation.” It was stated that Dr Singh was approached for the post following…

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UNICEF, Guyana sign US$1.2M 2013 work plan

Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett and UNICEF representative for Guyana and Suriname, Dr Suleiman Braimoh signed the Annual Work Plan for 2013 at the ministry last Friday. The plan will deal directly with interventions aimed at protecting women and children, and will utilise the US$1.2 million allocated to assist in those areas. Rodrigues-Birkett said: “It might seem like a small amount of money, but I have had the opportunity to work with UNICEF and we’ve seen a small amount of money go a far way.” The minister said that the…

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A man’s home…

…is his castle We’ve talked about rules being the line between us and cavemen. We’d looked at what was going on in Parliament with the MPs from both sides of the divide acting as if they were in a rum shop. One of the more disreputable ones, without a bouncer. But it seems there’re elements determined to push the envelope even lower than the MPs. Word is that Mark Benschop just picketed the HOME of Winston Brassington, the CEO of NICIL. Now you might’ve heard of behaviour that’s lower than…

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Children’s Mash a success

Hundreds of spectators who lined the streets of Georgetown last Saturday morning were treated to striking performances by excited students who danced to the loud soca music at the Children’s Mashramani Costume Parade. Revellers from 41 schools as far as Region One participated in the parade which started at Parade Ground, Georgetown around 10:00h, and made its way east into Middle Street, north into Camp Street, East into Lamaha Street then North into Albert Street before turning right into Thomas Lands, and then to the National Park. The energised revellers…

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“De Professor” is 2013 Senior Calypso King!

One week after Linden copped the Junior Calypso title, another Lindener, this time “De Professor” was last Friday evening crowned Senior Calypso King when the finals were held at the Demerara Park (Thirst Park) before a massive crowd. He proved to the judges that he is the better performer, dethroning Roger Hinds called “Young Bill Rogers” who sang “This Country Was Never Like This”. Lester Ricardo Charles better known as “De Professor” with his piece “God Nah Sleep” swept the audience off their feet with his saucy performance that definitely…

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It’s my prerogative

Satiricus was still agog. That means ‘bug-eyed’. What was going on with de Speaker of de House? Satiricus fully agreed with LinkKan Lois: who de hell de Speaker think he is? Order in de house? Which house de Speaker talking about? This is a Guyanese House, dammit. This is not the House of Commons. This is not like at Lords, where Satiricus stirred outrage when he once took off his shirt because London for once was hot during a cricket match. What the heck, West Indies was batting also! So…

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La Grange fire leaves mother, children homeless

Fire believed to be electrical in origin on Wednesday gutted a two-bedroom wooden cottage located at Lot 92 Independence Street, La Grange, West Bank Demerara, sometime around 15: 30 hours leaving four persons homeless, including three children. According to reports, Dishana Singh occupied the house with her three children aged six, 10 and 12. When this publication visited the scene, the fire had already been extinguished. The occupants of the house were being consoled by neighbours and friends. Singh told Guyana Times International that she secured her home and left…

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Habitat, U.S. volunteers building community centre for Festival City

Forty United States volunteers of Builders Beyond Borders (B3) are currently in Guyana collaborating with Habitat for Humanity and the Festival City Youth and Parent Organisation for the construction of a resource centre to the tune of approximately Gy$10 million. The Festival City Habitat Resource Centre Project was officially launched last Saturday night at Lion’s Den, South Ruimveldt in the presence of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament Joseph Harmon, Habitat for Humanity National Director Rawle Small, Guyana Entrepreneurial Youth Movement Incorporated Executive Director Daren Torrington, the…

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(Dis)order in the House! To be human is to have differences of opinions. But since our days as cavemen (and cavewomen), we’ve worked out ways of settling those differences other than bopping each other on the head with clubs. But to read the reports of what transpired in Parliament last Thursday night, you wouldn’t be blamed for concluding that such information hasn’t trickled into Guyana. The screaming and shouting from both sides of the House got so bad that THE SPEAKER WALKED OUT!!! You heard that right. We’ve had the…

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