AFC backs govt amendments to Granger’s killings motion

The Alliance For Change (AFC) said it will support the establishment of a truth and reconciliation commission to probe the countless unlawful killings that occurred in Guyana over the years. The party also wants to expand the period to be investigated. The two amendments were proposed by government for a motion tabled by Opposition Leader David Granger. Granger in his original motion had asked that a Presidential Commission of Inquiry investigate unlawful killings from 2004 to present, but government wanted the probe to go back as far as the 1960s.…

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Plenty licks been sharing

Ah hear dat plenty licks been sharing in de two opposition parties dese last few days, or in fact ever since de last time dem been in Parliament. The argument start when KFC and FLAPNU call a meetin but dem couldn’t decide who gon be chairman. Just like when dem fight one whole month fuh decide who gon be speaker and deputy speaker in Parliament after dem lose de last elections. Finally, dem decide dat both KFC and FLAPNU gon sit at de head table. So Greenjer tek he seat…

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Guyana Zoo set for major upgrade under Three-Park Initiative – Beharry Group donates Gy$5M towards project

The zoological park (zoo) is set to benefit from a massive transformation as part of the Three- Park initiative being undertaken by the government. It is aimed at bringing up to international standards the zoo, the National Park and the Botanical Gardens.  The Beharry Group of companies on Monday presented Gy$5 million towards the startup of the feasibility study for the zoo’s upgrade. Chairman of the company, Anand Beharry, handed over the cheque to Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud at Jenman’s Building at the Botanical Gardens.  Witnessing the…

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Children’s Mash Competition continues to thrill

Although the Christ Church Secondary School included three-time soca monarch king Adrian Dutchin in their interpretive dance presentation, they failed to cop first place in that category at the 2013 Education Ministry’s annual Children’s Mashramani Competition. The competition, which started on Monday and runs throughout this week, is being held at the National Cultural Centre under the theme “Reflecting creativity, embracing diversity”. On Wednesday, the various participating secondary schools in Georgetown brought their A game, with East Ruimveldt Secondary School captivating the audience and the judges with each of their…

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U.S. not telling Caricom how to conduct relations with Cuba – Hardt

Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett has affirmed the government’s position that Guyana would go the route of “agreeing to disagree” when it relates to matters concerning the United States, Cuba and Caricom. She made this comment in response to a question posed by reporters on Friday about the country’s response to the call from the U. S. Ambassador to Guyana, D Brent Hardt, for Caricom to exhort on Cuba, the need to practise democracy and human rights. Rodrigues-Birkett stated that Guyana also encounters problems with human rights when it comes…

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U.S., EU pledge help to suppress youth gangs

By Svetlana Marshall – The United States and the European Union have both pledged to help Guyana and the rest of the Caribbean combat spiralling youth-orchestrated crimes by injecting more funds into programmes that will reintegrate deportees and curb gender-based violence. U. S. Ambassador to Guyana D Brent Hardt and the head of the European Delegation, Ambassador Robert Kopecky reaffirmed their countries’ commitment to combating the scourge, during the opening ceremony of the National Training Workshop on Implementation of Prevention Strategies and Actions to address Youth Gangs and Violence. The…

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President Ramotar, Brazilian Vice Admiral discuss coast guard partnership

On his first visit to Guyana, Brazilian Vice Admiral Ademir Sobrinho met President Donald Ramotar at his office on Tuesday for talks aimed at strengthening ties between the Brazilian navy and Guyana Defence Force (GDF) coast guard. In the company of a team of senior officers that included GDF Chief of Staff, Commodore Gary Best, Admiral Sobrinho and President Ramotar discussed the possibility of Brazil supporting Guyana in the areas of marine transport in hinterland communities, medivac, and health-care services. He told the Government Information Agency (GINA) about two initiatives…

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Slaying of broom vendors…A change of heart might have saved two lives

By Danielle Campbell Some people refer to it as intuition. Some say it is all about God’s providence and guidance, but what Nadira Tulsie and her husband know for sure is that whatever it was that stopped them from going out that day; definitely saved their lives. Tulsie and her husband, of Port Mourant, Corentyne, had gone before to the backlands to make brooms along with her aunt, Florry Papiah, Papiah’s friend, Jennifer Pooran and a 21-year-old cousin, Deodat Persaud. But on September 29, 2012, Tulsie decided against going with…

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Cotton Tree man sentenced to death for 2008 murder

“The jury having returned a verdict of guilty, you shall be taken from this court to a place of lawful execution and you are to be hanged by the rope until dead. May the Lord have mercy on you.” These were the words of Justice Brassington Reynolds as he handed down the sentence to Nazrudeen Jhoot, also called “Buddy” for the killing of Khemlall Mangal on August 25, 2008. The 21-year-old was found guilty by a mixed Berbice jury last Thursday and given the death sentence. Asked if he had…

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Greenjer runnin from de truth

Greenjer plannin fuh use another Gy$1.7 million in taxpayer money at Parliament fuh call on de presi to appoint a commission of inquiry on de crime spree, but he only want fuh review from 2004 to 2010. Does everybody in de country know why FLAPNU want fuh limit de years though, although dem in de party tryin fuh keep dem mouth shut. If yuh don’t have anyting fuh hide, why yuh don’t want fuh extend de years and de scope of the inquiry? Every time dem call fuh inquiry dem…

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