Guyana’s foreign minister pushes peace message at Arab summit

Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett has reiterated Guyana’s position for peace between the State of Israel and the Palestinian people at the 12th Summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. Under the theme “The Muslim World: New Challenges and Expanding Opportunities”, the summit was held in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt from February 6 to 7, where the minister spoke about the ongoing conflict between the two states. “As the first Caribbean Community (Caricom) country to recognise Palestine as a sovereign state based on its 1967 borders, and as a…

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Barefacedness run out fuh de cash man

It got some people around who just can’t tell a lie. As soon as yuh look at dem yuh would know dem lie. But it got some other people who could really tell a lie. Old people seh dem bareface bad so yuh can’t know when dem tellin a lie. In fact, dem could lie and lie and get rich. So rich dat dem could buy plenty ting wid cash money. If dem want house in Miami, dem pay cash. If dem want printin press in New York, dem pay…

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U.S.- based mandir gives back to needy in Guyana

A seven-year-old differently-abled child from the Hope Children’s Home, East Coast Demerara (ECD), was more than excited when she was presented with a wheelchair on Tuesday by Mochan Persaud of the Vighenshwar Mandir, Brooklyn, USA. The young girl, Shereen Ally, is bedridden, cannot read, write or speak and cannot move her body without assistance by a caregiver. She has been living at the orphanage since she was three years old after her mother had abandoned her at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). Surujdai Gildharrie, a caregiver at the children’s…

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Guyana’s debt levels are much lower than 1992

Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh has described recent comments on Guyana’s public debt by AFC Member of Parliament Moses Nagamootoo as that MP’s latest attempt to mislead the Guyanese people. He added the AFC MP has a rapidly accumulating track record of deviation from the truth and, on this occasion, painted a misleading picture in relation to Guyana’s indebtedness, either deliberately to score cheap political points by factual distortion or accidentally by venturing outside the boundaries of his competence. In relation to Nagamootoo’s statements reported in the February 10 issue…

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Fertilising STEM

Over the past three decades, globalisation has been fuelled by the spectacular advances in information and communications technology. The factories in China that began to churn out consumer products for western entrepreneurs in the 1980’ s would not have been possible without, for instance, the fax machine that enabled computer engineers in, say, New York City, to communicate detailed instructions in graphic form almost instantaneously. But what is often forgotten is that over in China, the individuals working in the factories had to be capable of comprehending the schematics and…

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“Absolutely not true” Brassington dispels rumours that Guyanese are excluded from Marriott project

– says local contractors, workers benefit directly or indirectly Scores of Guyanese are benefiting directly and indirectly from the construction works ongoing at the site where the multimillion-dollar Marriott Hotel is being built in Kingston, Georgetown, Atlantic Hotels Inc Chief Executive Officer Winston Brassington said on Wednesday. This disclosure comes on the heels of a plethora of media reports which suggested that a Chinese-only workforce is being used to construct the hotel without any input from locals or contribution from Guyanese construction companies. “Absolutely not true, there are many service…

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Mother believes murder of policeman was a set-up

– girlfriend says only a few days ago he had asked to marry her By Bhisham Mohamed – The mother of the police recruit who was shot dead Sunday evening in Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo by three suspected bandits believes that his murder was a setup. The dead trainee policeman Harold Sukhai, 25, of 646 Tuschen Housing Scheme, was reportedly shot to his left chest by one of three bandits who subsequently relieved his girlfriend of her gold jewellery and her Samsung Galaxy mobile phone. Sukhai was at the time…

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Update from the Rotary Club of Jamaica Queens, NY

The Rotary Club of Jamaica Queens, New York, has embarked on a vibrant agenda for 2013. A motion was presented by Mr. Dave Kadar, owner of the Nest Restaurant, to a packed room of Rotary Members. It was unanimously agreed that the club will keep the community better informed of the work it is doing. The members have also agreed that they will bring local community issues to the table every week for discussions and debates. Recommendations/ suggestions will then be sent to the appropriate organizations, such as the local…

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No official word from Delta on pullout of Guyana market

Delta Airlines is yet to release a statement about the impending suspension of the airline’s direct New York to Georgetown flight that currently serves the diaspora. Delta Airlines General Manger of Corporate Communications for Latin America and the Caribbean, Sarah Lora told Guyana Times International that the airline “has not confirmed that there will be suspension”, or an ending of the route indefinitely. She did, however, state that currently customers attempting to book flights after May 2013 will experience difficulties as those flights are yet to be made available. Lora…

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