Guyana’s National Assembly pays tribute to Franklin, Williams, Holder

The National Assembly last Thursday approved three motions to honour the lives of three former parliamentarians who died over the last year. The trio – Everall Franklin, Robert Williams, and Sheila Holder were eulogised as exemplars in their roles in the House. Deputy Speaker Debra Backer, in moving the motion for sympathy, described Franklin as a committed parliamentarian and politician who provided “meritorious service” to the country. She reminisced on her encounters with Franklin who served as a parliamentarian for the Guyana Action Party (GAP) from September 16, 2006 until…

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Airline staff held after cocaine bust at CJIA

At least five loaders and cargo handlers attached to the Caribbean Airlines are in police custody following the discovery of 25 kilograms (55 lbs) of cocaine at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) at Timehri, last Thursday evening. The discovery was made around 22: 00h by members of the Customs Anti Narcotics Unit (CANU) and the Police Narcotics Branch (PNB) after checks in the baggage area. The illicit substance was intended to be loaded onto a BW 526 flight destined for the John F Kennedy International Airport in the United…

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Gov’t, Repsol discuss post Jaguar-1 drilling options

The government of Guyana and Repsol Exploracion SA, operator of the Georgetown Block, along with officials of the consortium involved in the drilling operations of the Jaguar-1 well, offshore Guyana, have met to discuss the preliminary outcomes of the project and future plans. The partners to the Georgetown Block are Tullow Oil plc (30 per cent); CGX Resources Inc (25 per cent); YPF Guyana Ltd (30 per cent) and Repsol Exploracion SA (15 per cent). Drilling of the Jaguar- 1 well was stopped at a depth of 15,998 feet, and…

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Laparkan opens new warehouse, office in Florida

Laparkan’s cargo service recently unveiled its new warehouse and corporate offices in Miami, Florida, at a launch attended by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds. Following a tour of the 166,000 square foot facility, Prime Minister Hinds congratulated Laparkan on its expansion programme, noting that this should lead to expanded capabilities and heightened efficiencies at a time when consumers are looking to get more for less and value for their money. In welcoming guests to the new facility, Laparkan Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Glen Khan said the new warehouse “represents our…

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Opposition “manufactured controversy” about Jagdeo’s pension – Dr Singh

… says their attempts aim to sully the former president’s legacy Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh has exposed attempts once again by the combined opposition to peddle misinformation while distorting facts surrounding the benefits and pension that former presidents are entitled to under the laws of the country. Dr Singh in a passionate presentation to the 65-seat National Assembly on Thursday, argued that the opposition was also seeking to “manufacture controversy” surrounding the issue with the aim of scoring cheap political points. He believed strongly that the opposition motion on…

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“Breaking the Silence” campaign for Guyana

– Miss Canada to lead delegation President Donald Ramotar recently announced a “no-nonsense” approach to domestic abuse. Ramotar stated, “It is a criminal and abhorrent act when any woman is abused, emotionally, mentally or physically, and no woman should be a victim of sexual or domestic violence.” Statistics released from Guyana suggests close to 50 per cent of women experience domestic violence. London and Ontario, Canada have been leading the way for the past 30 years in preventing domestic violence. That reputation will continue to grow as a group of…

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Ramjattan takes over AFC leadership

Speaker of the National Assembly and former leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) Raphael Trotman has resigned from the party’s executive and from contesting senior positions within that party. Trotman made this announcement while addressing delegates at the party’s third National Conference held at St Paul’s Retreat Centre, Vryheid’s Lust, East Coast, on Saturday. The conference was held under the theme “Delivering Hope and Change”. At the forum, senior party member Khemraj Ramjattan was elected leader of the party. Trotman said the AFC being able to convene its third…

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The lawlessness rises

And the lawlessness spreads. Three men were arrested by police for waylaying travellers on the Rockstone Road. From their modus operandi of digging a ditch across the road forcing the motorists to slow down so that they could pounce on them, it’s obvious that these robbers are graduates from the Linden protests. Such acts have become common in the more direct environs of Linden. It started as shakedowns to ‘feed the protesters’ and inevitably it grew into the present rampant banditry, most of which is not being reported, because the…

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A new (bolder) Bond girl

“Feminism is, at its core, very simple: the belief that men and woman should have equal opportunity for self expression” –Sonja KFoss During the holidays I (and my brother) pig out on movies: we don’t look at any regular TV programming. We’ve been going through the spy genre, of which our favourite is Jason Bourne. Over the years, beginning in the 1960’ s there’ve been many actors portraying James Bond – the iconic and quintessential modern spy, the ultimate ‘ manly’ man with women swooning at his slightest glance. Each…

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Guyana gov’t gets tough on errant contractors

President Donald Ramotar on Friday said delinquent contractors will be blacklisted should they fail to comply fully with their contracts. The president speaking at a procurement symposium held at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC), noted that the time has come for action to be taken against errant contractors, engineers and other persons tasked with dealing with procurement matters. He demanded that no more excuses be accepted from the aforementioned categories as for every delay in completing jobs costs the state. “I am asking them to re-examine the possibilities of…

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