Going for Gold

Satiricus is in the dumps. This is the way it’s always been – every four years. But this year it was worse. He’s talking about the Olympics, of course. Oh… how his heart swelled when he saw the Golden Arrow flutter in the march-past in their six person contingent. Was this the year Guyana was going to get a medal? Satiricus wasn’t too proud – he wasn’t even thinking about gold. He wasn’t actually stupid – the small contingent was a definite tip off – but even a bronze would…

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Ramotar defends govt’s investments in Berbice

Manufacturing, cheap energy, food production, competitiveness in presentation and private sector stimulation of the local economy through job creation were the key notes strung at the launch of the eighth Annual Berbice Expo and Trade Fair on Friday night, at the Albion Community Centre. The tone of the opening of the regions’ premier trade and exposition fair was led by Regional Chairman David Armogan, who spoke from an entrepreneurial perspective. He noted that the impending price increases for grains and livestock globally had created an opportunity for agriculture-based countries like…

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The tunnel darkens

Extremists in control Back in the days of the Vietnam War, as the U.S. descended deeper and deeper into the morass of what started as an “advisory mission” to the South Vietnamese army, the question on everyone’s lips became, “Is there any light at the end of the tunnel?” Meaning whether there was any progress towards an endgame. Eventually, there was a light. But as one wag pointed out, it was not the sun shining at the other end but a train coming in the opposite direction – smashing the…

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Laurie Lewis has served Guyana well – colleagues

Guyana’s former Commissioner of Police Laurie Lewis passed away on Monday morning after a prolonged illness. He was 71. Lewis was described as a stalwart who meant well for the Guyana Police Force. The former Queen’s College student served the force for 40 years with distinction and honour. He retired from the Guyana Police Force in 2001. Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee in expressing condolences to Lewis’s wife, children and other relatives said the former commissioner has left a legacy in the force, which will be honoured and remembered forever.…

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Some seh “Speakers” gon mek Parliament a nuisance!

Sometime last week, de House, through de western side, one-seat extra, pass another motion, this time fuh remove all barricades from around de premises while it in session. Pontificating Anil from de government eastern side, oppose it, sehin it pose threat to security. De opposition side that propose it, seh de barricades prevent citizens from their rights fuh assemble peacefully. Well, plenty people worried because only recently when there was a “peaceful” protest outside de House, some of de citizens push down de barricades and try fuh go in even…

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Wha rain na full

Satiricus was livid. This was a rare state of affairs. Satiricus was an easy going soul. His motto was “tek it easy”. He thought Guyanese greatest contribution to world civilisation was the philosophy captured by the phrase, “throw back”. But here he was, literally jumping up and down. It had to do with the CSEC exams and his son’s results. “The boy’s at one of these pilot schools,” he complained to the gang at the back-street dive. “Can you believe the minister held back the boy’s results?” His voice rose…

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Hindu-American Tulsi wins Democratic Primary in Hawaii

Tulsi Gabbard, 31, a Hindu American, has won the Democratic Primary from the second Congressional District in Hawaii. Gabbard is set to create history becoming the first Hindu ever to be elected to the U. S. Congress in November, as there is virtually little opposition to her in a predominantly Democratic district. She got 55.1 per cent of the votes polled as to 34.3 percent won by her main opponent Mufi Hannemann. “I am privileged to be able to work for the people of Hawaii in whatever capacity,” she said…

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Amerindian villages in Guyana are grateful for solar panels

Dear Editor, I wish to join with other Amerindian leaders and say how grateful we are to the government of Guyana for the solar panels that were distributed to the various communities a few days ago. As you would recall, there were many projects that suffered as a result of the budget cuts – the distribution of solar panels to Amerindian communities being one of them. Now that we have received these solar panels, our children can study and do their research as they wish, since they would have access…

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Americans Allyson Felix and Sanya Richards Ross excelled

Dear Editor, Americans Allyson Felix ( 200m winner) and Sanya Richards Ross (400m winner) were two of the Olympians I followed for some time now and am elated to the highest in witnessing their victories in their respective pet events at the just concluded 2012 London Olympic Games. Brilliant performances were showcased by winners and non medal winners. One’s effort must at all times be commended. A few golden moments were to witness the very first woman from Saudi Arabia (muslim) competing in the 800m at the Olympic Games, a…

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I support Bolt – he needed to hit back

Dear Editor, I am an ardent sporting fanatic, and I was kind of bemused by Usain Bolt’s taking a momentary break from basking in his triumphs, to fiercely criticise former U.S. athlete Carl Lewis. I support Bolt. His reaction is long overdue, and that is why I was so puzzled. Soon after winning gold in the 200 metres (he had already took the 100), Bolt declared that he had “lost all respect” for Lewis, after the American was quoted as saying “Jamaica’s doping controls were not as strong as other…

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